M2A1 Slammer tank
AMV 7 Marshal APC
IFV-6c Panther
IFV-6a Cheetah AA
CRV-6e Bobcat
M4 Scorcher
M5 Sandstorm MLRS
UH-80 Ghost hawk
MH-9 Hummingbird
AH-9 Pawnee
AH-99 blackfoot
HMTT truck
A-164 Wipeout
- Heavy transport helicopter? (V-22 Osprey)
- Cargo transport? (V-44 Pelican QTR, AV-44 gunship variant? instead of c-130) *F22 Raptor? (or another 5th gen, F-35 is not designed for air supremacy dogfights)
T-100 varsuk tank
BTR-k Kamysh
2S9 Sochor
MSE-3 Marid APC
ZSU-39 Tigris AA
Mi-48 kajman
P0-30 Orca
Tempest truck
To-199 Neophron
*T-50? (5th generation aircraft, air supremacy)
*Heavy transport helicopter? (Mi-17 or tiltrotor)
*Cargo transport? (Chinese blue whale)
*MLRS? (Tos 1 Buratino)
MBT52 Kuma
FV-720 Mora
AFV-4 Gorgon APC
A143 Buzzard
WY55 Hellcat
CH49 Mohawk
Zamak truck
*Attack helicopter? (Eurocopter tiger)
*JAS-39 Grippen (A jet designed for dogfighting, not just a AA buzzard)
*AntiAaircraft IFV?
*Cargo transport? (C-130)
M2A1 Slammer tank - T-100 varsuk tank - MBT52 Kuma
AMV 7 Marshal APC - MSE-3 Marid APC - AFV-4 Gorgon APC
IFV-6c Panther - BTR-k Kamysh - FV-720 Mora
IFV-6a Cheetah AA - ZSU-39 Tigris AA - * AA IFV?
M4 Scorcher - 2S9 Sochor - *Artillery?
M5 Sandstorm MLRS - *TOS-1 Buratino - *MLRS?
Hunter - Ifrit - Strider
HMTT truck - Tempest truck - Zamak truck
UH-80 Ghost hawk/MH-9 Hummingbird/AH-9 Pawnee - P0-30 Orca - WY55 Hellcat
AH-99 blackfoot - Mi-48 kajman - *Eurocopter tiger?
*V-22 Osprey? - *Heavy transport helicopter? (Mi-17 or tiltrotor?) - CH49 Mohawk
*V-44 Pelican? - *Cargo transport? (Chinese blue whale) - *Cargo transport? (C-130)
A-164 Wipeout - To-199 Neophron - A143 Buzzard
*F22 Raptor? - *T-50? - *JAS-39 Grippen?
And I don't mean mods, I mean OFICIAL BI content. Mods shouldn't be a way to fill incomplete games, mods only generate new content, not content that the game needs, otherwise it would be an incomplete game. All the units listed above (or equivalents) are a must.
I know they are working in 2 CAS aircrafts, and trying to get fixed many bugs as posible, but they should start working in more vehicles, and not only depend in mods for something essential as vehicles are.
A good reference would be Arma 2, in there there were many different oficial aircrafts, and then modders added new ones, but not to fulfill the lack of vehicles as in Arma 3.
Besides, adding new vehicles shouldn't be too hard, after all BI is using the same vehicle ''bases and turrets'' and a new camo to make different vehicles.
For example, adding a new MLRS for CSAT and AAF would be pretty easy, they simply would use the turret of the M5 Sandstorm MLRS, the base of the respective IFV of that faction, and a new camo. That's what they have been doing.
Ok with the Addition of the A-164 Wipeout , the To-199 Neophron and the tempest truck the game is much better now, if they were to add new vehicles next, these would have to be heavy helicopters/cargo transports such as:
considering that the devs may have used this as a concept for the A-164 Wipeout:
I think those VTOLs could become helpful too.