big problem !
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I figured.
It was just working fine before, so it was either decided that dual monitor resolutions should no longer be supported or it is a bug, that couldnt be resolved for the last year.
I dont want to ask for accountability or why and so on, but I would wish to know when this is going to be resolved.
I can make a new car and use mods like real armor mod, but this topic is essential to distinct between body armor, not-armor-structures and character damage or perforation.
link for sample misison
Sep 25 2017
May 10 2016
good one. aswell as a weapon has its advantage, so it should have its disadvantages. thumb up.
thats why you dont do supply drops in forests. clearings are the demanded location for that. Beam me up scotty!
The current animations are partly not correct, incomplete.
I would much more prefer a hand sign content and code after USMC or Army doctrine though !
This complexity shown in the topic is just ridiculuos.
crawling is movement. you are not talking about being able to shoot while moving.
can you sort this for the sake of everybody please.
document uploaded.
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this suggestion is going to be replaced by a more detailed and helpful one.
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what is the possible outcome of an answer to your question?
that is ok.
duplicate and ridiculous in the content of information. no idea what HMG you are talking about.
Blood sputter appears wherever you are hit.
Blood sputter only appear in lower arm / arm and legs.
Hits in the torso or any other protected area should
make appear a little dustcloud at the point of the impact.
yep, there aint no recoil on a recoilles gun ^^.
hahaha. if that will be implemented, I will request this aswell:
yes, that the "get out" function is working when the vehicle is stationary and the "eject" function is working any time.
so you only have to have one key for fast disembarking of any vehicle.
I used this combination since ofp, arma, arma 2 and arma 2 OA.
I guess the reason for this is general config problem, that some function dont overlay others.
it might have the same source/is related to this issue 0006019.
same with helicopters.
Disregard, Delete this Post please, I found the error.
@ Predator
in the first post I corrected myself.
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I dont understand why a 14.5" barrel would defeat its purpose.
in my link a 123 gr- projectile has a power of like 400 ft/ lbs, which equals a velocity of 368 m/s = supersonic. But shot out of an 20" barrel.
thank you traxusIV, very informative.
what kind of ppl do you "shoot"? civilians?
or why are they with you only in close range?
even if you were shooting civilians at close range, depending on your pistol and the affected body armor, it can make a difference between life and death.
this thread is essential for other things, I dont care about tumbling.
there is no point in changing the soldier first when there is not even an energy difference within different ranges.
this thread is aiming mainly for body armor / armor, to have realistic body armor you need to have realistic energies hitting it.
I hope you get my point now.
I need to correct myself, the reason for the 5.56 to be more effective on ranges further than 50 meters is the yaw/tumbling effect and not the slowly burning powder.
additionally both cartridge drop energy and speed when leaving the barrel, but the fast burning pistol cartridge powder drops far earlier than a rifle cartridge with slow burning powder.
The reason for this is only the barrel length, the different powders only help to maximise the giveaway of energy to the bullet before it leaves the barrel.
in this document you see how much the different cartridges loose power over distance :
request that helmet then. and do you really think at that time every side will have a helmet with a HUD ? Do you think that they throw away the compass as there is no need for a backpup tool?
good one !
this is not even possible in ARMA 2. for a reason.
you cannot look through an optic and simultanously look at your compass.
I agree that there needs to be something for an accurate Target selection.
for the 30mm Gun of an APACHE or that one of the UH-1 I agree, because the gunner aims with his helmet.
But your post is very far away from what I wrote in one sentence.
every tried sprinting as fast as you can for 400 meters and then go prone? it kills you.
disagree on going prone.
you cannot "sprint" long distances. either you jog, run or walk.
@ Fast Walker
out of curiosity, can you measure the time you need to switch between aiming with a pistol and aiming with a rifle?
Do that ten times in a row and then divide the overall time you needed through that. :D
great !
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well, that is correct.
showing some activity
agree on that 100%. you cannot load 1200 rounds of 6.5 and still run the same as anybody else.
@ kirill
The energy will be transformed from almost pure kinetic energy, as masterofblubb pointed out, into plastical deformation of the bullet, heat, plastical and elastical deformation of the vest, aswell as elastical and plastical deformation of the body which might cause inner and outer bleeding.
if 98% of the energy would transform into heat, it would burn on impact or heat the vest up !
this is going nowhere.
I am deleting my posts that have nothing to do with the topic and I advise everyone to do the same.
academical proof for academics, you look like the only one in here,
here you are.
its easy to calculate and find evidence.
Improved outer Tactical Vest Gen II without rifle plates worn,
Report of January 2011 by Department of Defense:
50% of the time it will not penetrate and not deform more than 44 mm
@ an angle of 0° with a 16 gramm bullet with an impact energy of around
3351 Joules, which is very similar to an 7.62 x 39 M43 Ak-47 round, distance is muzzle to impact speed = 2120/2400 fps = 88%, which is around 50 meters away of the muzzle.
50% of the time it will not penetrate and not deform more than 44 mm
@ an angle of 45° with a 4 gramm bullet with an impact energy of around
1211 Joules, which is very similar to an 5.56 M855 round, distance is muzzle energy to impact energy = 1211 : 1730 J = 70%, which is around 150 meters away from the muzzle.
@ acrim
I can see your point, but on the way you bring the information to the reciever
BI can figger out how reliable the information is that you give them.
So I rather support them the way I can, instead of hoping that they will have endurance enough to do it on their own.
They got a lot to do, with what I cannot help them.
Your Choice, Bohemia.
"There are videos on youtube of .45 caliber bullets fired from 1911's and similar pistols bouncing off PASGT helmets, while even small rifle bullets went clean through."
it is not the diameter or weight that gives the object mainly the power, it
is the amount of distance it can gain speed in the barrel.
the longer the barrel, the higher the energy.
becoming unconscious, being hit, being dead is a difference in the game engine.
when you are unconscious, you need other peoples help
and maybe some medication.
when you are being hit, you are not incapitated for a long time and
when you are dead, depending on how it is played, nobodoy can do anything for you anymore.
johncage, I dont get, why you are offending and all your arguments
are just blah blah, whatever you think, blah.
Body Armor, Rifle plates, can withstand multiple medium caliber shots.
that is even a protection level.
and it hell doesnt matter if he fells down or not.
multiple bullets can hit a plate, since projectiles travel faster than a body can fall down, isnt it like that?
use some of common imagination.
read some:
before we start talking about the object to be hit to be realistic, we should talk about the object that is hitting
=> ballistic curves with loosing enery on distance.
therefore we can find out at what distance with what weapon and what cartridge penetrates or result in blunt traum at what kind of body armor.
1st Vest, the FLAK fest protection level I, against very slow flying pistol caliber and fragmentation.
2nd Vest, against submachinegun and pistols, aswell as frag. Level III-A
3rd Vest, with implemented keramic plates, Level IV, against high caliber, fast travelling, armor pierced projectiles.
will do research if requested by BI.
then, wildfire dont waste your time in commenting, use it to make a new thread.
because this ticket is ridiculously missing info.
"land and approach an helicopter always to the front"
oh yea, you need to zoom in to see up to 400 meters, but it zooms you of the screen :P
agree on serversetting, on a research for one, I landed here.
even when I like to look at my player in this new game,
no third person would be a benefit for most.
Like cutting with a knife instead of an axe. :P
there is a similar one, but not exactly referred for full auto only.
agreed. but its a double post:
it is a hell of a weapon, used for point targets up to 1000 meters.
this is a double post. and the issue is severe ! because you cannot aim for distance at 400 meters.
May 9 2016
and not at 4G. :P
upvoted for fixed wing.
it is only a solution, if it can replace his conditions, but to do what he wants, you need that melee kill + teleport in magicly + teleport out magicly.
a suppressor on a rifle is still around 70 to 80 Dezibel.
some of that stuff you describe, I like much, but for understanding and worked with, voted up for, it needs to be seperated:
- create subsonic ammunition so the supersonic crack for rifles and pistols is no sound source anymore.
as you stated, it has to be a more powerful cartridge with the pistols, so higher velocity + higher velocity given by the suppressor=> need for slower burning powder to become subsonic.
- particles of bullet impacts in the landscape is not correctly shown
- when projectiles fell under the speed of sound, the crack that it is surrounding is loosing it, so you only hear the supersonic crack from the previous travel path, muzzle and depending on the distance to the muzzle, because the crack sound will spread out in the air, you cannot hear the shooter or identify the direction by sound ( visually by impact though ).
This is why military snipers often dont use suppressors, its not needed.
- when a pistol has a suppressor on it, there should be less recoil due to the heavier mass the bullet acts against.
I personally cannot imagine it to be that unevenly different recoil when used with a rifle.
so, thats what I read out of your post.
and every point needs a short "observed" and "requested/expected".
@ Samago
I prefer the tape option, 200 miles an hour pls. lol
I will make a new thread with realistic NV monocle and angle ( like 6° )
on the other eye you will see without NV.
when an NVG has a range of about 300 meters, It is not possible to have
magnified, depending on your scope, light illumination.
you will be able to see closer, but still only up to 300 meters, it will not magnify to (3.5x) 1050 meter illuminated light.
@Scarecrow, sorry for flooding, I cannot hold back, when people report such strange feedback, they can proof themself very easily to get back to reality, but they dont.
the topic is about the speed, and that is why I answered about the speed. no need to talk against that.
@topic starter.
oh my god, did you ever run a competition on 50 or 100 meter sprint???
you can gain up to 30 km/h, which is "double time" of jogging speed ( 10 to 15 km/h).
... disagree
yea shotgun, but the yawing doesnt happen always, when the bullet is too fast, like with an 5.56 mm round, within appr. 100 meters, it just goes through and makes a little wounding channel only and does not yaw.
we should not forget that they dont have the time and resources to do whatever we want. Lets focus on much more necessary game changing stuff.
isnt this game about playing it when you are alive and to avoid to be wounded or injured?
you get disambered and then a medic comes by with a spare arm to heal you up?
or do you want to wait, under drugs, sitting next to the medic for hours until the game is over?
a skeleton and blood vessels. this request comes by with a lot more than just adding realism. it is bringing it up to whole new level that will change the gameplay away from the play. out of relation.
its an own shooting technique, in German you call it "Deutschießen".
you have the rifle near your hip and the hand close to the end of the muzzle.
it is not supposed to hit anything, its a contact drill method to make the enemy think that you supress and return an accurate volume of fire to the enemy position.
current fatique system is too optimistic.
try run yourself without gear as fast as you can and measure
the distance you can maintain that speed.
shouldnt be much more than 100 meters and then imagine
that with equipment on your body and a backpack of 15 to
30 kg.
I removed my threads to keep it smaller.
what lighthammer says and that is probably the reason
why not everybody with an experience of using firearms agrees, since
in the marines you are trained like maybe in no other army
how to shoot a rifle in a non supported shooting position
with different sling techniques.
therefore a marine has a lot more training with that and can gain
a much better performance.
My guess.
generally we want to hop into a professional virtual body, which has the endurance, strength, training and understanding of the equipment it is using.
why not aswell the experience through training of shooting several thousands of rounds on a shooting range?
I disagree on being "aiming/holding the weapon straight" the most important thing in RL.
the most important thing might be sight alignment among trigger squeeze, breathing, aiming and firing positions.
and most of it is not implemented for several reasons.
the only thing I see now when it comes to aiming and muzzle climb, that is realistically implemented is maybe the standing unsupported position.
for sure its not the prone supported position and not a bipod supported prone position for SAWs.
at the moment you cannot really use a saw with a high and accurate volume of fire, with scope and with ironsights.
hopefully the developers do some serious research about this. bon courage, bohemia (y).
its a crash-the-keyboard-with-your-head-bug.
LoL, children ... @ topic starter and @ any involved.
well but its not like you put the safety on on your rifle, put it to the ground, stand straight and send your fingers for a walk for the correct pouch the nades are in.
is it?
that sounds like a 4 second task...
cannot see any maturity in that little sentence that you give us.
John on the other hand is at least right and wrote down more than 8 words that only insults and offends.
@Pvt Dancer
IF you see it really like it is here, how do you know the line from the "basics" that you refer to and at what point the "issue" starts?
your personal opinion I guess, even when it is common sense that you are using, you cannot know what BI can now change or let out with a smaller amount of time instead of doing it afterwards, eventually with a lot more time consume.