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- Mar 8 2013, 8:38 PM (623 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Also, xCryonic - the settings might depend on your hardware, 'cause I have an Ultra option as the highest (though the clouds themselves improve up through the level settings, that's the only real thing that changes, atleast from what I can see)
Still hope to see the landscape shadows in the final version (and if it's that big a performance hit then indeed, just link it with one of the higher settings like Very High or Ultra).
Don't suspect so, Feral. I've run all of the Cloud settings, and none of them produce those shadows as far as I've seen. The only thing I've noticed is, that if you set them to DISABLED, the environment lightens up. So I think, since it's this TrueSky feature thing that works the clouds, the landscape-shadows are implemented, they're just not enabled for us in alpha.
I suspect (and really hope) they'll show up later, because dang it's awesome. Same goes for light rays down through clouds from the sun!
Well in one of their (Bohemia's) videos, they show you scuba'ing into an enemy base, killing a soldier and taking his uniform to proceed inside the base undetected. So it's there, I just think for Alpha it's not activated, in order to keep people playing and finding other issues.
Curious, I've never come across this, even in semi-lengthy engagements. Did you alter the Ammunition bars of the AIs ?
The toggle weapon thing sounds like a bug, but you might try checking the Difficulty settings - if the Permanent HUD option is Enabled maybe ? Might be part of it
Excellent idea. Arma 3, it's about time for something like this. Definitely +1
Not sure if I'm understanding you correctly here, but with the current gear system, if you only see a weapon, you can take that and equip it. If you want attachments for it, you can take them from anywhere you can find them and put it on the weapon.
And if you're looking say, at a crate which contains the weapon you want, with attachments on it, the tooltip and icon of the weapon shows them attached, and you can also take this.
It seems a very logical system. And to simulate realism, since that is what the game does, it would break this element if you could just pick up a weapon without any attachments and just magically select what attachments you want and they'd pop out of blue air.
I believe there's a loadout mod for the Alpha, and though I haven't tested it yet, I believe the one for Arma 2 allowed you to atleast save a loadout, and then select it even if you were nowhere near the items the loadout consisted of. That might be something you could look into as well
Cartwheels.. Cartwheels everywhere! +1
I believe at some point it was stated that the current grenade system was only a temporary version, so there'll probably be a refined version later on.
May 9 2016
If it was going to be implemented, maybe alternatively have another keybind for it - so, as currently, you have a button for freelook, which when tapped again, returns you to your original orientation. Then have another keybind, which if pressed in freelook, moves your weapon to your freelook-orientation. If the speed of doing this becomes a gameplay problem, as italics said, maybe just slow the animation bound to it down a bit ?
@grodenn So possibly make it based on whether or not TrackIR/Oculus is detected, and by all means as SmallBlackSheep said, have it toggleable. Just default to off, that'd take care of the TrackIR/Oculus problem too.
An option worth considering, atleast
That's not a bug, that's just hardcore more, friend
How.. Can the AI not turn fast enough when the player is 100 metres away ? The AI would have to turn WAY less than if you're standing closer to them. Maybe I am misunderstanding something here ?
Something everyone might want to check out:
I did it myself, though I didn't really monitor or check anything in specific. Just thought it'd be a nice addition, if it works for anyone.
I'm sure optimization will come at a later stage though, considering it is alpha and such.
I believe I was able to change zeroing on the SCAR-ish weapons from BLUFOR, though on the M14, I couldn't. I haven't tried the suggested scope-dependancy, though.
But what I wanted to add is, that if you check the config viewer in the editor, and open up a rifle, you should be able to see the max and min values of the zeroing option on the weapon. Atleast, it was there for the M14 when I looked at it. This is somewhat speculation though, but it might be why, so as someone else said I think, the weapons may currently just be zeroing-locked, possibly
Yeah, but it'd still be nice to have the option, Blaxican, for people who don't work well with the toggle version.
Agreed. +1
Though, if you shoot the ground, it will contain way more (I did it at the air field). Don't imagine it's something that'll be permanent, but best to start prepared. +1!
I'm pretty sure in the confirmed thread on the Forums, HALO jumps were on the list, which means parachutes.
@replikant - If you get into the Kasatka, the copilot has the Eject option (only did it on the ground, so don't know if it's available in the air, but I can't imagine why it wouldn't be)
- You can also use the Salute to stop it.
Actually, it's the other way around, this is (or well, should be) the original one, as it has the photo attached.
When I posted the other one, 0002944, I got an "error" saying the image filetype wasn't usable, so I didn't expect it to be posted (which I found out after I corrected the image filetype, which is added in this one)
- Just for clarification, Irunongames :)
- Also, noticed that the left forearm of the character sometimes contorts into a twisted, half-sized version, when the bug occurs
I accidentially double-posted, because the image in the first report wasn't the right file type (I didn't know it would still send the report).
The other one is issue 0002945 - it has a photo (.jpeg) attached for reference.
So if anyone wants to, they can just delete this one.
Agreed with SAMAGO.
Immediate thought, great idea. But then, a bit worried there are ways to abuse this. Not that I know how much some people decide to make multiple accounts and down-vote something, but it's an option, and since I can't think very well right now I suspect there are also other methods of this system being abused, so not entirely sure it's just a great thing to implement.
Agreed. First time I got this support module thing working, it was awesome and worked perfectly! After that, it only lands on helipads, or it goes into hover about 200-300 meters away from where I designated it to land.. +1
Why is this.. So essential ? Does nobody use their magazines fully and just discard them mid-way through ? I can sort of imagine the use in hefty environments, but well, I should add I don't play any multiplayer (aside coop-scenarios, developer-made and custom ones)
Muchly needed feature, agreed!
Though on the seats inside the helicopter, I think a fully-geared soldier would indeed be very crammed as JNC said, and upon landing, it'd be rather troublesome to get out, hence why they only sit on the sides.
Same as Coyote. Also, I like using it in third person just as an added visual detail, sort of.. +1
I like the idea of having the two firemodes back, and different spread on both of them, though as J2ackson said, if it defeats the realism, maybe it shouldn't be worked in.
I found the guns somewhat.. Highly accurate, atleast sticking to the crosshair-location ? Now if I could just actually make the crosshair slide over the enemies, well all'd be swell, but that's just me being a lousy littlebird pilot
Aww yeah, signed!
Supported fully, LadyBRECKY (hope I got it right).
I as a male, thought it would be nice with the female models. I think it atleast adds variation, which I see as a basic gameplay enhancing experience element.
Besides, there was the Arma 2 female models mod, sure, but that doesn't mean that it'll be made in the third one, so if nobody's able to do it, it'd still be missing.. If the developers can do it faster, easier (and possibly a little better, with their tools and experience and such), it can't be that big an issue, to them, either.
+1 !
Edit: Seems my vote isn't registered for the time being (and it's 100vs100, dramatic :O) so I'll check back later.. Anyone else out there, vote yes!
^ What thevisad said
I don't want this fixed. But I suspect it will be.. But all editor missions from now on, will contain a script that checks for any gear on littlebirds' inventory, and if there is any, KABOOM!
Bohemia said somewhere along the road that the current system is just temporary, so it'll probably be tweaked further down the line.
I'm a little 50/50 on the whole press G, then R, then G and such.. It probably makes it more realistic and more difficult, so those who can effectively use grenades come across as more.. Valueable assets ? But it might also be problematic in a busy situation when you're playing.
Worth considering though, and good feedback for Bohemia to work with in regards to the grenade system, so +1
Just a note, in the Steps To Reproduce, you put "V" as the button for activating nightvision.. It's defaulted to "N"
Just, no.
Looking forward to that point where you're taking cover inside a house, and the door opens, your entire squad aims at the door and a fish comes floating in.. Maybe it shouldn't be fixed