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- User Since
- Apr 5 2013, 5:58 PM (620 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
BIS, if making a new menu, please leave an option for the old scroll menu.
Just burn your hard drive.
@Stiffwood (dat name)
The radial menu is...goddammit, I don't know, I just find it impossible to use.
How come people don't understand that the "radial menus" are unusable for some people?
Isn't it possible to bind weapons to keys? I'm using the default layout and when I press "Š" (left of "P", IDK which letter it is on English keyboards) I switch weapons.
NO! No commo rose menus! NO!
Agreed with Demongornot.
The round menus suck and are useless. I once tried using one in Planetside 2. It didn't go very well.
Radial menu? You mean the commo rose sh*t?
Your idea is good, it's just that I don't want to have two (inter)action buttons. One is enough for me.
Btw, I upvoted now.
Make it optional.
It could be improved, just not split into two menus.
Please don't divide it, Bohemia. It's okay the way it is now.
The scroll menu is not very good, but I think this is not the solution.
It looks like there's quite a lot of mods there. Are you sure they aren't responsible for this?
All of these are just your own personal preferences.
BIS aren't responsible for mods.
Q and E are used for different speeds when you're driving.
First, I'm pretty sure that's not what a shemagh is.
Second, some uniforms already have that and it would clip into them.
You can edit your config to change your FOV. The option is not included in vanilla because it messes up scope alignment.
Arma 3 and DayZ use different skeletons. They can't just simply put the animations into Arma 3 and call it a day.
Terrain deformation isn't going to happen. Buildings are already destructible.
Yes, I'm serious. I don't mind the lack of animation, only the lack of sound. So... I decided to upvote. I hope the devs read the notes.
No, it wouldn't. I'd rather use mind control than open air.
It would be kind of hard to make animations for the player manipulating and using the hatch because you'd have to stand at one certain spot for the animation to execute properly or you'd end up opening the air.
"Altis & Stratis looked cooler (less trees but also less gameplay opportunities)"
Those were just prototypes. They looked different because they were lower quality.
It's not going to happen. Not only does it look less realistic and less immersive, but it's also difficult to do and would destroy people's FPS.
What L3TUC3 said. Now close the ticket.
You can pick it up, you just have to be an explosives specialist or an engineer and you have to have a toolbox (or is it toolkit?) in your inventory.
The problem is that most vests can't even fit a satchel.
Its name is Marid, actually.
No. Just no.
"Further to this, if you place a UAV as 'empty' in Zeus, it cannot be used, even by the correct faction members"
This is intended.
Go back to Iron Front.
You can fix it yourself. Read the Iceman's note again.
Read the notes here:
A lot of these values are really strange compared to each other. Maybe you (ColonelMolerat) should change the ticket to "Adjust the weight of all weapons" or something like that.
No. It makes sense. The TRG-21 is fairly small and the Mk18 ABR is not only visually larger, but also has twice as a many bullets in a magazine.
No, they're synonyms:
the MX-SW doesn't have the reload animation from Arma 2. How did you see that?
I'm pretty sure that's impossible, because the "abilities" have to be defined in the config. I might be wrong, though.
It's not caused by that, Koala. The OP is talking about the secondary sights.
This issue was already reported and I believe it's fixed in the dev build.
Go back to Battlefield Hardline.
Are you using any mods?
He said it on the official forums because a lot of people were asking about it. They released all the unbinarised content so that people can port it themselves.
Marek Španel himself said that this won't be happening.
Request it here:
Have you tried sprinting with a half-full "medium sized" bag and vest, as well as a weapon and other gear in real life?
And are you sure you're running, not sprinting?
Reviving isn't part of the vanilla game. As long the server is good, your game should perform well.
You tagged it that. Don't pretend you didn't.
People have just started trolling here. Can someone please close this ticket? It has twice as many downvotes as it has upvotes, so it's not going to happen anyway.
TL;DR: OP is too lazy to walk one virtual kilometer to get to a helicopter. Instead of throwing away some of the gear he doesn't need, he comes here to complain.
Also, see this:
Please tell me you aren't serious.
I honestly wouldn't give a damn. There are plenty of games (the CoD and BF series, to name a few) that don't allow any character customization outside of your name.
Also, this issue is a duplicate of #0005433.
Just replayed the mission with CBA (version 1.07, the latest one) and you're right - the targets do fall down. Sorry for bothering.
Remove all your mods.
Didn't you already conclude that CBA was causing the issue?
BI said the launcher isn't "ready" to be the default the default option yet. It still has some bugs.
Remove all mods. Not missions, just mods.
This is because mirrors don't have PiP when viewed from outside. Impossible to fix unless you want to have 10 FPS near vehicles.
Why do people come here assuming the people at BI know each and every language in the world?
The passanger list is a third party script and BIS can't do anything about it, you should contact the mission/script author.
As for the chat messages and people talking, disable the streaming UI and it should work.
You can't change clothes to other factions' ones unless you have a mod that enables that.
You understand that the AI still knows what side you're on, don't you?
It's been one day since you posted and it's 11:30 p.m. in the Czech Republic now. Be patient.
Are you using CBA? It used to cause this bug.
How do you use the scroll menu on a touchpad?
Gamespy stopped providing its services, BIS would use it if they could.
Diving goggles are invisible when you're not in water IIRC.
Could you try without mods?
I have no idea what you're talking about.
What do you mean by "Arma 3 basic code"?
No, BIS doesn't have quality control on third party missions.
I assume by "logging in" you mean joining a server? If so, join a server running a mission that's not King of the Hill or Wasteland and I assure you, you will have no such "tips" displayed.
Where did you get this "generic message" about the Windows key?
The Windows key showing players' names is a mission-specific feature. It's also present in some Wasteland missions if I remember correctly.
As for the tools Iceman was referring to, I already told you. The editor doesn't have any tools specifically meant for punishing teamkillers, but mission makers can use scripting to punish such players.
Press Shift+P, find the player name and click on it, then click on "Vote kick". Keep in mind that some servers have this disabled.
The editor doesn't have any tools to punish teamkillers, but mission makers can script it.
You can votekick players already. If you want any other measures implemented, contact the mission author or the server administrators, as there is nothing BIS can do about third party missions, mods or servers.
When you're using manual fire as a pilot, you can only shoot where your gunner is aiming. You can't aim yourself as a pilot.
There was a ticket saying that the placement radius doesn't work near buildings. Could that be the issue?
Is it reproducible without any mods?
The 3D editor isn't restricted to the deluxe edition. Anyone can access it, but it doesn't work very well and you can't save anything you've created (or so I think, I'm not completely sure).
The DLCs that are already confirmed will most likely be the only ones.
As SaOk said, this is mission related. He'll try to fix his mission (Whole Lotta Altis), but for the other one you have to contact the mission author.
Also, you should close this ticket as there's nothing the Arma 3 devs can do about it.
Well, post it then. And close this ticket.
This should be on the forums.
Already reported.
That command was introduced recently and it was made specifically for the bootcamp update.
Have you tried verifying your game cache? If that doesn't work, it's most likely something related to the mission, so you should try contacting the mission author about it.
Are those even still used? Do you have a picture of a glider that isn't from WW2?
@the downvoters
This issue is present ONLY in the dev build.
Other people have experienced the same issue, so it's not specific to just me and igu4na.
Post it here (somewhere):
Were you using any mods?
I highly doubt the the devs would take inspiration from this, but maybe someone would be able (and willing) to mod it.
Just out of curiosity, what's the climate like on these islands? BIS said they'd like to make something different from all the maps in the series.
They changed their mind about it, it was too difficult to make it work with the AI.
If you really want it, there's a mod for it:
Keep in mind that it does NOT trick the AI.
- It's supposed to be like this.
- Not happening.
- Confirmed for the Helicopters DLC.
- Not happening.
That's all I know.
This is not just about balancing, this is also unrealistic.