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AI crew sometimes gets in passenger seat instead of the vital/main seats
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Of and on it can happen that in an AI crew one will occupy the passenger seat instead of an important seat, like the gunner or driver seat.

So if you play as a default APC team consisting of you the player and 2 AI crewmen and let the AI disembark or switch to a new empty APC then one of them will sit in the passenger seat. Result is that you have to drive around with one crewmen that is not doing anything, while he should be (depending on where the player sits) fill up the driver/gunner/commander position.

There is also no command in arma to let them switch seat unfortunately, otherwise it would be no issue.

Yesterday I played a mission where they got back into the APC on the right spots just fine, today the gunner seat is constantly empty when you let them get back in the APC (panther in my case).


Legacy ID
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

Not reliably able to reproduce. It just starts to happen on occasion. I will test it further in the editor.

Event Timeline

B00tsy edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 18 2013, 9:09 PM
B00tsy edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
B00tsy set Category to AI Issues.
B00tsy set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
B00tsy set Severity to None.
B00tsy set Resolution to Open.
B00tsy set Legacy ID to 4054794623.May 7 2016, 4:07 PM
oukej added a comment.Jul 29 2014, 7:23 PM

Hey, thanks for the report!

Have you by any chance come across any situation, specific conditions under which it would happen reliably?

B00tsy added a subscriber: B00tsy.May 7 2016, 4:07 PM

This is a year old ticket :)
I experienced it with one of my missions (Panther patrol) back then, but tbh I hardly have driven APC's since then. So not even sure if the issue still exists.
I played the mission for 10 minutes just now and tested it and I did not had the issue so far. I have to play the mission from begin to end to know for sure though. What I did notice is that the AI is twitchy and has an other bug that I reported: <-- this bug is more serious actually.