The actual prone position is wrong and cause several issue, limitation and visual glitch.
We can rotate freely on the ground at high speed without limitation wish is unrealistic, the animation don't match and also at prone position we are limited on a short look up angle in a bad why that create a creepy bend body position like previous Arma game and also the fact that when we go down for finding a cover, the fact that we rotate on the ground can a lot of time create issue by make us get out of the cover for nothing and/or get killed for nothing just because the rotation make our feet get out of the cover area we have try to find.
I give you a simple idea that can fix a lot of issue, improve gameplay and visual aspect of the game in the same time in prone position with a new ground mechanic/way to move.
First thing a video link for show and remember the issue :
The idea :
No more ground rotation controlled by the mouse, but a dynamic stance.
This video perfectly show what i talk about.
Please avoid any disrespectful and useless commentary about my weight or any other kind of disrespectful comment or personal attack.
Rather than rotate in a unrealistic way the body on the ground for aim up or on the side, keep the body at the same position and just aim at different position by taking position already available in game with stances (it mean no need to create new skeleton position if you want)
And rather than actual left or right prone stance that will automatically appear when we aim on the side, the same key control that use it make our body rotate left or right, it mean rotation with a single speed wish mean realistic speed, matching animation.
My idea also provide more than 180° of aiming freedom in a realistic way and without visual glitch or gameplay unbalance issue, only the ground limitation (with riffle ground collision) must prevent the player to aim at 360°.
More information about how it work on "Additional Information"