Some vehicles, especially land ones, used TO ADVERTISE and FEATURED on the website last year are missing from the final product. Even the new Zeus DLC doesn't bring them up nor the future DLC with jets.
It's strange the developers or the content creators decided to scrap these really beautiful and unique vehicles. Such a great missing, which could've added some fresh content.
If we could get some clarification and some explanation that would be cool, since I couldn't find one. If we could get these features back to the game that would be cooler.
List of missing vehicles, weapons:
-NEMO mortar system
-M2A1 with reactive armor
-T-100 railgun
-Patria AMV with HMG (Marshall chassis)
-Astute class submarine (not like a small SDV we currently have)
-KSG shotgun and shotgun in general,
-Some attachments, like muzzle flash hiders.
-ToH FLIGHT MODEL!! (it was stated and confirmed)
And PLEASE vote down this tiket if you don't agree, for goodness sake. {F23310} {F23311} {F23312} {F23313} {F23314} {F23315}