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May 17 2014, 5:42 PM (564 w, 23 h)

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May 11 2016

EvilMinion added a comment to T112322: Getting paper when unpacking some ammo packs.

Maybe it's the games way of saying "This box is empty."

Edit: I got both bullets and paper when unpacking so this might indeed be the case.

May 11 2016, 6:21 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T112281: Character lost his pants, jacket,west and some items when connected in to the server..

Sounds like you were robbed. Either by a patch that made significant changes to those items, some connection issues to the hive or by another player who found your body after you logged off and decided he wanted some of your items (while also being kind enough to let you live).

May 11 2016, 6:20 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T112224: Weapons without magazines should be able to be reloaded by pressing 'R'.

I think there should not be a dedicated reload button at all. Instead you should be able to reload by putting a magazine or pile of bullets in your hotbar and pressing this particular button.

May 11 2016, 6:18 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T112210: Status in the Inventory is not up to date.

Got this without exploiting any game mechanics. Once after spawning where my character had not status and did not get hydration from a well (until I relogged which caused the survivor to vomit - which suggests not only the indicator but also the effects are bugged) and later when I realized that I had not eaten or drunk for a very long time but still had the bright green indicators (and probably the regeneration effects as well).

May 11 2016, 6:18 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111790: STILL NO RAIN - WTF?.

Feedback Rule #1: Never ever put "WTF" in your title/summary.

Feedback Rule #2: Never ever post your title/summary in capital letters only.

Feedback Rule #3: Refrain from using swear words in the description.

May 11 2016, 6:04 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111761: shooting the crossbow+pistol scope will force the bolt to go nearly straight up.

Or it could just not magically zero according to the ammo used but rather keep a constant elevation.

May 11 2016, 6:03 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111760: Trying to 'Take' item with full inventory deletes the item.

Check any containers (pots, clothes, etc.) in your inventory.

May 11 2016, 6:03 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Steps To Reproduce on T111710: No inverse free look.
May 11 2016, 6:01 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111669: unloaded shotgun shells can´t be used anymore.

Do they show a number? If not can you use the "Eject" action on them to transform then back?

May 11 2016, 6:00 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111646: Can chop trees with bare hands.

Did you try to put an axe in your hands before but it failed? Might be related to case 0025262.

May 11 2016, 5:59 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111602: Animals are either not respawning properly, or not spawning at all on EXP .57.

I found animals last week and I found bones and tanned leather just yesterday so it seems there are a few animals. Also the improved flight behavior might cause them to avoid players more effectively and move to places where you previously could not find them (there are way more players traveling inland in 0.57).

However, judging by the zombies it seems like NPC numbers are greatly reduced in the current update and/or respawning might now work properly.

May 11 2016, 5:58 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion set Category to category:inventory on T111593: Unable to take items into hands.
May 11 2016, 5:57 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Steps To Reproduce on T111591: Torch disappears into item nirvana but light stays behind.
May 11 2016, 5:57 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111581: Please fix helicopter crashes.

Is confirmed to be fixed in the future.

May 11 2016, 5:57 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111580: B95 Hunting Rifle Ammo.

The Blaze used to fire 7.62x54mmR. When .308 was added the ammo changed but there are still some relics.

May 11 2016, 5:57 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111568: Too many zombie noises.

Zombies also keep playing sounds for a moment after being killed.

May 11 2016, 5:57 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111532: Characters hunger or temperature unchanged until server restart (linked to bug 0025147).

I had the opposite: Hunger and thirst were working fine until the server restarted. Logging back in my state was frozen and relogging did not solve the issue.

Then my game froze and crashed (memory crash). After restarting hunger/thirst kicked in.

I was either baking or eating a baked apple when the server restart happened.

May 11 2016, 5:55 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111496: Hands inventory slot.

I agree - if you want to rotate an item you can still use the inspect function.

May 11 2016, 5:54 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111459: Throw item, makes you fall over and glitch through objects.

I can confirm this. The thrown item may or may not be stuck in the air or return to your hands.

I was laying on the ground unable to move but vaulting brought me back into a normal crouched position.

May 11 2016, 5:53 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111427: Implement notoriety system to flag innocent, criminal and murderers.

Wait... why would you sanctionise murderers? It's a legit playstyle and not really destructive as it creates villains who make the game interesting and add threat.

What needs to be changed is players having no reason to be friendly or cooperate. So there should be more rewards for this without artificially punishing the killers. They are part of the game as well.

May 11 2016, 5:52 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111427: Implement notoriety system to flag innocent, criminal and murderers.

Artifical fixed morality systems do not work as they just codify a particular behavior and can be abused (see first comment). Not to mention that it tends to give way too much free information when meeting a complete stranger.

So instead of having the game put a label on players according to their actions we should have better ways to identify characters or players and let real notoriety take over.

May 11 2016, 5:52 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111408: cannot load material file dz\characters\tops\medicalscrupbs_shirt_g.rvmat.

I also found the shirt in one of those red brick builings. It's texture is messed up and appears bright purple most of the time (probably what the message is referring to).

May 11 2016, 5:51 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111373: Desync worse than ever, cant pick things up, takes forever to eat/drink.

Not worse than ever but still. It also seems to correlate with server uptime more than player count.

Judging by the amount of nullpointer exceptions in 0.56/0.57 there might be a memory leak.

May 11 2016, 5:50 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Additional Information on T111344: Found a 0.56 server.
May 11 2016, 5:49 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111326: Cannot pick up matches.

If the above tip does not work take a closer look at the door - it might appear open on your (client) side but closed on server side. In this case open > close > open.

May 11 2016, 5:49 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111317: .57 EXP Nearly 4000 Hrs and getting fed up !!.

So you are complaining that after searching one of the two most populated quarters of the map you did not find any rare item? You know what "rare" means?

May 11 2016, 5:48 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111316: Still cant find any loot in villages/towns.

Get away from the coast. Pick apples on your way to avoid dehydration/starvation. I can assure you there is plenty of food even on high population servers. It's just not where everyone already looked.

May 11 2016, 5:48 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion set Category to category:structures on T111288: Periodic table issues.
May 11 2016, 5:47 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111253: [0.57 Exp] Fresh-Spawned completly naked near Vybor.

Old bug - there are the normal spawn points at the coast where you spwan with t-shirt, jeans. shoes, flashlight and battery. And then there is the Vybor spawn where you spawn completely naked.

May 11 2016, 5:46 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111249: Dayz Crash-Experimental 0.57.

I got two memory related crashes while my character was standing still for a short while not taking any action.

May 11 2016, 5:46 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111241: Ash wood stick can be cut from most any tree!.

In 0.57 it says "Long wooden stick" and that's something you should actually get from every tree.

Though I hope you will still need ash more more involved uses (bow, fishing rod) where the quality of wood is important.

May 11 2016, 5:46 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111160: Kashtan scope on AK74 can only be zeroed to 400m.

I thought this was a feature as you are supposed to use the reticle for other distances.

May 11 2016, 5:43 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111155: cooking pot takes 2x2 slots but cooking pot on gas stove 1x2.

Thats a general issue with attaching items to each other. Guns are always the same size regardless of having a buttstock/scope/suppressor or not.

Combining a gas stove, gas canister and cooking pot/frying pan will always result in a 1x2 item even though the parts are 1x2, 1x/2 and 2x2. You can even store items inside the pot/pan.

May 11 2016, 5:43 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111151: Pitch Fork cant be used to make Garden Plot or Dig tiles.

Look at the items purpose: It's meant to move (and throw) loose plant material. It doesn't really work all that well on earth.

The pickaxe on the other side is for digging and can actually be used just like a hoe or even plough.

May 11 2016, 5:43 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111122: .45 ACP rounds aren't spawning in 0.56.

All those items seem to be exclusive to western military spawns.

May 11 2016, 5:42 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111122: .45 ACP rounds aren't spawning in 0.56.

This might be because .45 rounds/boxes are classified as western military loot only (~M4 spawns) while the magazines for FNX45 and UMP are classified as eastern (= normal) military loot.

Did you find any 5.56x45mm rounds/boxes? They should spawn in the same places.

May 11 2016, 5:42 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111109: Character moved and all items removed.

I can see you are playing 0.56 which is experimental branch. There you have frequent character wipes.

Nothing unusual.

May 11 2016, 5:42 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111104: unconscious timing.

No need to reduce the time and definitely no need to add a visible timer - it completely removes the uncertainty.

At most there should be some indication whether or not your character is able to wake up without help.

May 11 2016, 5:42 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111100: Getting Shot by another Person.

The human body also has been shot only once and death occured. Damage in real life is an extremely complicated thing.

A single bullet has the capacity to kill and thats how it should be in DayZ as well. However, I agree it should neither be guaranteed nor easy to kill with a single bullet.

May 11 2016, 5:41 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111090: No Shelter of any kind in a survival game???.

There are many buildings on the map that can be used as shelters.

Though improvised shelters seem to be planned - I hope there will be some effort involved instead of just instant placement.

May 11 2016, 5:41 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111079: Making it easier to find crashsites.

I do not think helicopter crashes should be easy to find. They potentially spawn extremely valuable loot so it's good if people have a hard time locating them.

May 11 2016, 5:41 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111071: search for apples and berries need better balancing or feedback for better immersion.

I think it should be a continuous action that drops fruits after random intervals (exp-distributed) without being canceled in the process.

The constant repetition of "press key to search" and "I have not found a thing." is driving people crazy.

Even better would be some kind of limitation that stops a people from getting unlimited apples/berries from a single tree and encourages visiting multiple berry bushes/apple trees (currently one tree is just as effective as a whole plantation).

Or a gathering minigame that keeps players occupied and rewards them according to their performance.

May 11 2016, 5:40 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111010: Taking cooking pot out of hands "freezes" server.

I got this bug when I was holding a cooking pot and trying to climb up a ladder. The freeze seems to happen the exact moment your character drops the pot.

May 11 2016, 5:38 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T111010: Taking cooking pot out of hands "freezes" server.

Not fixed - still happens when trying to drop a gas stove with pot attached.

May 11 2016, 5:38 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110930: Some items still expand inventory space.

While this makes sense for hard containers like pots I think clothes should take up less space when empty. Maybe give them two states: a "stored" state where they occupy much less space but do not provide any and a "filled" state where they either occupy as much space as they provide (very thin clothes only) or even more (thicker clothes).

And of course combining items should change size (gas canister + gas stove, gun + buttstock/scope, etc.).

May 11 2016, 5:36 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110862: cannot remove item from inventory.

Did you try relogging?

I had a similar issue with the magic melee slot where a hockey bat was unable to be dropped or thrown away. Relogging fixed it.

May 11 2016, 5:34 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110857: [FEATURE REQUEST] Unloading animation for guns.

Also you should be unable to load a weapon that is not in your hand.

May 11 2016, 5:34 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110803: Experimental - Apple Tree Issues.

Not an issue but rage-y mimimi.

May 11 2016, 5:32 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110799: Warning message on .56 experimental start.

Saved properly so it's just the default resolution that is odd. The message did not reappear. Seems to be resolved.

May 11 2016, 5:32 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110799: Warning message on .56 experimental start.

Deleting those files causes the message to disappear but also changes to resolution to what appears to be a blurry 160x90 (not a typo).

Reconfigured and the message seems gone.

May 11 2016, 5:32 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion set Category to category:errormessage on T110799: Warning message on .56 experimental start.
May 11 2016, 5:32 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110798: Experimental - Backpack disappeared after dropping them.

Not limited to backpacks. Items have a good cahnce disappearing when dropped.

May 11 2016, 5:31 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Steps To Reproduce on T110711: Prone from crouch causes character to stand up.
May 11 2016, 5:29 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110709: global sound is back.

Confirmed. Although I also had rare instances in the former iterations.

May 11 2016, 5:28 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110702: 0.56 EU EXP Servers not showing up on serverlist..

Servers are up but they do not show. See here:

May 11 2016, 5:28 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110662: So I just got VAC banned from DayZ..

Indeed I assumed you would get a ban for any game but this is apparently not true (only some games do share VAC bans). Still the company you want to contact is Valve.

May 11 2016, 5:27 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110662: So I just got VAC banned from DayZ..

Bohemia cannot provide support on VAC bans.

Also it is perfectly possible that you did not get your VAC ban in DayZ (apparently not true as DayZ doesn't seem to share VAC bans with other games).

May 11 2016, 5:27 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110662: So I just got VAC banned from DayZ..

Why should they help? If you cheat in another game and VAC bans you - you do deserve it. Being a cheater that does not cheat in DayZ still makes you a cheater.

Saying Bohemia has something to do is like blaming your car manufacturer for losing your drivers license.

May 11 2016, 5:27 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110393: Carry two guns in lieu of a gun and melee.

There should be no free slots on your back but gun slings/holsters to carry weapons with instead.

May 11 2016, 5:18 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110288: There is NO RAIN! NEVER!.

Probably intended to avoid freshspawns freezing to death in numbers due to the unfinished CLE.

However, the new hermit features should make it possible to survive even without finding any loot.

May 11 2016, 5:14 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110266: SUGGESTION: Non-ruined gear should not disappear after death.

I can see the logic behind this - it's more authentic and does not put you on as much of a timer after spotting (or causing) a dead body. A more authentic solution: The corpse attracts scavengers (crows, rats, zombies etc.) that can be driven off or killed but otherwise gradualy ruin the gear. To avoid people picking up their own stuff the respawn should put them far away from their corpse(s).

Freshies having an easier time to find decent loot is actually an argument for despawning though.

May 11 2016, 5:13 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110012: 0.55 Update complain.

I played .55 on a private server. Did not meet many players but I did not need to as the struggle to survive kept me occupied. It was fun even though gathering has pretty boring mechanics right now.

Then the "private hive fix" came and the server disabled persistence. My struggle for survival ended abruptly as I found tons of loot everywhere. As did my attachment to my character. I fooled around a little. It felt just like .54 - boring unchallenging easymode. This character suicided today.

May 11 2016, 5:05 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T110007: Player dies far too easily from energized and hydrated after eating just one piece of raw meat.

"Having not known that "forcing" your character to throw up can sort it out..." -> It doesn't. That's a myth originating in an interface bug where throwing up would hide the "sick" state.

The last time I got poisoned ingame I actually lasted a long time and eventually recovered completely without even falling unconscious (and this was chemical poisoning which is much worse). Maybe you got really unlucky and caught salmonellosis or cholera?

Given your outrage I just assume you did keep yourself bright green energized and at least dark green hydrated. Maybe you were on low blood and/or health though.

May 11 2016, 5:05 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T109976: Blaze Snaploader wrong ammo.

must minimal words

May 11 2016, 5:04 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T109953: Zombies are way to fast on new release.

They are way too fast but I believe it's a design decision as players are way too fast as well and don't even tire in contrast to zombies.

May 11 2016, 5:03 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T109930: impossible to survive.

Yeah that seems to be the issue at the moment (especially private hives with a larger playerbase seem to have issues). Now you can still survive by gathering (I found staying warm to be the biggest problem).

May 11 2016, 5:02 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T109886: To smart infecteds..

Sounds like "mimimi can't handle the new zombies" at first but it is actually a real issue. Zombies just seem to know where all the doors are and whether they are empty or closed. This leads to pretty strange behavior like zombies running all round the building front to run through an open door far on the other side.

May 11 2016, 5:01 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T109694: Suggest changing the initial spawn equipment from torch to knife.

Yay for Chemlight+Rag!

May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T109694: Suggest changing the initial spawn equipment from torch to knife.

No reason at all as we got the easy to make and highly effective stone knife you basically got as spawn equipment as you can make it at every beach.

I even think that with the addition of hand drill and improvised torch (0.57) the flashlight has outlived its purpose and can be removed from the fresh spawn character (maybe replace it with a single use chemlight in case you spawn in the middle of the night).

May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T109186: 2nd gun instead of Melee.

Why even have so many magic inventory slots? A single one that can hold both guns (including handguns) and melee weapons is more than enough.

Or remove them completely and add gun slings. Even less free power.

May 11 2016, 4:36 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T109045: Fireplace Bug - Instant Hypothermia.

Fires worked just fine for me. Maybe this is tied to certain conditions? Maybe overflow of some sorts?

My fires were on 1st person servers either in the woods or inside a garage.

May 11 2016, 4:32 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T108614: Having difficulty eating, if item is not first picked up..

You can also manually pick up the food item (take XY into hands) in which case your character should start eating immediately.

The issue is probably related to inventory interaction being mandatory for most actions.

May 11 2016, 4:17 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T107823: Add additional parameters to food and drinks.

Calories are already in game as they are simply one unit for energy.

May 11 2016, 3:49 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T107558: Doors are not synced for players and zombies.

I can confirm this. Also if you enter a building through a door that appears open to you but closed to the server you cannot pick up items inside and any item dropped will appear outside as if your character was still standing in front of the closed door.

May 11 2016, 3:40 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T106140: SKS/revolver reload issue.

You do not lose bullets but rather create a stack of bullets that behaves like a clip. This allows for faster reloading but takes up more inventory space.

You can use the "Eject" option on the stack to get your precious bullets back.

May 11 2016, 2:48 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105802: Gun sounds need fixing.

Why the downvotes? Sure this report is a piece of shit but its true that the gun sounds need fixing.

I can understand the rage as its pretty frustrating to get shot at and die because you cannot locate the shooter properly (which most of the time results in taking cover only to realize the attacker is actually behind you and what you heard were only the impact sounds).

Anyways you should stop submitting tickets right after your death.

Edit: Use the primary report below.

May 11 2016, 2:35 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105547: 0.50 firestations breaks your legs and kills you 100% of the time.

I did enter a firestation and lived to tell the tale. Guess you just went really unlucky with the leg breaking bug.

May 11 2016, 2:24 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105539: MP-133 inflicts low damage on low range.

Can someone try this on a willing dummy to rule out the possibility of this being caused by hitbox desync?

May 11 2016, 2:24 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105530: [SUGGESTION] Museum Building - Unique Loot: Gerand, KAR98, Period Items, Swords..

I don't think you should find modern NATO weaponry in a Museuam (let alone functioning firearms). But medieval weapons like swords, axes, maces and maybe even armor is a possibility. If it has to be firearms they shouldn't be newer than World War II.

I think a good location for a museum is any city (Skalisty Island is way too rural) but I would rule out the spawning cities - maybe one of the northern ones (Novaya Petrovka, Severograd, Kamensk, Novodmitrovsk if the spawns get removed) or as a replacement for the Zelenogorsk military base.

May 11 2016, 2:24 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105521: Simplification of weapon attachment system.

No - I do not think simplification would be a good thing. If anything the attachment system should be more complex.

That being said some compatibility is nice but full compatibility is not.

May 11 2016, 2:23 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105477: Zero gun policy.

What are you talking abot? You can find tons of weapons - too many even. 0.51 is better but still gives you too many.

May 11 2016, 2:22 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105380: .380 logic issue.

Even though the guns might be mostly (found my Makarov with magazine in Cherno) military loot that doesn't mean the ammo has to be as well.

Being able to find .380 rounds in civilian areas gives weapons using them a distinct advantage and make the dynamics and balance more interesting by having guns that require to go into military areas to find them but can be supplied from civilian areas.

Its basically like an inverse SKS - nothing wrong with this.

May 11 2016, 2:18 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105319: Global Ban.

BattleEye scans for cheat engines and if you have one on your PC you do not need to actually use it ingame to get banned. I am not sure if its enough to have it installed or if it has to run - better read the licence agreement.

May 11 2016, 2:15 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105300: Fog of War.

Because peeking fucks up the gameplay. So you basically have to decide if you want better gameplay without asymmetric vision or if you want to see your character in third person.

Having third person available is a good thing, peeking is a bad thing. Why can't we get third person without peeking?

May 11 2016, 2:15 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Additional Information on T105300: Fog of War.
May 11 2016, 2:15 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105228: Swimming places your gear down into the sea. Thus making it irretrievable.

Gear is retrievable - swim to the spot above your gear and you are able to pick up single (or even multiple) items. Swim to the shore and drop those items, swim back to fetch more. Rinse and repeat.

May 11 2016, 2:12 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Steps To Reproduce on T105224: Still no first person servers in Experimental 0.51.
May 11 2016, 2:11 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Steps To Reproduce on T105181: Walking in the air near Cherno.
May 11 2016, 2:10 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Steps To Reproduce on T105178: No first person servers in Experimental 0.51.
May 11 2016, 2:10 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T105029: Weapons taken from player when submerged in water.

Items affected: any firearm, binoculars, rangefinder, any kind of magazine or clip - basically everything you don't want to lose.

Items can be retrieved one or two at a time by swimming to the spot you lost your gear.

May 11 2016, 2:03 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T104970: Broken shoes and pants (and items inside).

Sounds like the "leg breaking bug" to me. Did this happen in some builing upstairs?

May 11 2016, 2:00 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T104968: Weapon Disappeared From hands.

Had the same on experimental before. There was a shotgun in my hand and an Ak on my back. I drank something from by canteen - dropping and picking up my shotgun in the process. But then it seemed like I was unable to kove far away.
There was some "border" that made my shotgun disappear - moving back resulted in it reappearing in my hands but as soon as I crosses "the line" it was gone.

May 11 2016, 2:00 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T104932: Let us carry more Bags/Items.

No need for this - currently you can carry a shitload of stuff without any drawbacks. I would rather like to see a weight system introduced that affects movement when carrying a lot.

To be able to carry more tools etc. there should be other solutions:
(1) Team up with somebody and share tools.

> increase tool rarity and durability

(2) Find a vehicle or tent to store your items in.

> implementation of vehicles and persistence

(3) Carry a container in your hands (movement and weight penalties apply)

> allow carrying backpacks etc. in hands

May 11 2016, 1:58 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Steps To Reproduce on T104897: Weapon attachments affect dispersion.
May 11 2016, 1:57 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Steps To Reproduce on T104829: Feedback Tracker counts monitoring as modification.
May 11 2016, 1:55 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T104806: Items can not be picked up, if action is selected nothing happens.

I can confirm this is linked to character desync - its the same as the "zombies hit through walls" bug.

May 11 2016, 1:54 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Steps To Reproduce on T104640: "Drink all" action does not work when crouched.
May 11 2016, 1:48 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T104499: Fireplace cooking time is ridiculous.

What about not staring at the steaks but rather do something else in the meantime? If you know the approximate time you can come back once steaks are almost done.

From a game perspective it does make a lot of sense - while cooking your are bound to one place with light and smoke possibly giving away your location. its a moment of vulnerability that needs to be compensated. The reward is cooked meat. You should not demand the reward without taking the risk.

However interactivity and progression would greatly improve the feature. Unrealistically short cooking times because kids get bored and want quick action are not.

May 11 2016, 1:43 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion added a comment to T104499: Fireplace cooking time is ridiculous.

Voting down because the amount too cook is perfectly fine - 2 or even 5 minutes are ridiculously low. Though I think meat should not move from cooked to burned state that fast.

Maybe 8-10 minutes to cook and 1-2 minutes to burn would be better - could also depend on the fire: Using one stick to fuel the fire should greatly increase cooking time compared to a fire fuels by five pieces of firewood.

May 11 2016, 1:43 AM · DayZ
EvilMinion edited Steps To Reproduce on T104385: NPC durability is too low.
May 11 2016, 1:39 AM · DayZ