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disableChannels settings cease to work when leaving/rejoining mission
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Example: You have a mission with disableChannels[] = {{0,true,true}}; in description.ext to block global chat, and the mission is hosted on a persistent dedicated server. If a player joins and waits until spawned, goes back to lobby, and rejoins the mission, then the settings are ignored and he can still use global chat.


No Bug
Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

AgentRev created this task.Jun 3 2016, 11:20 PM
AgentRev added a comment.EditedJun 17 2016, 11:53 PM

Universal workaround for usage in a preInit function:

	_x params [["_chan",-1,[0]], ["_noText","true",[""]], ["_noVoice","true",[""]]];
	_chan enableChannel [(_noText != "true"), (_noVoice != "true")];
} forEach getArray (missionConfigFile >> "disableChannels");
AgentRev changed Category from Dedicated Server to Server.Jun 18 2016, 12:05 AM
Jawsh added a subscriber: Jawsh.Jul 3 2016, 6:08 PM

This issue persists in version 1.62.137306 RC (30-06-2016).

AgentRev changed Category from Server to Settings.Jul 15 2016, 4:10 PM

This issue still persists in version 1.64.138310 RC (09-09-2016).

I will emphasise that this issue will only occur if the player aborts to the role selection screen/lobby and then rejoins. The issue will not occur they fully disconnect from the server and then reconnect.

Jawsh added a comment.Sep 19 2016, 6:27 AM

This issue continues to persist in version 1.64.138425 RC (17-09-2016).

Jawsh added a comment.Nov 19 2016, 6:07 AM

This issue still continues to persist in version 1.66.139279 RC1 (11-11-2016). Come on, guys.

Jawsh added a comment.Mar 20 2017, 2:18 AM

This is still an issue in version 1.68.140908.

Jawsh added a comment.Oct 2 2017, 3:32 AM

disableChannels settings cease to work when leaving/rejoining mission in version 1.76.142872.

kOepi added a subscriber: kOepi.Dec 27 2017, 4:23 AM

big problem !

C0kkie added a subscriber: C0kkie.Jul 26 2018, 12:11 AM

Is this fixed or still a problem? :|

I hope someone will fix this in the encore update

oh guys i guess its still not fixed?

BIS_fnc_KK changed the task status from New to Reviewed.

should be fixed in 1.99.146546

BIS_fnc_KK removed BIS_fnc_KK as the assignee of this task.Nov 24 2020, 6:09 PM
BIS_fnc_KK added a subscriber: BIS_fnc_KK.

Still not fixed.
Sometimes it works, sometimes doesn't, you even don't need to go back to lobby, and rejoin a mission.

Still not fixed.
Sometimes it works, sometimes doesn't, you even don't need to go back to lobby, and rejoin a mission.

Sorry this is not helpful, please provide steps to preproduce the mulfunction

Still not fixed.
Sometimes it works, sometimes doesn't, you even don't need to go back to lobby, and rejoin a mission.

Sorry this is not helpful, please provide steps to preproduce the mulfunction

Unfortunately, I can't provide a list of concrete steps to reproduce this bug. The only info I can provide is that I have a dedicated server with this piece of code in Description.ext:

disableChannels[] = {
        0, // global
        false, // enable text
        true // disable voice

And despite this, when I join to the server VoN is sometimes available through global channel.

The global channel is never disabled for admin or server host could you provide the steps to reproduce please

Thanks for the explanation! Probably I was wrong, at least I couldn't reproduce this "bug" by launching a dedicated server on my local PC and connecting to/disconnecting from it many times. I'll keep watching and let you know if I can reproduce it.

Well, after a week of testing I couldn't reproduce this "bug". Seems I was confused by the fact that when I logged in as admin global channel was available.
Again, thanks for the explanation, @BIS_fnc_KK (makes sense to update BIKI), and sorry for the false alarm.

BIS_fnc_KK closed this task as Resolved.Feb 1 2023, 7:43 PM
BIS_fnc_KK changed Resolution from Open to No Bug.