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Ladder climbing animation is way too fast and hovers on exit
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When climbing a ladder the player looks like he has been dosed with adrenaline.

Added from duplicate:

Please watch this: (not my video) [^]

As you can see in the video the hands continue to "hold the ladder" (holding the air)
even after the character has already passed the ladder.
It does not place it's hands on the floor (roof) and pushes itself up.

Also when climbing down the ladder the character does not kneel down to to hold the
ladder and turn, it's just grabbing the air as if the ladder continue up above the
roof and instantly turns 180 degrees. {F17039}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Approach a ladder with normal movement speed.
climb up or down
watch the player glide away about 1 meter

Event Timeline

Blackbeard edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Blackbeard set Category to Movement.
Blackbeard set Reproducibility to Always.
Blackbeard set Severity to Minor.
Blackbeard set Resolution to Fixed.
Blackbeard set Legacy ID to 1054997983.May 7 2016, 11:01 AM

Agreed. They are way too fast.

Thales added a subscriber: Thales.May 7 2016, 11:01 AM

This issue was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.

Added info from bez's ticket.

bez added a comment.Jun 7 2013, 12:15 PM

Sorry for duplicate, somehow missed this post.

I also think this is a good reference as to how it should look
Dslyecxi's video about raven shield ladders:

Raven Shield did the ladders perfectly, the animations are spot on and climbing off of them is done fairly quickly.

Vespa added a comment.Jul 31 2013, 2:58 PM

Animation of climbing has been slowed down and synchronised with vertical movement.
However the entering and exiting issues cannot be handled properly because of AI - we tried making proper exiting, but then AI wasnt able to use ladders at all. So unless we find other solution in future, it will stay like this.

Mass closing resolved tickets from last month.