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Water Bullet Impacts should not be so visible at long distances
Assigned, NormalPublic


The impact graphics for water don't seem right. The visibility of the bullet impact should change relative to the distance, from observations I don't think the result is accurate.


Legacy ID
Feature Request
Steps To Reproduce

Shoot water at varying distances (Preferably from a high spot)
Observe impact graphics

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Phalanx edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 8 2013, 9:09 PM
Phalanx edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Phalanx set Category to Feature Request.
Phalanx set Reproducibility to Always.
Phalanx set Severity to Minor.
Phalanx set Resolution to Open.
Phalanx set Legacy ID to 851523548.May 7 2016, 1:31 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Apr 8 2013, 9:09 PM
Khan added a comment.May 14 2013, 12:55 PM

We could not reproduce this bug.

Please let us know if you are still able to reproduce this issue in latest Development build. Thank you.

Phalanx added a subscriber: Phalanx.May 7 2016, 1:31 PM

It's still exactly the same in Dev build

I noticed the same thing when shooting from a mountain down at a hovering helicopter about 500m away. Even with iron sights I could see splashes from the misses into the water behind it 800m+ away that looked like they were fired point blank.
tl;dr - splashes seem to not accurately factor in the loss of kinetic energy over range