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Marksmen DLC: Mk14 damage too low and quite inaccurate
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When I shoot a target at 500+ meters, it takes 3-5 hits to kill it, even with torso hits or a headshot(!).

While the rifle zeroes max. at 1600m it's quite hard to hit anything, which might be OK (not sure if dispersion is according to specs), but IF you hit, the target should take more damage.

Maybe related to bullet speed.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

Use Mk14 7.62mm to

  • hit target at 600m
  • hit target at 1600m
Additional Information

Do the VR units wear body armor?

Event Timeline

Fireball edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 28 2015, 2:04 PM
Fireball edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Fireball set Category to Config.
Fireball set Reproducibility to Always.
Fireball set Severity to None.
Fireball set Resolution to No Bug.
Fireball set Legacy ID to 467532335.May 8 2016, 11:46 AM

over 600m it is usually 2-3 shots in the torso when they got a body armor

max effective range is 800m and max range is 1000m for 7.62x51 , the 1600m is overkill for this round

Adam added a comment.Mar 30 2015, 11:30 AM

Hey there Fireball,

I'm sorry but this is not an issue.

Ok, then at least remove any zeroing above 1000m - this is ridiculous.

Adam added a comment.Mar 31 2015, 2:44 PM

To answer your question about VR and body armor: If you have a specific vest equipped the VR Copies it along with the armor it provides.