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Rolling head left or right whilst in driver and co-drivers seat of an HEMTT has different effects, both unrealistic.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If sitting in the co-drivers seat of an HEMTT and you roll (not turn) your head left or right whilst using Track-ir, the players view in first person perspective is that the whole HEMTT rotates. That is the major issue.

A lesser issue is that the view from the driver seat is different but also incorrect because when you roll your head left or right the dashboard and windshield and the world outside are tilting. This is the same in all road vehicles in the game. This does not happen in real life.

When controlling infantry in first person perspective rolling your head left or right has no effect on the your characters view and this should perhaps be the same in vehicles. {F20378}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Bind keys or use a Track-ir to roll the characters head left and right.

To experience the major issue, sit in the co-driver seat of a HEMTT. Roll the characters head and observe the effect.

Additional Information

To experience the lesser issue, sit in the driver seat of any road vehicle in game, park up facing a distant tree and roll the characters head. Compare this in real life and observe that the horizon of the earth should stay flat and trees stays upright. Your car and your body are still vertical also because only your head has rolled to an angle.

The view which is being presented in game is currently as if you are standing tall with your body rigid and have fallen over left or right, like a tree that has been axed and is falling over.

Event Timeline

limera edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 27 2013, 2:58 AM
limera edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
limera set Category to Controls.
limera set Reproducibility to Always.
limera set Severity to None.
limera set Resolution to Fixed.
limera set Legacy ID to 397236929.May 7 2016, 3:00 PM
limera edited a custom field.
oukej added a subscriber: oukej.May 7 2016, 3:00 PM
oukej added a comment.Nov 19 2014, 7:57 PM

I believe this was was fixed long time ago. Can you pls confirm?

Thanks a lot!