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Black MX variants appear tan on ground
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When you drop the black MX rifle variants on the ground, they appear to be the default tan camouflage of the MX family. Also, though I love the new paint job, the rifles are shiny as hell.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Get out your black MX rifle.

2.Drop it on the ground.

3.Stare at it

Event Timeline

gutsnav edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 28 2013, 10:08 PM
gutsnav edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
gutsnav set Category to Visual-Weapons.
gutsnav set Reproducibility to Always.
gutsnav set Severity to None.
gutsnav set Resolution to Duplicate.
gutsnav set Legacy ID to 781329113.May 7 2016, 5:32 PM
gutsnav added a subscriber: gutsnav.

Can anyone confirm this? Isn't marked as assigned.

Unknown Object (User) added a subscriber: Unknown Object (User).May 7 2016, 5:32 PM
Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Nov 30 2013, 3:28 AM

Isn't the black MX an addon with the POMI PMC?

Yes, but it's also in the latest dev branch along with a new tank, IFV, 2 new helicopters, black MX rifles, IR grenades, a new scope, armor piercing sniper rounds, a new backpack, and tons of fixes and other stuff.

Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Nov 30 2013, 4:48 AM

I just love how if you think about it those stuff should have been in the final game, but you know how BIS rolls, they want to give us the full game after it has been relased :D

Related to this issue:

All FIA clothes and some Green forces/Civilian clothes uses the Green cammo wetsuit model when on the ground. Maybe related.

AD2001 added a subscriber: AD2001.May 7 2016, 5:32 PM

Duplicate of #0005153.