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Lowering weapon while in low or high crouch makes you stuck
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If you lower weapon (Double tap left control) while you're in either the low or high crouch stances, the character will get into low or high stand, and you'll get stuck.

After 10-15 seconds you become unstuck again.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Crouch.
  2. Go into low crouch or high crouch.
  3. Double tap left control to lower weapon.
  4. Observe character getting into low or high stand and get stuck.

Event Timeline

MulleDK19 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
MulleDK19 set Category to Movement.
MulleDK19 set Reproducibility to Always.
MulleDK19 set Severity to Major.
MulleDK19 set Resolution to Fixed.
MulleDK19 set Legacy ID to 465741355.May 7 2016, 10:52 AM

You can also change stance to get unstuck.
One vote up because it happened to me quite often and is easy to reproduce.

Tested and confirmed.

This bug is still reproducable in the latest dev version.

Vespa added a subscriber: Vespa.May 7 2016, 10:52 AM
Vespa added a comment.Jun 6 2013, 2:26 PM

noted and scheduled for fixing

Yo, this has been fixorzd. Will be up in dev version as soon as its ready.

okay, coolio.

Vespa added a comment.Jul 31 2013, 1:14 PM

Fix confirmed, Smookie wins

Mass closing resolved tickets from last month.