The "placement Radius" setting for empty objects does not seem to work at all. However using the the "setpos" command on the object's init does work in moving it in random positions {F24121} {F24122} {F24123} {F24124}
- Legacy ID
- 1470932383
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Reopened
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Category
- Editor
Select an object, select a 20 meter setting for the "placement radius" at the bottom of its properties window and play mission. The object will always be in the same position you have placed it in the mission editor.
Event Timeline
Indeed, in simple missions I cannot reproduce it either.
There must be a conflict then into my scripts somewhere that does not allow the placement radius to take effect in more complicated scenarios. I am going to keep looking for what causes it.
There was a ticket saying that the placement radius doesn't work near buildings. Could that be the issue?
Negative...the testing I am doing has a plastic can with 20 meters to closest obstruction.
I am still trying to figure out what script is interfering...
can you please confirm that the problem is valid? I cannot reproduce it in my condition. I'm marking this ticket as resolved, if you confirm it as valid, I will reopen it,
thank you.
New information...
I have run extensive test to eliminate user errors and I think I have been able to define the problem. It seems like a hard coded LOCATION problem.
I am attaching a jpg and a simple mission to reproduce the problem.
The problem ONLY happens in certain areas of the Stratis map. Red markers are where the problem occurs Blue where it does not.
Could you please reopen it so I can attach the mentioned files.
If you need to reproduce it your self, go to Camp Rogain and check there.
This issue is also happening in Altis. Areas that I have observed it, where in and around the Stadium, Thronos hill and some military bases. I will get back with more specific information
Please let me know if the problem is not reproducible on your end. Just to eliminate the possibility of my PC not calculating correctly !!
I have uploaded some information regarding the issue on the Altis map. Let me know if you have enough information to track down the problem. Thank you.
I'm running version 1.52 and I am also experiencing this issue when using 20m radius in some areas. I looked for a large open field with a large 100m radius to reproduce the issue and I think I found something the developers can use to narrow the issue down.
Place a unit on Altis at location X: 18830.0 and Y: 18183.0 on the map and set a placement radius of 100m.
You will see that the unit has a big field he can spawn in yet he will only spawn in 3-4 small areas near the outer perimeter and never in the center open field. The locations he will spawn in are:
- small area around the ruined building in the lower right of the spawn area,
- small area in field in lower and lower left close to outer perimeter spawn area.
- small area close to beach in upper outer perimeter of spawn area.
After restarting the mission many times you will see a dull pattern of 3-4 general small spawn areas. I hope this helps. If a developer needs anything I am available to assist in debugging this issue.