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Game Version number:
Modded?: Yes
If modded, please list the mods: kO_HCORE
Issue Description:
My intent is to provide realistic ballistic resistance of vehicles, body armor and the human body.
On the long run this would also will play into all materials including houses, walls etc..
I tried for about 150 hours now to find a common ground for all these values, but I gave up.
My undertaking would have been easier if you would give every part of every vehicle a different material,
however the materials are chosen irregularly across all different types of materials and vehicles.
The ammo is not balanced to each other or in regards to penetration on one layer or two layers of resistance. The formula for damage would be imagined to be similar to the formula of kinetic energy, but is exponentially off:
The velocity is not considered as much as it should be.
Since we cannot change the .xob files and within change the materials, there is nothing I seem to be able to do here anymore.
As an example:
- changing the metal.gamemat value will change the kinetic resistance of every car, a bit, additionally it will also change
the wrecks, because most wrecks have the same material.
- the metal gamemats do not differentiate between aluminium, like in aircrafts, or steel, like in cars, the thickness of some doors create compromises for certain vehicles,
even though the door is not actually filled with metal entirely in real life.
- the ballistic values like for M855 cannot be calibrated with anything. An object like "stableplate" with the material "mild steel" would allow for such thing.
What do I require?
- A new object, like the "stableplate", basically an object that simulates mild steel that one can shoot through and change the thickness according to the caliber it is being calibrated with.
- The easiest way for you guys would be to create a different material for every vehicle, including air vehicles and allow only one material be responsible for the kinetic resistance.
- Changing the kinetic damage formula with an exponent to the velocity.
The principal conditions that are not being considered so far are:
A: Two layers of a steel car door usually stop an M855 round.
B: An M855 with an M16 will not penetrate 9.53 mm of mild steel.