I am requesting to allow the AI to rearm from Ammo Boxes or dead bodies if they run out of ammo.
I created a mission where all my team ran out of ammo, and everyone died because of the issue.
Basically allow it so that mission editors have a choice as to allow the mission to include AI Auto Rearm or Disable it, and set which have the highest priority the AI rearm from.
So i could want the Ammo Box to be of higher priority than vehicles and dead bodies.
- Ammo Crates
- Vehicles
- Dead Bodies
- Ground
So if an ammo box is in vicinity of cars and dead bodies, the AI will automatically go to that first. Otherwise if it is not there, it would go down the priority list according to what is around them. If nothing is around them, they do nothing.
Of course the mission editor can change the priorities if they need to.