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Diver units keep pulling their pistols even when engaging long range targets
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


Built two different missions in the editor
in one naval commandos assault a beach , as soon as they leave the water they pull their pistols and remain with their pistols drawn , some of the targets are 50 meters away and others are 150 - 300 meters away

The second mission I sent a diver team to engage an enemy in a town but before reaching the town (200 meters or so) they where engaged ( I was a high commander)

instead of returning fire they pulled their pistols and started running towards the enemy (and died)


Legacy ID
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

build a mission with a few green divers that engage targets in the large town on the western island
or just a mission dropping blue recon units , let them engage targets lower than their location as well as targets on the hills around

Event Timeline

Bohemia edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 27 2013, 9:10 AM
Bohemia edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bohemia set Category to AI Issues.
Bohemia set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Bohemia set Severity to Tweak.
Bohemia set Resolution to Open.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 1441909964.May 7 2016, 3:01 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Jun 27 2013, 9:10 AM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 7 2016, 3:01 PM

this is Still an Issue
Divers (are supposed to be SF units)
Get into a fire fight and instead of shooting they ALWAYS try to get close to the target then pull their pistols out (a current workaround is to manually remove their pistols)
to me it looks like its due to the divers not switching the mag to the "dry" magazines and therefore their pistols have a longer range

this is still an issue on the latest patch in the DEV build

when I switched to the divers using zeus , their main weapon was still loaded with dual purpose ammo - just FYI
and they keep dying in fire fights due to the enemy's firepower compared to their drawn silenced pistols

Still a problem in the latest DEV branch

oukej added a subscriber: oukej.May 7 2016, 3:01 PM
oukej added a comment.May 29 2014, 2:28 PM

Thanks for the report! You're right, currently they prefer pistols due to reasons you've mentioned. So far AI is unable to autonomously switch to STANAG outside the water.