When you use the UAV from inside a car you get a duplicate of yourself in every seat of every car you enter for everyone else but yourself, you can get out move around shoot people use items, vehicles but none else can see you.
- Legacy ID
- 195903344
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Fixed
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Category
- UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
- deploy UAV
- enter vehicle
- take controls of UAV and take off and land
- Release UAV
- swap seats on same or other vehicles
- get out walk around none can see you
- you can be seen in every vehicle you enter after this
Event Timeline
It looks like there's quite a lot of mods there. Are you sure they aren't responsible for this?
its not down to mods at all as i also tested this on a bare bones server also with the same results i'm uploading both perspectives now
I can confirm, we run A3Wasteland on 7 servers and we are seeing issues with using an UAV Terminal inside of a vehicle. Users are unable to get out of the vehicle.
really nasty bug for multiplayer servers. hope it is fixed soon. players can't distinguish in multiplayer if they where shot by a cheater or someone with this bug.
Does this also prevent people from entering the vehicle, so it is an actual copy and not just a visual bug? Because I encountered a bug where I (and other people) would be locked inside a vehicle after using a UAV.
Either way, I'm gonna test this with friends.
Mass-closing all resolved issues not updated in the last month.
Please PM me in BI Forums (http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?55374-Fireball) if you feel your bug was closed in error.