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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 9:10 AM (628 w, 5 d)
Feb 11 2021
Fixed in 2.00.147241
Oct 21 2020
Still valid after 2.0.146733 update
Jan 31 2020
Technically the prototype AK12s which A3 has , were suppose to have bolt hold open mags , but yes for those other AKs they should not have it , that is true
Jun 7 2016
It would be really nice to see this added into the Apex , because Apex uses a lot of reskined attachments , so it would be more efficient for A3 to use this feature
May 10 2016
You know , that rail is for standalone version >
also where you seen a GL that uses a bipod ?
In fact there IS a rail but hidden , reason probably that it's a underwater weapon and scopes mostly doesn't like deep water heh
also there is a addon , which uses the hidden rail
That's the main problem with it - the dispersion
makes the weapon worse than actually is
BIS said that is OK , which is ridiculous
Depth of Field is bugged in A3 more or less
so i suggest to turn it off anyway
^ yup there is , you forgot Yorris red dot sight heh
but i agree some new collimator sights will be nice
Every weapon in the game needs a simple Black variant
like Zafir , Rahim , Navid , Mk18 etc - all those red dots/holo reticles are dimmer
they need to be more brighter like this
NV would deserve a revamp >
also being more dynamic and mainly able to manually adjust the brightness instead of automatic
No issue >
This will become a issue in the game ,because everyone will use Navid's Burst mode as a portable minigun ...
Point is that the arma NVG looks like a cheap overlay since OFP
It needs to be dynamic and also adjustable
that could be done with a new shader that simulates the NV technology like the Flir one - that's a example how it should look - another from Insurgency game
They are still missing the animations for deploying without a bipod which could be seen in their live stream showing the Marksmen DLC
ASP-1 is meant to be used only in close range - not above 500-600m because of ballistics , sure you can hit someone with it in that range but you won't get a flat accuracy from it
more info here >
also the 12.7x54mm isn't 12.7x99mm aka .50 cal BMG which M82 uses
over 600m it is usually 2-3 shots in the torso when they got a body armor
max effective range is 800m and max range is 1000m for 7.62x51 , the 1600m is overkill for this round
You got there the original Multicam which OCP "isn't"
this is the proper OCP
it does look similar to Multicam but if you look closely then you will notice that the camo is slightly different
Kir's dispersion makes it even worse than actually is
with less dispersion the kir is a decent rifle with 1 shot kill , under 600m of course
Don't use any Long Range Sniper scopes like AMS ,Kahilia or LRPS
these won't work properly because they are calibrated to other Marksmen weapons , not for Kir
Navid aka MG5 should be only Fully automatic
because the real MG5 doesn't have a semi automatic mode
here's the video of the Burst mode
MRCO is still doing issues even after the 1.42 update
All Grenade Launchers still have no recoil
which before the recoil update , they had a recoil
Issue is still valid
Here's the video showing the issue
@Iceman - it's very easy to reproduce like this:
Use for example the DMS scope - firstly use the main scope view(don't exit the scope view) then switch to red dot view and now you can see the blur
but when you exit the red dot view and come back then there's no blur
Same thing is on SOS and on Nightstalker
wait why it can't be done with attachments? please explain the issue
i know the attachments doesn't support hiddenselections feature ,but they really need that reskin feature because it makes things much easier
BIS already got the bigger magazine box , just for some reason they didn't use it at all
This was fixed a while ago
or just add a proper Flare gun - can be seen in the files already just missing the model
ArmA should had this sorted a looong time ago , to recognize someone that he is firing from the hip or aiming down sights
Hell even TF2 sniper has that , you can easy see if he is aiming or not
Their descriptions are outdated and wrong
infact all the 3D zoom scopes got real 3x zoom
Interesting - it looks like the parallax view from the red dot but that is only in pilot lod view , so how it is possible to see that in other lods???
This is obviously a mistake
trg20 should weight the same as mk20 and the mk18 same as rahim
Same thing is with optics zeroing - it always resets to default zero
Obviously Renz have no idea how the real m134 works - showing a old m134 video with explosions is a bad excuse to have unrealistic m134 in the game
btw guys vote this one now >
You know BIS - that faster rate of fire doesnt mean to have bigger penetration than 12.7mm
also your M134 minigun uses weaker 6.5mm tracer bullets (for some weird futuristic reason) and not magical .50 cal bullets
even IRL m134 (7.62x51) cannot take down a building with 300 rounds or more
Seems all weapons are affected by this
no bug - those are closure sounds which they been bugged before
this needs a fix , i can't binarize stuff with this issue - checks every config in my P: drive so it gives me like 50 error in the configs (configs that have nothing to do with the addon which i binarizing) ...
it's just annoying and slows things down alot
Still valid and annoying
I can confirm that 5.1 is not working properly (since alpha A3) - only 2.1 aka front ones are working fine
see here >
Strange , i got the FBX options in the Objectbuilder
I tested this in latest dev with Zafir and all CSAT guys go down with 1 shot to the head , then if you aim to the chest-2 rounds
same with MX - 1 headshot ; 2-3 to the chest
it seems to be fine
This issue needs to be fixed , all reskins are affected by this
Well they still complain about futuristic vehicles/weapons which 99% of them are not
More related:
BIS could do it similar like this mod does
this seems to be fixed with new muzzle format in dev atm
please somebody confirm
Please close this ticket , it was fixed some time ago
for some reason i cant close my own ticket
Still not fixed - dev EXE rev. 114786
Make a new ticket about sight alignment
Armed HEMTT is mainly for convoy operations and defend themselves
also there is a AA variant of the hemtt
AD2001 - irony huh when dev performance is worse than stable thats funny
also these animations are missing since when Alpha started so thats a long time dont you think?
Interesting bug - also there is other a bug aswell that the head is looking down instead to the scope :/
Of course not fully visible beam ...
With visible lasers you can see only the dot but sometimes you can see the beam in the dust/water/smoke/etc
Here you have perfect example what i want
VBS2 got this looong time ago - when BIS borrowed the IR laser feature from vbs2 , i thought they could use whole feature of the vbs2 laser
btw US army or Marines are using visible laser devices during the day (peq14 mounted on M9 pistol for a example) ,but mainly they do using only IR lasers (peq2 , peq15 , peq16) on their assault rifles/mgs
Only way to fix it - is to turn off your DOF (Depth of field) to zero
You never know - it might show up when Russian army comes in ;) (like in BC2)
There is no Russian army in the game .. yet
I did wish the NATO had the LSAT mg (with 6.5mm or even 7.62mm)
and for the AAF the MG36 or MG4/Hk121 would be nice choice for them - duplicate?
I fully agree about this , A3 light is like my old toy flashlight which is ridiculous ...
This is TMR mod issue tho
This is TMR mod issue tho
I agree , those miniguns are just messy - less realistic than in arma 2...
suppressors does have a muzzle flash but only small but issue is that when you fire a weapon with suppressor , it lights up around you like without suppressor
which should not light the area around you , you can try watch some yt videos about it
Also updated .OBJ import would be nice (which supports smoothing groups etc)
Meanwhile in Dayz SA >
Rain drops on objects - this would be very nice on vehicles too
Hunter size is fine - only merkava and namer are a bit off (the height mainly)
Greenfist post from BIS forum >
Good news - it seems to be fixed since todays update :)
Fixed - EXE rev. 111857 :)
Still True - EXE rev. 111658
it supposed to be .357 - thats why it is called "heavy" - my ticked about missing bolt catch
M14 EBR has a bolt catch like ar15 (bolt catch from original m14 doesnt work as on ar15 that was just by design but newer m14 like EBR has a extended bolt catch/bolt release which works same as on ar15 )
just bis model doesnt have it for some reason :D
There been added new thunder sounds in latest dev
so test it
"It's the future!"
that is just poor excuse to arma's magical radar that shows everything ...
Monolith arms P90 like tri rail is a real deal - no airsoft /there can be some copy of it tho not sure/
It was mainly used on FS2000 but it is possible to mount it on military F2000 too and also BIS doesn't want to make the gun to be "clean" FN F2000 maybe because of copyrights
This is due of auto contrast TI - since OA same thing
only real fix would be to control that screen - like in vbs2
Reload animation was fixed ,but it is too fast - because the reload sound is slower than actual animation
This needs to be fixed - just revert the old animation
also small note - the new reload animation is wrong and unrealistic , the Mk20 reloads like G3/MP5 style just like the old reload animation
so i don't know why are you guys down voting this ...
only in dev branch ;)