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Sniper using pistol at long range
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Instead of using his sniper rifle for that long range, the sniper AI is using his pistol after 2 shots. {F19938}


Legacy ID
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

In the atteched mission you can reveal your position and the one of the frienly AI with radio trigger alpha. make sure the enemy sniper wont kill you (need to have luck sometimes). then see how the sniper is switching to his pistol after 2 shots?! even if he has ammo left with his sniper rifle.

Additional Information

Tested with stable build + DEV branch

Event Timeline

Coffeecat edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Coffeecat set Category to AI Issues.
Coffeecat set Reproducibility to Always.
Coffeecat set Severity to None.
Coffeecat set Resolution to Suspended.
Coffeecat set Legacy ID to 2468868791.May 7 2016, 2:37 PM
MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 2:37 PM

Latest dev build includes improvements to AI weapon selection. Please test. :)

no change, just saw it and tested;-)
dont know what more info i can provide (ticket says "need more info")

oukej added a comment.Feb 27 2014, 5:48 PM

Could you please take a look if this is still happening for you? Afaict the sniper units usually use the pistol only at ranges < 50m and are pretty skilled at sniping from a distance.

Thank you!