Aiming Deadzone in its current state is unusable.
The mouse, negative accelerates way too much after touching the collision zone.
In cases with default configs (Prerendered frames+Smoothing+low sensitivty)
The mouse crawls to a stand still when trying to move it slowly.
I think that besides fixing it. Aiming deadzone should be revamped partially.
The extra pull necessary to move the deadzone is unrealistic.
Right now your upper body moves independently from your head. Causing you to pull extra on the mouse to move your head into a diffrent direction.
(I dont know if this feature was implemented with trackir users in mind and if they have the ability to move the deadzone while looking into a other direction)
But technically its only physically possible with conscious effort (Try to pivot your upper body with a imaginary gun while holding your head still irl ).
I think that the aiming deadzone should control your whole upperbody(+head) independently from your lower body allowing for more control + speed. (Operation flashpoint)
Its exactly the same as normal aiming deadzone but now your head moves alongside your weapon. (like regular view)
Possibly with a way to sync lowerbody animations with your upperbody so that on touching lowerbody collision(pivot stance limit) the animation updates and there is a continuous mouse speed overall. allowing for more control in both normal and trackir users.
(trackir users should have less headmoving to do seeing your head already faces your weapon)