It is increasingly the case that the multiplayer game is being totally ruined by a minority of players who employ the tactic of destroying any friendly vehicle as soon as it leaves the safe zone, or indeed IN the so called safe zone, in order to then board a free game-rezzed vehicle as driver/pilot and deliver the other players to the war zone, cashing in on the bonuses for doing so. I do not know if they also get a "destroyed vehicle" bonus as well... I myself have paid out a large amount for an armoured gunship helicopter, got it fully loaded with passengers, took off only to be shot down by a base raper on my own side as soon as I crossed the safe zone boundary. This is just one example of many such base rape tactics ruining the multiplayer game.
There needs to be some system of identifying in-game players and voting to have them removed if they are employing such tactics.
If there is already such a system in place please advise on how to find it and use it.