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- Mar 6 2013, 1:22 AM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Really nice mock-ups Nicolii. Would be amazing if the system worked in this way.
I disagree. You know when you're sprinting because you're moving faster, you can notice this visually (objects getting closer to you faster) and audibly too (footsteps more frequent).
You also have freelook, which you can use at any time to see your gun and whatever else.
You could always just tap your Tactical Pace key.. which most players tend to do a lot anyway.
Also in the default difficulty your gun's information is permanently displayed on screen
I think the practicality of this change outweighs any consequential disadvantages.
I had a friend test this issue and he doesn't get the same problem.. So I don't know what it may be then. Anyone have any other ideas?
Edit: He has an AMD card
Basically take a look at Max Payne 3.
Really nice mock-ups Nicolii. Would be amazing if the system worked in this way.
This seems fixed in build 0.72.107486
When this issue was present your view would not 'roll' with your character when you performed a roll action while prone and aiming down your gun's sights.
Unable to reproduce in normal circumstances, could be a mission specific error.
If you watch AI move about, for example while they're following you in formation, you'll see them transition between raised/lowered weapon states seamlessly - it would be nice if it was like this for players too..
There's also a mod that apparently fixes this issue, I haven't tested it yet but for research purposes:
Also, this issue stretches a bit more than just the act of lowering/raising your weapon, after doing one or the other there's a couple seconds of "input lockout", where you're unable to do anything else within that time.
Example: Run forward with your weapon lowered and press your raise weapon key, then immediately try to change direction. You wont be able to for a few seconds, nor will you be able to stop.
See ticket:
Still present in latest dev.........................
This also happens while running past the rocks on the hill immediately south of Agia Marina, they're not as big as the rocks in your picture but it's still noticeable - And weird... Why are they doing that?
Sometimes this happens when you lower your weapon too, and it's clientside - I reported it happening to nearby buddies and they said they saw me stood up doing nothing.
It stops me moving for the duration of the animation. Weird and random!
Whoops... For whatever reason I skipped over the "not" part, have removed my last note and upvoted.
Note that this works as intended when you group CIV units to OPFOR/BLUFOR within the editor (using the group tool (F2), I know this as I have made multiple missions using this method. So the error must be linked to this code?
I thought this was fixed...? is identical and has many votes already.
Please search before reporting an issue!
From my understanding the editor places objects in relation to the height of the terrain.
The terrain is quite low where the pier is so any objects placed there will be underwater - As there is also an object there they will spawn inside the object.
You will need to use the elevation property of the unit to place them on the pier.
Confirmed reproducible in latest Stable 0.72.107486
any acknowledgement on this issue?
Just tried this command in my mission as I really wanted the mechanic.. and it doesn't work, disappointing.
Hoping BIS will see this.
Edit: It may be worth looking at the addSwitchableUnit command too, since that doesn't seem to work either
This is one of the things that makes me wonder how their game works, because it seems to be pretty identical across the board between 1st and 3rd person. Then I stumbled across this like you and thought, wha? How's that possible?
@AD2001: Why wouldn't you want to be able to lower your weapon quicker? what possible negative impact could it have on gameplay?
Both ideas are good, I don't like people always having their gun up either.
There's plenty of ways BIS can encourage people to lower their guns between fire-fights, such as reduced stamina drain.
But right now there are some control issues surrounding the animation/movement system which makes lowering your weapon a pain, so ideally those would need to be fixed first.
Upvoted anyway
Also seems like a really good way to shoot yourself in the head. Not a fan of the new animation either.
@Maxyz: Try playing the game like you suggest, using the lower weapon command while moving around buildings. Actually I'll save you the time; it doesn't work.
Anyway, there are different tickets that suggest fixes for this issue. It may be more beneficial to find those and vote them up instead.
For example:
A lot of these movement/control issues stem from how easy it is to get the player "stuck", which is usually caused by trying to do certain actions in a specific order or too many actions at once.
This happens for anything, not just doorways..
Rocks, railings, anything that's around you your character can get 'caught' on when trying to turn. Pretty awkward!
Weapon occlusion would be one way to solve it, but really what BIS should focus on is the connections between animations going to and from the 'weapon lowered' state. No more pausing or randomly standing up/crouching to lower/raise your gun, etc.
This would be better in the long run as the feel of infantry combat would improve in general, and players would be able to control their character as needed to navigate tight spaces, not have to rely on an automatic system which would no doubt cause other problems somewhere down the line.
Make the connections between stances and modes as fluid as you can and I bet you'll see problems like this disappear, without the need for implementing something special for it.
Ahh thanks Xeno.. I didn't know you would need the {}, whatever it does.. I noticed you surrounded the second argument with { }, but I tested with:
(isNil "p2" || {!alive p2}) && (isNil "p3" || {!alive p3});
and I tested with your exact code too, both work. Stuff like that confuses me!
*EDIT* Read your edits, get the explanation, very helpful thanks.
Close the ticket, guess it's not a problem after all!
I get that MadDog, but that's why the isNil is there - Fireball pointed it out to me in ticket:
*EDIT* Or is the game getting stuck on !alive and so not even checking if the unit isNil in an OR statement laid out like my example?
Need more specifics: What are you doing when this happens?
Are you:
Is Tactical Pace on?
Suggestions in my ticket talk about streamlining the controls & animations so this wont happen, if it's what I think is happening - which is:--
--You're running with tactical pace turned off, and holding down your fire key. Pressing fire while out of tactical pace does not put your character IN tactical pace, resulting in your character trying to fire and then being forced back to full speed running, a state that does not allow firing.
Link to my ticket:
It's still exactly the same in Dev build
Same when building is intact, windows don't break.
Don't know if this is fixed in dev build already though as they keep closing tickets about windows not breaking.
Should note that this problem happens with more than just the building in the picture. Updated the ticket with this info.
Reproducible steps for players:
- Press your "Step Over" key and then enter driver seat of the quadbike
- Enter the driver seat of the quadbike and press your map key
If you back up into a corner in most buildings you'll start glitching into the ground, you have to turn to the wall and use the gun's collision model to push you away so you can move again.
Adding an official stance indicator was a step in the right direction, but I hope that as we transition into Beta the focus is not entirely shifted away from infantry combat, as there is still much to be done.. And I think this is still very much needed.
I have attached a picture called "Movement System Diagram" which is my vision of how the system would look with my feature implemented.
See link:
To quote myself from another ticket, the explanation is:
Using the Tactical Pace key you can switch between 2 states: Combat and Combat tactical. Within each state there are 3 modes: Standing, Walking and Running - You switch between these with your usual typical movement keys WASD etc.
As you can see there is no overlap. The Tactical Pace Modifier sits in the middle and clearly divides these 2 states, which both have their own role and purpose.
The only thing I haven't drawn in there which I could've.. Another way you could get from 'Combat' to 'Combat tactical' would be to press your 'Fire' (default: LMB) key, but that's about the only exception to the divide - and would be there solely to keep the controls seamless and intuitive.
To compare I've also drawn a version to show how I see the current implementation found in-game: [^]
As you can see from that one there's definite overlap.
You can go through the Tactical Pace modifier but still be using modes from Combat Tactical, even though you're in Combat state.
This is where the confusion comes from, and where the player is having to remember what state he is in whenever he presses the Tactical Pace key.
I have edited the original ticket to hopefully provide a bit more clarity on what I am suggesting.
Aye, this is pretty much it Wolf. If you share the link to this thread you're talking about I'll include it in the ticket description under additional info.
I get where you're coming from Grez, but the reason I'm having to explain it in the way I am is because it's not simply a case of missing animations, the current system wasn't designed with this ticket's suggestions in mind.
The Tactical Pace animations need not be changed at all.
As I said in the ticket:
"Ultimately this only requires a few animation additions, depending on how BIS rigged up the skeleton.. One for stationary while Stood up and Crouched, and again but for walking. (Then the same for Pistol animations)
These animations only affect the upper torso and would match how the character looks while running out of tactical pace."
But perhaps it's not clear enough.
Quite possibly, yes. I think we're more or less suggesting the same thing. Just this ticket includes the same principle but for rifles, too - And here stances & states are explained in more detail.
It can be a little hard to understand as the change is subtle but the implications are great. Thanks for allowing me to clarify.
I'm not sure I understand your vision of the movement system so I don't think trying to explain my idea around that will help.
Going back to the movement states I listed above:
- Tactical Pace (Combat Tactical)
- Normal (Combat)
- Gun Lowered Tactical Pace (Casual Tactical)
- Gun Lowered (Casual)
(Note that these apply to Standing and Crouched stances, Prone has no Tactical Pace modifier)
The reason I put these down is because the game registers, reacts to and remembers the "Tactical Pace" keypress when moving around as infantry.
Example A: You have just spawned and are running forward, you press the Tactical Pace key, your soldier adjusts his running stance. Therefore there are 2 animation states: Tactical, and Normal (or 'Combat'). bear in mind these are seperate to the Weapon Lowered ('Casual') states.
Example B: You are running with your weapon lowered and you press the Tactical Pace key, your soldier adjusts his running stance. Again, there are 2 animation states here. You slowly getting the idea?
My gripe with the current system is these states blur together and can lead to a bit of confusion.
Now I noticed you said that I was suggesting I wanted 'just another weapon mode' that 'we have to remember'.
The fact is players are doing this already, just with not as much visual feedback, and technically the stance I'm suggesting is already in the game - It's just merged with another.
Example C: You are stood still, you press the Tactical Pace key. There is no visual feedback anything has happened. Run forward, you are in one state. Stop. Press the Tactical Pace key. No visual feedback. Run forward, you are in another state.
This is where my idea fills the gap.
When running with Tactical Pace off your character has his weapon shouldered, but lowered slightly - So as if ready to fire but not aiming. I am asking for this animation to be added to idle and walking states, so that the switch between Tactical Pace is more obvious.
Within the ticket I have suggested mechanics that will bridge the states with this new system implemented, so your actions feel connected and seamless, rather than frustrating and a hinderance (kind of how I feel they are now)
Does this answer your question at all?
Sorry to bump this but I'd like more opinions on this issue. I don't believe that only 15 players currently playing the Alpha have an opinion on how infantry should control.
This ticket suggests a fundamental change to gameplay for better (or for worse) and it deserves consideration while there is still time to implement it.
Updated with new screenshots.
The one "Envisioned New Stance" is what I made with a bit of image editing, the torso might look a bit off as a result but you should get the general idea.
This could also just be done by someone rapidly pressing W.
In regards to conflicting animations, take a look at my ticket I suggest a change which includes a potential fix for this issue.
Thanks for looking into the issue Fireball. I'm testing isNil now and I'm getting the same problem with: (!alive p3 || isNil "p3") not returning true.
I'm having the same thing happen with: (!alive p2 && isNil "p3") || (!alive p3 && isNil "p2");
(!alive p2 && isNil "p3") works on its own, but as soon as you make it an OR statement it doesn't work properly.. Something's going wrong somewhere.
I respect you think it'd be easier to use a different method; "within scripts or even better, FSMs." but from my POV as a novice mission maker and scripter checking if a pre-placed object is present in a mission should be one of the easiest things to do! I don't really fancy learning about FSMs just to do that..
Would it be possible to make !alive encompass both its current return + the return from isNil when referencing an object?
Or at least, can the coding be looked to so that (!alive p3 || isNil "p3") returns the expected result?
*EDIT* I didn't mean to change the status from feedback to new..
Demo mission uploaded.
@ViperMaul: Not sure how to use lifeState, so I couldn't say
Doesn't work either, try it out.
isNull p2; in the condition of the trigger does nothing on activation, or simply.. the condition isn't met because p2 isn't considered nothing when dead.
!alive should apply to both units that don't exist because they haven't spawned, but are an object on the map, and also to units that exist but have been killed. I can't see any other way to get this to work. Should be a simple thing.
I was actually just trying to make a mission where an OPFOR unit would try running away upon BLUFOR detection. The idea was shot down when it turned out I had no control over where the AI decided to go once he was given the OK to move.
Didn't matter where the waypoints were, he just ran off wherever!
setCaptive, Careless, even making him a CIV unit didn't help a thing.
Would be nice to have something to force AI to move to a waypoint regardless of combat
0.2 sec is far too close to a regular keypress, try it out yourself with a stopwatch.
I suggested half a second because it's the closest thing to a hold that has the least keypress time.
I think adding more keypresses just overcomplicates things. The double tap method is usually used for toggles, e.g. 2xE for toggle lean, 2xALT for toggle freelook etc. so I'm not sure it should be the default. It could be an option.
Anyway, we could discuss timings and semantics all day.
The fact of it is BIS should implement something as a trial run, see how it works, and we can give feedback on that. The ticket is here so hopefully they notice it and agree.
Well right now think about how you use the reload key, do you ever press it down longer than needed to tap it? I don't think I do.
The timing for the hold could be as short as half a second, you would hardily notice. And besides, compare that with the time lost acting out the method I described in (0020518). Adds another 2-3 seconds to the reload, and you also have to be stationary.
just thought of this too, however I think if it were implemented the only addition should be hold your reload key to drop the mag, there's no need to change how normal reloading has worked in Arma for however many years.
So to summarise:
Press(reload key) = swap your current magazine with another mag in your inventory, keeping the old one. (this is what happens currently)
HOLD (reload key) = drop the current mag on the floor and slot in a new mag from your inventory, old mag is discarded. (feature suggestion)
you can manually do this in a way by pressing I, dragging the current mag out of the gun onto the ground and then slotting another in, but it would be nice if this feature was added so you could do it on-the-fly. It's the simplest way I can think of to add this, I don't think it'd get in the way of anything either.
Anything similar to the Gears of War style reload system would overcomplicate things without really adding anything to Arma overall, that system works in GoW because it's very fast paced and frantic at all times.
From my experience I have been able to swap my vest with those found on corpses, or open up the vest on the corpse, and loot its contents, like a backpack.
So non-issue for me too. Possibly fixed?
I have footage recorded of this exact thing from a few weeks ago, and can upload if needed, devs.
*EDIT2* Didn't see video above, but it's not showing what OP is describing, only the prone <-> sit animation with a rifle.
I have footage of the last stand <-> prone with a pistol bug that I can upload, but I expect it's also already on the internet somewhere..
Will you be looking at this issue with the other buildings affected, listed in my ticket?
(since this only talks about one building)
Upvoted, this would be VERY cool. But first they need to fix the lighting discrepancies between clients when flashlights are involved.
See issue:
Didn't notice it in arma 2, but then again I didn't find myself sprinting half as much as in Arma 3.
Annoying issue though, so +1
I feel like a point was missed here.. Armapirx rightly highlighted that soldiers carrying heavier loads weren't subjected to more restrictive movement, the only thing you had the consider was a reduced sprint time.. I think the focus of the weight system should be on how it affects your movement as infantry.
As it stands now you could juggle mass and weight values all day and the impact on gameplay would still be negligible.
Tested issue in 0.59.105679, problem still present.
This is related to:
There's a general lack of responsiveness following the ToggleRaiseWeapon action, messes with fluidity and doesn't help navigating tight spaces. Especially since it's so easy to get 'caught' on doorways, and there's no automatic system for lowering your gun for objects obstructing your gun - you just get pushed back.
also explosions/gunshots/impacts, not just environment sounds
From my own testing it looks like this is no longer the case in DEV
Agree, tactical pace in crouch should be half the speed of what it is now, or 60% or so. It's way too fast right now.
Even compare it to moving at normal speed while crouched, then switch tactical pace on and off. Pay attention to your movement speed. I'd say the difference is so negligible you may as well be in tactical pace at all times while crouched.
I think he basically means unlock the torso from the legs, by default, for all animations where the soldier has a gun out.
You can simulate the desired visual result by enabling Aiming Deadzone and looking at the player in 3rd person. However with this enabled in first person the character's 'eyes' no longer track the crosshair, and quite rightly so - But this isn't the part that needs to change.
It's just a best of both worlds kind of deal. Where the standard for character animation would be the torso is unlocked from the legs by default, meaning you'd see (from 3rd person) their torso rotate along with their gun independent from their legs, up to a point, where the legs would then follow - Just like how it currently works with Aiming Deadzone, just without the first person counterpart.
I guess if the way the game is designed it's not possible, then it's not possible.
Probably what's making it hard to believe that it's not doable is that your animation system clearly can facilitate what Nord is suggesting, as it's doing it already, but only when Aiming Deadzone is turned on - And as you said Smookie not all players are comfortable with using it in first person.
Upvoted anyhow.
May 9 2016
Ok this is interesting, because one of your other developers implied it was a design-choice to not have a FOV setting.
It's a little disconcerting to see the differences in stances from developers on certain issues, could you guys sit around a table and talk about what you should all say before saying something? It feels like you're all designing different games sometimes!
how about using the "switch weapon" key, holding it down will cause the player to holster his weapon (and not take out the other one if he has another)
Or put:
saving = 0;
in your description.ext file.
Either way, 'Exit'/'Quit' should ALWAYS be an option for leaving the mission without saving, regardless of settings. 'Suspend' should be an ADDITIONAL option if saving is enabled.
I don't like this idea, don't think it would really add anything to the game; it will just create more work. So going to have to downvote.
But if you do this add a piece of code mission makers can use in description.ext to force players back to the default (what it is now).
E.g. ForceDefaultPlayer = true;
This will allow mission makers to choose what they want, such as force default sizes for all to keep adversarials fair.
Then anyone who wants to be silly and play midgets can do so in their own missions by not using that line of code.
Please also add an "environment" slider in the sound menu, I can barely hear the sound of rain / wind / the sea, because everything else is so loud and I have to turn effects volume down!
Firm backer of this.
Basically BIS, if you're not going to do a 3D editor please make the 2D editor as good as it can be.
Having most objects appear as a [?] is quite poor.
I understand this is a low prio issue, but as you get more time post release definitely re-visit this ticket.
Maybe "most" is a bit unfair but a lot of the non essential objects, like the items under the 'market' category.
Can't hear any thunder sounds, rain not present either on 100% settings.
Most enviro sounds also quiet, would be nice to have a slider to adjust environment sounds separate to gun/vehicle/other effects.
+1, the difference between tactical and normal crouch speed is BARELY noticeable, however when standing it cuts your speed in half. Doesn't make sense.
Also, I think your aim while moving at tactical pace while crouched should be worse than the standing version.
I also had this problem when using ZXC (stance toggle) keybinds
Recently switched to the crouch / stand, prone / stand controls, haven't tried to reproduce with those, will edit when I have.
*EDIT* -- Ok so using a "Crouch / Stand" keybind you can toggle between standing and crouched while you have a launcher equipped.
Just a problem with the Crouch (Toggle) control then.
Couldn't reproduce, I did however find another bug while testing..
It's actually nothing to do with your secondary weapon as Tarciop says, the animation just puts a random pistol in your right hand as long as you walk in this way.
Your left hand also changes position to be inside of the weapon, noticeable when using a weapon with a grenade launcher attachment.
*EDIT* Attached a pic showing this, sorry it's not bigger!
Don't know why this has no votes.
I'm using a Plantronics Gamecom 780 headset and also find environmental sounds to be far too quiet. I missed out on a lot of these sounds in Arma 2 because gun shots and vehicles were much louder compared to everything else. By the time I turned the effects slider down far enough these sounds were bearable I could no longer hear rain, wind, lightning etc.
In arma 3 it's more of the same, it's hard to hear the dirt crunch under your car while driving, if you turn the engine off and there's no other noise I can just about hear it. It seems a shame for BIS to add sound detail only for many of us to miss out on it, sound plays a big part!
Please add an 'environment' slider to the sound menu!
It's the same even if the player is there at the start of the mission, I've tried every manner of options the modules give me but I cannot get any other player other than myself (the host) to get tasks.
Can't get any play other than myself (the host) to get tasks using these modules. Tried all options, group, individual objects, and objects within a trigger. Nothing works. The severity should be set to "major", the feature must be incomplete. It works for SP but not MP..
*EDIT* - I managed to get it to give tasks using the "objects in synchronized triggers" option, still nothing yet for the other 2.
Problem with using the trigger option is no players get tasks during briefing
see note: 0002272
From my experience the AI shoot through all windows, at least now in build 0.72.107486.
So possibly fixed ?
Not reproducible in normal circumstances, possibly fixed? Testing in build 0.72.107486
Can't get any play other than myself (the host) to get tasks using these modules. Tried all options, group, individual objects, and objects within a trigger. Nothing works. The severity should be set to "major", the feature must be incomplete. It works for SP but not MP..
*EDIT* - I managed to get it to give tasks using the "objects in synchronized triggers" option, still nothing yet for the other 2.
Only problem with using the trigger one is it means players will not have any tasks on the briefing screen as Garbol87 said
Also allow for freelook sensitivity to be changed!
Not only is there no sound but while moving like this your weapon isn't even lowered, it's the same animation as moving with your weapon raised.
It seems a lot of the pistol animations have yet to be fully implemented.
@Boyes: If you watch the Avengers movie Black Widow does just that, while running away, and she's in worse circumstances than just being under fire :)
Bit of a random throw-in example, but imo there's no solid argument against moving weapon swap. Real soldiers do it, and have been doing it for some time. People can do much more complicated things while on the move.
This is just one of those problems that exists simply because certain parts of the engine are ancient. Parts of the engine which are, to quote a mod on the forums: "Guarded by demons".
BIS fixed this issue in VBS2, watch the first 30 seconds of the vid.
Smookie, get on it? :)
- "It would make sense if you could only ever hold a key to modify the state, but the moment you introduce toggles you encounter the same issue."
Then we must be discussing different issues..?
- "Your solution still doesn't solve the problem of toggles sitting on top of other toggles though."
Why is toggles on toggles a problem? Do you mean tactical pace and walk being toggled at the same time?
In my solution there is no chance of confusion as visual feedback is always given to the player, there are no bypasses or any need to remember what state you're in, or what key stops which state from being active (removal of all behind-the-scenes stuff working against the player)
If BIS adds 2 animations for Combat Stand and Walk, then the States can happily sit separated from one another, only to be swapped for one another when you press the Tactical Pace key.
There's nothing "living" under something else, and no "toggles on toggles". Since each state is consistent with Standing, Walking and Running modes, all it is is just a completely separate animation set to be in.
More flexibility, control and freedom to perform the action you want...
Quickly drew up a diagram of my own..
Should be self-explanitory but if not:
Using the Tactical Pace key you can switch between 2 states: Combat and Combat tactical. Within each state there are 3 modes: Standing, Walking and Running - You switch between these with your usual typical movement keys WASD etc.
As you can see there is no overlap. The Tactical Pace Modifier sits in the middle and clearly divides these 2 states, which both have their own role and purpose.
The only thing I haven't drawn in there which I could've.. Another way you could get from 'Combat' to 'Combat tactical' would be to press your 'Fire' (default: LMB) key, but that's about the only exception to the divide - and would be there solely to keep the controls seamless and intuitive.
I've also drawn a version to show how I see the current implementation found in-game:
As you can see from that one there's definite overlap.
You can go through the Tactical Pace modifier but still be using modes from Combat Tactical, even though you're in Combat state.
Hopefully this makes the issue a bit clearer?
Not sure I really understand the diagram, but I think we're on the same page more or less machineabuse. Have you seen my related suggestion 6724?
In the end I think it's the nature of what walking does, and what tactical pace does, that gives the illusion they do the same thing.
I think the original idea BIS had for tactical pace was just a 'state' the player could be in that would act as the fastest movement speed while still having their gun raised.
The confusion comes when this modifier becomes hidden while walking, as the act of walking, or even staying still causes your gun to raise in the exact same way - making it seem like this 'tactical pace' is simply a term for having the gun raised and ready to fire.
As it stands now I think the current movement system is terribly convoluted and could do with some refinement. I detail much of this in my ticket, but to summarise: The tactical pace is more than a combat modifier, in that it allows you to move at speed with your gun raised. It can also be used to switch between animations when you have your gun lowered. Is this really intended behavior? I think it makes things a whole lot more complicated.
related suggestion:
Flashlights in new dev version: 55.104268 are now dim even for the player's client. I wonder if they are working on this?
Would be cool if you could use the adjust key to toggle between dim/full flashlight power. Here's to hoping!