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- Mar 12 2013, 3:14 PM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
You approach this from wrong end. The model is not supposed to carry animation data. You are supposed to export model and animation separately.
Export model via VM script
have your skeleton in form of simple cubes or spheres, and animate and export that via FBX
If you import this in O2, make sure the scaling is right, and then right click on animations wintow and pick export matrices
BIS, y u so sloppy
Fixed internally, will be out with next patch
sup. This is an oversight, because we tweaked lighting model a bit and the values changed and this got broken on its own, and nobody is to blame, except Gugla ;P
Anyway, fix commited and will be public with next patch
I fixed it already on internal dev version, but it will take quite long time to get into public (release and all)
This is Vespa's boss speaking. For this, he has been fired immediately and his Lamborghini (for supporters edition money) taken away. Nevertheless, we forced him to fix this before throwing him out.
Silly BIS, bothering with gamedesign, when all they had to do is copy reality.
Fix confirmed in this devbranch, my breda
working on it my breda
Yeah, trouble is, all those alternate stances are done by brute force - its just tons of extra animations. As binos and launchers are not so widely used as rifles and pistols, alternate stances for them won't be implemented for Arma# release. mazbe in the future when we wouldnt have anything else to do, but I doubt it because we will be thinking of other cool stuff
zomg lowres walkie immersion ruind!
Srsly, minor issue not worth the hussle. Highres hands only will have to do.
Best we could do with time and resources we had, sorry.
Thank you for devoting your time to such extensive description. However I can tell you this will not happen for Arma3, as there is no engine support for complex moves like proposed. Maybe for future projects.
I'm aware of this, but this couldnt be done any better way with current capabilities - I tried.
I understand the concept, but it is beyond your possibilities now to do that. We could limit aiming angles more, but this would not make any sense and only frustrate players. Current state is the best compromise, though not proper form.
I don't really understand - if you mean the slight leg twitch, then we are unable to solve this because of engine limitations.
Retracted the eyepieces, thats the best I can do for now.
would be nice, but we can't make it for Arma3 for time constraints. Maybe for Arma4.
this is an oversight on my part, already fixed in internal version, will get on steam dev soon, hopefully.
should be fixed long ago, there was even a duplicate of this
Smookie is the hero
Stance changes should be much more responsive now - best we could do.
it's a long known problem. We tried fixing it, but there is big issue that steep slopes just make the prone position go totally haywire.
At lest the character just crouches now, instead of standing up. It's not much, but the best we could do.
this is building model issue - memorypoints have to be aligned
everybody chill, I got this
(fixed on internal dev version, should be out with first campaign episode)
Not gonna happen in Arma3.
reduced the shake on internal dev version - should get into pubic with next update (that may take some time because Beta)
yes, thanks to Kolji, the most radical programmer
yes, this is unintended behaviour/ sideeffect of something different, will try to fix
fixed by Smookie, many thanks to him
until/if prone with launchers allowed, this is the best fix. thx Snookiez
Fixed in Dev branch thanks to heroic effort of our programmers.
Smookie used his skillz and fixed it. Thanks for reporting, peace!
behaviour changed so the character goes just to kneel. This is best we can do, allowing prone on big slopes causes even more severe problems.
This is not so easy, would require some considerable engine support and I'm afraid we can't make it in the scope of the project.
sorry mate, this is compromise for consistency
fixed this on internal version, will be in dev soon
Yeah, these are just for show. No plans to make them functional for Arma3
different animation is there already
sorry guys, it will stay like this.
Switches themselves are already animated on weapons. Skeleton animation is asking too much, would be expensive, cause havoc and many many bugs
Alternate stances are already evenly spaced and quick to use, no need to complicate the system more.
Fluid/analog blending is not supported by the engine atm. We would really like it, but will not happen anytime soon
New collision envelopes and engine support for different turning axes fixed this. Thanks to Kolji the best programmer in the world.
yes, getting stuck while moving around is a serious issue we are trying to fix
We are not able to do it properly, so not gonna happen in Arma3, maybe in later projects.
this is because we reuse anims between vehicles. Because of time restrictions and other prioritz issues we will not be able to redo this in A3 timeframe. Sorry about that mate's
this is fixed on internal dev version, should go public with Beta
most likely fixed with disabling map animations
New collision envelopes and forward turning axes solved lot of collision issues and made movement inside building easier. I dare to close this as resolved.
Yes, it woudl be nice, however I am certain we can't realistically make it, as the inventory is already fragile enough and this would make it haywire pretty badly. Those anims are old proof of concept and it didn't pass.
I was JUST about to commit dualwielding, but then I saw 96% downvotes.. Well, what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
haha, yeah, right. Would be cool though. Maybe in Arma 6 ;)
No resources to do so many animations, also no engine support.
Falling animation is ingame for some thime, thanks to Smookie.
I dare to close this.
Map anims are no longer triggered, this was found much smoother and functional solution thna attempts at actual animations. Also solved bugs with ATV :)
sorry guys, this would take too much work. Not worth it at this time.
cosmetic/visual only.. because of very little time, we want to focus on functional problems only
not possible to fix, sorry. Our IK is not so smart.
New animations of falling are ingame. This is as fluid as it gonna get. There is no engine support for proper landing animations, so this has to do.
no time to do that, sorry mate :(
May 9 2016
new 3d scopes are marked accordingly
yeah, this is just how our IK is. Can't do it better.
time to access map has been shortened, thats the best we can do now. Actual anim would be nice, but thats too costly.
DUDE, duplicate of
Well, this is how it works. Can't be done any other way at the moment - its either this, or no holosights at all. Hopefully you guys understand
Yo, there are new collision geometries for rifle in Dev build. Can you confirm if this issue got fixed? (Do not look at pistol, not yet done)
RCO in Alpha already has an additional holosight, but in Public Beta there will be a 3D scope that works just like this (switchable 1x or 4x zoom).
Hope you'll like it!
so, the movement speeds have been reviewed and changed some time ago - see
other issues:
inertia - would be nice, I agree, but crazy difficult to make the engine support it. Not possible in current project scope.
limiting turning speeds in various states - I want it too, no support yet, comes after solving other serious issues, like sticking in door etc.
Not gonna happen. This would be ridiculously costly and difficult due to nature of the animation engine.
Too complicated, but when there is time we will attempt the other one, shooting while moving.
This was fixed thanks to heroic effort of our programmer Kolji. All must worship him.
it's a long known problem. We tried fixing it, but there is big issue that steep slopes just make the prone position go totally haywire.
At lest the character just crouches now, instead of standing up. I§t not much, but the best we could do.
Map animations have been removed, as they caused lot of trouble such as this one. Plus acessing map is now much faster.
Smookie is already cooking something
eh, I don't think this is reallisticaly possible, maybe in some heavily scripted controlled situation, but in sandbox hardly.
Problem is, this can't be fixed, because otherwise if zou release Alt, the head snaps back violently, causing desorientation. The current solution has been picked as a compromise.
Animation of climbing has been slowed down and synchronised with vertical movement.
However the entering and exiting issues cannot be handled properly because of AI - we tried making proper exiting, but then AI wasnt able to use ladders at all. So unless we find other solution in future, it will stay like this.
yuh, iz fixd
noted and scheduled for fixing
Fix confirmed, Smookie wins
So, the new behaviour is:
1.) with Arma3 default key preset
if you press LMB while runnign, nothing happens
2.) with Arma3 Alternative key preset
if you press LMB while running, you are switched to combat pace temporarily, allowing you to fire your weapon
also if you have custom key mapping, you can associate "Combat Pace 3sec." with LMB - in options - controls - infantry movement
This was fixed long time ago, compass and watch are now large enough and fixed in size.
This was fixed long time ago, compass and watch are now large enough and fixed in size.
Couldn't reproduce anymore. If reappears, pls assign to me again.
I cannot reproduce, perhaps this is expired?
Alternative stances for binoculars will not be implemented. Other issues like not smooth stance changing are scheduled for improvement, but will be handled separately.
Thats the way it works in the engine. Maybe someday we will make recoil by animation, but until then it stays like this.
just rebind keys, as house says
map anims disabled, fix confirmed on internal dev version, should go public in Beta