hello guys,
I would like to request a delay for taking out the compass and bringing it back.
at the moment the compass appears instantly when you push it.
I tried myself taking out a compass hanging around my neck and having a weapon in my hands and switching in between quickly.
leaving the weapon hanging on the shoulder, opening the compass, aiming, closing the compass, taking the weapon into hands.
I did that 10 times in a row and measured like 35 seconds.
so 3.5 seconds for each, that would mean a delay of 1.75 seconds for opening and another 1.75 seconds until you can
shoot again.
it still should be possible to abort this and shoot with a delay of this 1.75 seconds.
this encourages more precise communication in between general ( EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH )direction and Describing depending on the direction of movememnt ( FRONT, LEFT, RIGHT, REAR ), which is a lot faster in real life.