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- User Since
- Apr 26 2013, 5:59 AM (618 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
I would say it's about time for something new, more fitting in the Arma verse, something most games never do. As in real life seeing a pivot to the Pacific, the most common run in, would be the PRC, or more commonly known... People's Republic Of China. Now of course, China is seen negatively IRL for some things it's don't, others not so much, but this is the Armaverse.
While the China is a friend IRL, it's also a good adversary in any video game. As per sick and tired of Guerrilla forces, i think a far more modernized armed forces such as that of the PRC, would be a much better competitor. And as being one of the biggest players in the CSAT, most likely a founder, i find it even more fitting they make a big appearance.
Now of course, that's just my humble opinion. Russians are cool too. I just think they're over done, ever since... The end of WWII.
Well, later this week the Roadmap drops, so hopefully we'll get some insight into their schedule. Hopefully they have room for some of these issues.
The issue is resolved on my end, turns out it was a faulty version compatibility of one of the mods. Can close this report.
Alright, i uploaded a log file after playing, and having it crash just seconds after spawning in. I was in the middle of the location in which is causing the issue, and as expected, rendered the game frozen, and forcing me to terminate the client.
Yes, @csathdfw. It's not that i would spend the time creating a ticket for an actual issue if it didn't matter. The fact of the matter is that it's a problem, not you're personal opinion. The textures are old as hell, and need the be updated, therefore i made a ticket. BI is not going to sit there and work on it once they see it. Eventually over time, maybe after the expansion, they may clean up their character models and make them look decent.
Even VBS3 and DayZ have more detailed clothing and character models. VBS3, being the one to actually have a decently modeled knee-pad, which makes it look like a uniform and not someone wearing baggy sweatpants with a weird texture design on it. That's not all either, elbow pads, and such, some of it just doesn't look right, and thus, needs to be cleaned up. They'll get to it eventually, but just for assurance, this is why i made the ticket.
It's not a glitch, it's there for a reason. Only problem i see, is for a map that big, it deserve's a bigger spot for water. They could have also made so more interesting water features in the VR.
Lets take the Hunter for example, based on the real life M-ATV, a Medium All Terrain MRAP, capable of withstanding a blast from medium Anti Armor Mines and IED's, and surviving. The MRAP is well, exactly what it is. A "Mine Resistant Ambush Proof" Vehicle. It's designed to take a hit, and not just one. It can take a whole beating. In fact, the wheels on most MRAP's are a certain kind of design, meant to mitigate the possibility of being destroyed, even by a .50 Cal, and a number of hits. In reality, it wouldn't destroy the wheels, but rather damage the crap out of them, make it more Swiss cheese. The glass on the other hand, on an M-ATV? Super think. That stuff is thicker than my house's front door. But anyhow, what we have so far is decent. It will take accuracy and repetitive fire to disable an MRAP. Just be glad it's not too realistic, else you'd have MRAP's with a flat tire still driving away from you.
This feature is already in game
Yes, only in a multiplayer environment. I could be getting solid FPS, around 50 or more, get into a CQB skirmish and as soon at either of is fire, the game will stutter. This doesn't happen in Songleplayer, Ever.
@SilverDude Hehe, i was unaware, guess i should have searched, but the the addition of this shouldn't be complicated to add in game at all, would be another little touch to make things feel just that much better.
That's the point. To remove that, and create a new one, that looks far better. A Re-texture would be horrific, and would also cause alot of issues. Being that China is a Super Power on it's own, would not need to share uniforms that the Iranian counter part of CSAT uses, as China manufactures it's very own uniforms. In any case, other forces should be wearing Chinese made uniforms, as China, i believe, does supply certain gear and weapons to certain countries. I'm not too sure about the South Pacific, but this is mainly in regard to the Chinese counterpart to CSAT. Something new, and fresh is needed, not a re-texture.
Agree. Not sure why they left it out. It's there, really easy to activate in the vanilla game.
Simply put, take the tails we have now on Dev Branch, and turn them 3D. That's all. It wouldn't require new ones at all. The ones we have now are very dynamic, and they sound great, but in 3D they would sound tons better.
Any news on this matter?
Has there been any kind of news on this matter? I'm certain that there is enough information to at least have the status changed from, "Not Enough Info"
There is a specific reason the military doesn't allow firing rocket's from vehicles of any kind. In game, and in real life. No.
Plus, they don't even have back blast in Arma 3 anyway.
Not entirely, but there's only so much BIS can do in terms of damage models for such a simplified version. However, gauges... That's another story, maybe. I'll up vote to help the cause because I would like to see advancements in certain areas.
Wrong, when your instruments are destroyed, you are no longer able to recover warnings such as incoming missiles.
True, the short amount of time isn't work putting in effort to change the sounds when new ones will be here so soon.
Edit: they are working on sounds, and you may notice a massive enhancement difference after the heli DLC.
I had 130 flags on map at ounce, keep in mind that the flags have designs on them. I did't even loose 5 FPS. So if 130 small pieces of fabric can be added to the map, with virtually no FPS cost, imagine how nice the game would look with something here and there that reacts with the weather more?
Rain is loud in game? Quieter in game than in real life, but I can't change the volume f rain only in real life either... Huh...
Edit: not gonna lie, it's raining right now. LOUD!! Better in game. Rain is suppose to be that weather effect that affects gameplay. If it had no sound, it'd be virtually pointless.
Alrighty, I'll give it a shot tonight and see what's up.
Ummm... I think you should try a little more practice, the added eight and the movement of the advanced flight dynamics add to make for a touch flight depending on how you fly, that is if you can even handle the Advanced flight model. It's tricky, and not exactly for the average gamer...
Hehe, sorry about that Heyvern69/Fireball, got a little carried away. Won't happen again. =D
Up voted, more rope support as this is only the beginning of something that could be posatively game changing.
Another important not to add to this problem, regarding the "edge drop" animation, when getting caught in that, if you somehow manage to make it out of that animation, 80% of the time you may end up dead just because of transitioning from that animation, back to being on your feet. This may be because it registers as a long drop or fall. This is a huge problem, and has caused probably more deaths than jet kills in this game. I can't tell you how many times me or a teammate died from doing the edge drop off of the slightest drop, and died from it.
Confirmed, +1
This happens in multiplayer as well.
I would assume they would have to create a whole new class for this issue. TankX and ShipX i don't think can be merged. Therefore, they would probably have to create something like, AmphibX specifically for tracked Amphibious vehicles.
Up Voted+
Hey guys, head on over to the Forums and Sign the petition by posting a reply in Bold lettering with the words, "For Lord Jarhead!!!". Lets make it happen.
Less acknowledgment and more Assigned and worked on please! For the sake of a better sound system within Arma. Improvements must be made, because work arounds will never fix a game.
CSAT consists of Iran, China and Russia. Only Iran is the apparent force in the current story line and map available. With Expansion, we could possibly see Chinease/Russians in. However, The weapons you suggest... First off the Katiba is not a Tavor replica. The Katiba's real name is KH-2002, which is a Rifle i believe is being made in Iran. It could possible have Chinease help for manufacturing as well. AK-12 would seem like it would be more fitting of the current era in Arma 3.
Hmmm, i think there are multiple restrictions put on the Arma 3 Dev team from VBS features, and in that case, it makes it look like the VBS guys wear the pants, and BIS is simply doing what they can to get by...
Confirmed. As well as the fact that a small dumb or elevation causes the tank to completely stop before being about to advance. Drive over a small hill, notice ounce tracks make contact with ground, it stops the tank completely. Probably should make a seperate ticket on this one...
Wait wait, Oukej, your telling me the AI in Arma 3 can't handle this feature, but the AI in Arma 2 can? How does that make any sense, their the same AI aren't they? In the AH-1 Viper in Arma 2 the rockets are for the pilot, gunner handles everything else. So why is it changed in Arma 3?
Either that or do what they did in Arma 2, they had Different HINDS, one had bombs, and missles, while the pilot controlled a fixed cannon, and S-8 rockets.
I mean, it cant be that hard right? =(
I see it as more or so, Half/Half. As it is a feature request, but at the same time, it's half in the game. The jets have seats. However, when you eject, you fly up and out, as if you were shot out of a cannon. What needs to be done, is much like the video shows. The cockpit is animated, so with an eject, it shouldn't be hard to have the cockpit break away, you are jetted out WITH the seat, and your chute opens automatically at a set time after your out of the cockpit.
Way back in BETA i was speeding with a T-100, and swerved on the bridge by accident. My tank hit the guard rail and the bridge went crashing down, and i flipped.
Well in real life, you can pretend to run in slow motion. This simply brings upon a way to pretend to run in slow motion in game. =D
voted up
Confirmed, happened to me and a friend several times. VERY agitating.
I say they should give AAF with Eurocopter. For Arty, a great choice would be the Gorgeon with an Artillery system turret.
Now that, is correct. AI are damned good. How ever, In Syria, there's been accounts of the rebels shooting down jets successfully with small arms... soo...
Hah, impossible? The last time i checked, 30mm is by no freaking means small arms. Lets get realistic, 30mm to anything such as even an A-10, which, while the A-10 is Armored, its built to fly, not to protect against large rounds, even though it is resistant to most. 30mm is most definitely an exception. Also, in the Armaverse, the A-10 is stealth. Anything stealth, is less likely to be armored anyway. Its sort of a trade off.
I always see how balancing things like this would be an issue in Arma, it makes realistic things obsolete. They look to be what it is supposedly used for, but how it actually implemented in the game isn't the way it should be.
Thank you for this, i about flipped. I tend to get into situations flying at night, with no NVG's. This, must be in this jet.
Ill fool with this a bit ounce i get off work.
Not always true. For me, it depends. The density of what your hiding behind. Bush for example, ill hide behind one of those, the is, the AI will lose contact, HOWEVER, they will continue to shoot through the bush in hopes of nailing you. Sometimes they get you, sometimes you narrowly escape.
That too ^
I'm a safe pilot, i usually land 1 click (MAX) away from the hot zone. Why? Walking 10 clicks is a bitch. Also, it involves me flying more tactically, and using my skills, which, is fun to show off to those helpless corpses in the back until they are able to go the rest of the way on their own. So, to my standards, AA are not OP, flying just takes a set of skills to ENSURE survivability. That is all.
It kinda gives me the question of the Igla. The Igla effectively hit targets UP TO 8 KILO's AWAY! So why is it the Titan can barley do that? Whats the max lock range, 800 meters? I mean, its kinda sad. I remember in Arma 2 i took out a Hind in wasteland 7.4 Kilometers away. It seems they downgraded AA capabilities in A3.
Really? I had to keep myself from loosing it at work. Im dying laughing on the inside. Are SAM sites and AA's nerfed in real life? NO. Is staying still and deploying flares a good idea in real life? NO. What this is, is you just need to LEARN to FLY. Pay attention to your radar, and your environment (terrain). You don't want to expose yourself to enemy AA, unless your a gunship, and even than still, its dangerous if your not good at flying. Another thing, you have to be moving to deter an incoming missile. Ounce a missile is fired, try defeating it by getting out of a straight path that is easy for a fast moving missile to follow. Lastly, since dodging a missile is not always a guarantee, learn to auto rotate. There's not one time i died in A3 because my engine on my heli got disabled. In other words, Learn To Fly.
I think it should be refined, not changed completely. The flares now look a bit... dull.
Up voted. Devs, please take a look at this.
I never played life in arma 3, i just thought these kinda of flares that last awhile say, 30 minutes on ground would be good to have in Arma 3.
The idea of this is to have Hand "Deploy-able" flares. An item like chem-lights, however, much more noticeable from the air, or fast approaching down the main highway, or any road. Available with red or IR. Red for Law Enforcement (Police), and both IR and red for the factions. IR would be now visible without NVG's, and bright with NVG's for some sort of SF use. I could imagine AAF and Law Enforcement units use red Road Flares at checkpoints and what not for mission design.
The Red Triangle, is good enough, for "Balancing", but the beeping has to go. If a friendly is dumb enough to step on a marked mine than, well, they kinda deserve to die for it.
So your saying in real life, they have beeping sounds in new SEAL teams groups so they all know when someone is planting a bomb... Ok look, i get where your coming from, but that is why there are kick and ban options in "Multiplayer", just for hacking or any other annoyance you'd find unacceptable. But this is in General, and not every server has 12 years olds that don't know how to use a satchiel, or hell, any other explosive. But the Beeping must go. As Gutsnav stated, clear example. Another was when i was watching two enemies in wasteland, and to mess with them, i placed down a satchiel. Guess what happened. They both INSTANTLY looked my way, and started running, in an attempt to kill me before i got safe enough distance away to set it off. Its game breaking. But since theres no beeping sound in real life, there should not be in game. As for the red triangles, i'm pretty sure in real life, radio protocol, someones gonna mark a placed mine on map, and someone will make sure no one walks over it. Besides, i do believe BIS already disabled friendly fire one mines.(Which i think is dumb, because in real life, if you step on a mine whether a friendly placed it or not... your dead.)
Beeping needs to go, period. Yes, special forces do risky things like placing charges really close to enemy presence. It's not going to beep, because well, that should be obvious.
The only problem i have with this list is Duped vehicles, and, wrong place of origin for factions. Example, the C-130 is in there twice AND I doubt CSAT would use them. CSAT should get either Russian, or Chinese made Equipment. Spot on with the Eurocopter Tiger, however, AAF would be better fitted with a JAS-39 Grippen.
This happened to me with a friend. We had a sniper war because he was talking too much ermm... anyway, the only reason he spotted me is because i was hiding on a dirt mound. He saw through the dirt mound and started shooting me. I'm there watching his bullets impact the dirt on the other side, frustrated, because he wouldn't have seen me otherwise. Not sure if this could be a solution, but sub pixel rendering, object draw distance/aggregation.
No, the naval version has torpedoes and anti ship mines, and a sonar detector... now that i think about it, maybe the Hellcat is under armed...