I this still valid? (please consider the optics the AI is using - e.g. standard rifleman won't really try much to engage beyond few hundred meters while a sniper will try to get a shot even on 1km)
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May 10 2016
More improvements
Closing as resolved.
If you think some issues mentioned here still persist, please create a separated ticket for individual issue, ideally with a simple repro mission.
Thank you for helping us improve the game!
Oh, yes, I see I completely forgot to mention any progress in here. I'm sorry.
It has begun here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159711-Development-Branch-Captain-s-AI-Log&p=2598737&viewfull=1#post2598737 and the one mentioned by you is another further improvement.
More info can be found here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159710-AI-Discussion-(dev-branch)&p=2684958&viewfull=1#post2684958
Let us know what you think about it!
Be not afraid. This hasn't gone into the oblivion.
Please understand, that any change introduced needs internal tuning, testing and evaluation first, even before it's subject to public evaluation.
This issue has received quite a priority, but because of the size of our team, any work literally goes down to individuals usually occupied with various parts of the game. Saying "they" can mean just one or two persons ;)
Hey! Thank you for the report!
Using the same setup I was now able to separately set up the inputs without any red conflicts shown.
Could you please check, if this request is still valid?
Thanks a lot!
Ok. Thank you!
Thank you for the report!
Could you please check if this is still valid?
Thanks for the report!
Sprinting will override the optics.
Should be partly fixed in today's dev branch (with one visual glitch).
Is this still valid?
keyFreeHeadMove should be unmapped by default.
You may have it mapped to LCTRL in your profile - {29} - from the past.
Try renaming keyFreeHeadMove[]={29}; to keyFreeHeadMove[]={}; in your Arma3Profile file or rebuilding your preset from one of default ones.
Let us please know if it helped. Thank you for the feedback!
Thank you for all the feedback. You may also check a dedicated thread on our forums http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167067-Fixed-Wing-Flight-Model-%28dev-branch%29
We are aware that the flight simulation isn't perfect and is simplified. Honestly it has never been in the main focus in our game. However, despite the fact there's absolutely no chance to get it anywhere near the special dedicated products (DCS, X-Plane, MSFS, FG, Falcon 4.0, AeroflyFS...) neither are there plans to implement any 3rd party sim. solution, we'd still like to make flying an enjoyable and satisfying experience (not necessarily top-accurate, we simply don't have the manpower :/ ).
This goes mainly for the general flight physics impression and each aircraft's configuration. There are some limitations in the engine to the effect of flight control surfaces and the response has simplified simulation, but I believe something still can be done ;)
Could you please list what you find as the most painful issues?
(Please, try to somehow consider the impossibility of any drastic changes or the limitations we have in this (I am sorry about it). Also let's leave the IFR, HUD and electronic warfare (radar, homing, guidance, CM) out of focus for now.)
Thank you! (Hope I didn't disappoint you too much :/)
Hey! Thanks for the report. I was able to reproduce the issue.
The helicopter correctly reaches the first waypoint but refuses to proceed to another. Note - the waypoints need to be far enough from each other and the behavior varies by the type of helicopter
This has been already fixed. Thank you for helping us make the game better!
Is this still valid? I was able to make the AI climb up and take the position on the top of the tower.
Oh, I see, I am sorry for I mixed up two issues a bit. Sorry about that.
Buzzard's HUD target squares - the HUD afaik is going to be reworked a bit.
$ New CAS planes' HUDs have the issue I mentioned in http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14011#c67041
Hey, thanks for the report!
The HUDs not being collimated is a known issue and it's being investigated. However weird it may sound - it is related to the character on pilot's position (because of paralax for that char.).
Try piloting the one of the new CAS planes as e.g. a Rifleman and it should work just fine.
It is connected to the HOLD FIRE command. Otherwise an AI subordinate is happy to engage a target close to me, even if I am kilometers away.
Is this still valid, can you still reproduce the issue?
Fixed in
Thank you for helping us improve the game!
Thanks for the confirmation!
Can you still reproduce the issue?
Fixed by https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/150500-development-branch-captains-ai-log/page-2#entry2698358
Thank you for the report!
↑ and should now be fixed and significantly improved. :)
The units' checks are performed with a periodicity because of performance - please bear that in mind. (scenarios with 1 meter / 1 second detail in stealth riddles won't work - you still need to maintain some scale to suit the lod of the detection)
Please keep us informed if you encounter any emergent side-effects.
Thank you for the repro steps provided, but even those don't allow me to reliably reproduce the issue (I've experienced it happening randomly)
Closing as dupl. here. Please, if you have any further information about this bugger, let me know in the linked thread.
Should be fixed in the upcoming dev build.
Thank you for helping us improve... or fix ;) the game!
Hey and thanks for the report.
The AI should be able to use a ladder (except the ones from water) as long as it is on a path to desired location.
You can check it e.g. on the Stratis Radar dome or Solar Towers on Altis.
If you find a place where this would not apply, please let us know its coordinates.
Hey, thanks for the report!
Have you by any chance come across any situation, specific conditions under which it would happen reliably?
Fixed-wing controls were added long time ago.
Done in https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/140837-development-branch-changelog/page-35#entry2950892
Thank you for helping us improve the game!
Thank you for the report. As far as I remember this was addressed during the Beta stage of the development.
createUnit function now spawns unit with default 0.5 skill (used in BIS_fnc_spawnGroup)
createUnit function now spawns unit with default 0.5 skill (used in BIS_fnc_spawnGroup)
Hey, thank you for the report.
I believe this has got fixed some time ago with the global improvements in AI pathfinding in buildings.
Thank you for the feedback, the "C" got cut off. Should be fixed in the next dev build
And it should be fixed now on Development Branch.
Thank you for helping us improve the game!
I was able to. Thank you for the feedback. Following the repro you provided (don't destroy the vehicles) I am able to reproduce it 100%.
Try changing the aiming dead-zone in the options for that purpose.
Btw, moving while in sights uses combat pace (unless you walk).
Should be fixed in the next dev build.
( also here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7794 )
Thank you for the bug report!
The hatches were unlinked quite some time ago.
@the turn out behavior - AI driver and gunner are copying commander's position. Otherwise it may get too complicated and clutter the possible orders and actions even more.
Good catch!
This bug already awaits obediently in the configs queue to be exterminated.
Will keep you informed once it gets fixed.
Thank your for your feedback!
This should be fixed already in the latest DEV build
Thank you very much for the purrfect report and reproduction steps! (one of the best and most helpful I've seen so far!)
And the winner is... http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11759#c43526
Thank you for your feedback but sadly I'll have to disappoint you.
We won't be implementing the VRS in ARMA3. As mentioned, this ticket would be more related to our dedicated simulator game, Take On Helicopters.
Quick-spamming some links to our forum for more information:
Thank you for the feedback!
In current DEV version it should already be possible to eject once the helicopter touches the water ;)
Better simulation was achieved with the Advanced Flight Model implementation. http://dev.arma3.com/post/oprep-helicopter-flight
It is true, thanks for confirming the fix even before I was able to announce it ;)
And thanks a lot for helping us improve the game!
This should be fixed now, please take a look.
Thank you!
It got fixed at some point in the process ;)
Thank you for your feedback anyway!
Today increased speed of the helicopters should appear on the Dev. build.
Please, take a look. You should be able to reach speeds similar to what you'd expect from real-life counterparts or aircrafts similar to the assets we use in the game.
Yaw speed was tweaked as well.
Sadly no Blackfoot turning and flying sideways in high speeds, no Mi-48 with Ka-52 capabilities ;) Probably never, that would require way too much love dedicated to just one asset.
Wind affecting the aircrafts even more would also require AI to cope with that even more, otherwise a huge pile of reports about AI crashing into everything, not keeping altitude, not firing on target, etc..., would fall on our heads ;)
Yup, the Blackfoot still may need a little bit of boost.
Flying sideways... http://youtu.be/krFTGNAra1w
(Lacks only the fancy turn-in-speed maneuver ;)
It is assigned anyway ;)
It's implemented in a very simplified way
(wind is decreasing friction, when it has the same direction as helicopter)
Thank you for your feedback, xH-9 family has seen some improvements. Please, take a look in the current dev build.
The manual gear - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10006
Mi-48 - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11613
I believe this has been fixed long time ago. Thanks for the report
It has been improved. Could you please check the dev. branch and tell us if you find it better?
Thank you for the report!
Should be fixed now.
(AI will now more likely fight for the front seat by the window than taking a seat in the back right away ;)
Thank you helping us improve the game!
Some of the AIs truly are lazy or feel to VIP and just sit in the back. We will try to teach them some proper discipline.
Thank you for your feedback!
Faster again ;)
Thank you!
Redstone had to supervise some maintenance the CSAT guys completely forgot about.
Lenses should be cleaned in the next dev. build ;)
Thank you for the feedback!
Should be fixed, thanks for the report!
Thanks for the report! You're right, currently they prefer pistols due to reasons you've mentioned. So far AI is unable to autonomously switch to STANAG outside the water.
I believe this was was fixed long time ago. Can you pls confirm?
Thanks a lot!
gunner in the front seat
It's unusual, but it's the case in e.g. Comanche or Eurocopter Tiger. The WSO has also the flight controls.
The 1st person look should be back in the tomorrows dev build.
Please, try to maintain 1 bug/feature = 1 ticket ratio ;) Could you please put the request of variable RPM fire modes into a separate ticket?
This should now be fixed on the Development Branch.
The AI should no longer enter the combat mode prior to finding about a squad member KIA.
(Won't probably appear in the upcoming Stable update and will stay only in Dev for some time to allow for catching of any emergent issues)
Thank you for your feedback!
fyi this should happen as a part of Helicopter DLC.
Thank you for your feedback.
Sadly, this isn't a design decision to have the gear operated automatically and there are several issues that would lurk behind such change. (Wondering why manually controlled gear worked in airplanes in previous games is completely valid)
It would definitely be more of a new feature. Sadly we can't promise anything atm.
You can assign a key in your trackir software to pause the tracking. I think its F9 by default.
I'd recommend using this. Pausing TIR recenters your view and works fine for this purpose.
- TIR is already disabled in "full screen" optics (vehicle turrets, special and sniper optics)
- TIR head motions is desired in non-magnifying 3D optics (collimators, ironsights,...), but not in magnifying ones (ACOG). However the technology is the same. With the current optics implementation it would mean either disable the TIR in optics completely or not at all (as it is now)
Given only the choice of lesser evil - don't you think the latter is better, even though it causes some issues with the magnifying optics (exploitation, sensitivity)?
Thank you very much for all your feedback!
I'll quickly try to - hopefully - answer some of the points raised.
Generally, (in my opinion;) the point here is not to simulate "all the things" but rather to keep the model as enjoyable as possible while retaining the major elements which provide the feeling of realism while flying the helicopters. The main question I have therefore is, is it fun for you to fly helicopters in ARMA 3? :)
Features unique to a single helicopter - that would require dedicated engine support - won't make into the game. Again, it's not about what we have no clue about or we wouldn't like. It's more about what's possible given the time and resources we have and it's also about priorities. "Tweaking this" can sadly also mean "not fixing that" :(
The configurations (speed, agility, weight) of individual helicopters might be a different story though. Please, create separate feedback tickets about individual helicopter (or family) and the behavior of it you think is or feels wrong.
That also somewhat includes collective responsiveness and speeds, but I hope we'll be able to do something about these soon.)
And then the "vertical auto-rotation" - I'm afraid it is a little trade-off, it is in a state similar to A2:OA, where it was less possible only because the helicopters got higher damage from impacts. Will see if anything can be done about that, but I'm afraid it's a part of the simplification of the flight model.
Unless you oppose I will close this issue as fixed (global game heli physics/flight model). And thank you again for the valuable feedback provided and for helping us improve the game!
The revision with the tweaks is now in DEV build. Please, take a look. Thanks!
I'm familiar with MSFS and it's helicopter-dedicated modifications, X-Plane and DCS family. Please understand, that we won't be implementing a full simulator-grade modeling into ARMA3 (like we did in a dedicated "Take On Helicopters" simulator game). This is not a purely design decision, whether we want it there or not. You can find more about this topic and rotorLib implementation on our forums.
(Regarding WSAD+mouse flying like masters - that is more of an issue of optimization of various input devices.)
Meanwhile, several other improvements have been made by our programmers to the flight model in Arma 3 (also with auto-rotation tweaks/repairs). Stay tuned, will keep you informed. And I will be looking for your feedback! ;) Thanks!
To be honest, implementation of PhysX is why some of you may perceive the behavior of helicopters in A3 as worse than in Operation Arrowhead. It's been a lot of readjustments and it is still in process. Your feedback is the most valuable.
A major change was introduced in the second Alpha update of the default branch and it was partly caused by me not liking how you could easily do aerobatic maneuvers with the helicopters and even fly upside down at least somehow. (But that was possible in A2:OA as well).
We are trying to find the best possible solution. Please understand, that it will always be a kind of a trade-off. Sadly, we can't simulate "all the things" ;) and we shouldn't probably even try to.
A new version with some adjustments in the flight model is about to land in the DEV branch. Please, let us know what you you think about it. Which behavior you think is better, which you find more enjoyable.
Thank you!
This general issue spreads across vehicle configurations (e.g. the xH-9 family low agility) and the flight model how it is simulated by the engine (what affects all helicopters in the same way - e.g. auto-rotations). It may be become pretty complicated and chaotic. I'd prefer to dedicate this ticket to the engine/physics-only impression.
Please, create separate bug reports for single issues (water crash, heli's configs (behaviors unique to the specific heli), damage...)
A little update:
Configurations of xH-9 family were adjusted. They should appear soon in the DEV build (hopefully tomorrow). Please, let us know what you think about the change, preferably in an separate thread about the xH-9 family.
Please note, that the behavior may change again and will need reconfiguration once any engine change to the flight model is introduced. We will always be happy for any feedback after such change is made.
Rotor blades are disappearing only on few helicopters (temporal/test) and the engine does not simulate the loss of rotor blades.
Taxiing is a nice to have, but the suspension will probably stay in the same state as it is now. Low importance compared to other issues. Some issues were already solved here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=882
Thank you very much for your feedback.
Thank you for your feedback.
The helicopters are still somewhat WIP.
Will try to keep you informed about any changes.
Thank you for your feedback.
This issue might be connected to the hierarchy inside vehicles and is not SDV specific.
Note your subordinate AI now occupies your previous seat and is now in command (of the vehicle, which is in conflict with your squad leadership), therefore you cannot switch back to his seat unless you make him disembark first.
A possible solution is to make the gunner a proper vehicle commander.
Will keep you informed.
The vehicle commander was not set if the vehicle was placed with crew inside the editor. (When an empty vehicle was manned the bug did not appear)
Is now fixed in the dev. build.
The commander of the vehicle retains the possibility to switch back even after exchanging seats with the rest of the crew.
Could you please take a look if this is still happening for you? Afaict the sniper units usually use the pistol only at ranges < 50m and are pretty skilled at sniping from a distance.
Thank you!
Successfully reproduced the wrong behavior.
Thank you for your feedback.
Should be fixed now.
Thank you helping us improve the game!
Thanks for the feedback!
No longer reproducible
Thank you for your feedback!
Speedboat and Mi-290 should now be fixed too.
A HEMMT full of kudos to ceeeb for superb description, continuous testing and updates! Big thanks! (not for the first time nor last - you're really doing a tremendous job here helping us improve Arma, ceeeb)
An update - are there any other "inappropriate weapon choice" issues?
We have the divers and inability to switch ammo types http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10477
AI sometimes having a bad day with an AT - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6418
And I wasn't rly able to reproduce the issue with snipers, they've usually used pistol only in <100m distance and to an advantage - they were more capable of killing me than with low fire rate AMRs. Could you please check if it is still happening or provide more info/repro mission?
Thank you!
Hey, thanks for the report.
On the bottom of the screen there is a Disable/Enable button which indicates the available action with that controller (conversely indicates what the current state of the controller is).
The behavior was changed quite a long time ago that you can eject when you land the helicopter on water but only before it gets submerged.
It isn't something one could label as "realistic", it still has to be a simple and one-for-all solution (can't e.g. solve it differently for different helicopters)
Let us know what you think, focus on the game-play in such situation.
Thank you!
As far as I remember this had been resolved by the game's release.
Thanks for the report!
Thank you for your feedback.
The helicopters are still somewhat WIP.
Will try to keep you informed about any changes.
Thanks for the reminder! No more feedback, seems like everyone likes it ;)
Resolved it is then.
Should be now fixed in DEV build.
The autorotation can't match Take On simulation ;), but it's there in a state at least as it was in Arma 2 OA. But I'd dare to say better!
What you think?
This has expired. The AI does not use binoculars anymore.
Assign does not always mean fix ;), but in this case - be not afraid - Dr. Hladik's remedy is already on its way to Steam and you should hopefully see it there tomorrow.
<official acknowledgement - successfully reproduced, assigned, fingers crossed ;)>
It truly is a bugging bugger, we are sorry about it taking so long :/
Afaik it was fixed some time ago. I can't reproduce the issue anymore. Please, can you confirm?
Right. I am sorry about the misinformation. I will try to investigate where in the process the maverick got lost ;)