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- User Since
- Dec 30 2013, 4:00 PM (585 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
agree on all. The ruger even has the material bug when painted green(like the beret had f.e.) everytime I start the game or someone with a painted version comes into my render distance.
Haha, I assume you pray to god now ;)
(Try rolling jumping and whatever thousand times there, hopefully a serverlag will help you out)
This is german, we all have this issue. Changed my language to english because of that.
Has been the same in all versions before, try to aim the chest of the zombies this helps a bit. But I have to agree that this is annoying as hell.
Please help voting this up guys, so the devs can see.
Can absolutely confirm this! Watched my girlfriend playing on one of the experimental servers today and she died 2 times extremely strange.
First of all we noticed the exact thing the OP said yesterday. While I was moving normally on my screen, my character was stuck in a wooden house, doing all the animations I was doing but without moving(my char was running against the wall inside the wooden house)on her screen.
Today she died very strange. Never noticed this stuff before. We think she got killed by other players both times. It was impossible to kill her where she was, so we guess that her character was stuck somewhere like we noticed the day before.
This issue started since the new 0.37 exp version, never had anything like that before.
Edit:Steps to reproduce Ok, when you close the door behind you too fast, it can happen that your character gets stuck behind the door, even if you are inside the building on your screen other players can see your character in front of the door running against it or doing the animations the player does. If the player who is stuck behind the door opening the doors again the character gets synched, also happened while moving around and getting stuck on fences and this stuff. Always had to move back and get the character back from being stuck.
It can be 5 minutes or maybe longer that your character is stuck in this position until you let yourself free :D(?).
Now we guess that my girlfriend got killed somewhere where her character was stuck(we think it was the barracks in Zelenogorsk), while she moved north to clear the city
After testing countless of "fixes" and whatever I tried to figure this bug out by myself. My girlfriend and me(both had pre patch char; I had an M4 with painted parts(was lagging for me), she had a mosin.
Only I had those FPS issues with the sks, my girlfriend with the mosin was fine.
So we killed ourselves to gear up from scratch.
All FPS Issues were gone with our new spawns on a new server... until we found an SKS again. I already found the new double barrelled weapon, so my girlfriend took the SKS. After about 10 minutes her game began to lag as hell(unplayable), the same way it did for me when I had the SKS.
So she dropped the SKS and we moved away for 100-200m and the lag was gone!!!
We don´t use the SKS anymore now since it must be part of the problem.
Also my fraps were lower when she had the sks(but I had no lagspikes and her FPS went down when I had the SKS without lag spikes for her)
Edit: We both have complete different specs. Me: Amd/ati She: Intel/Nvidia
can confirm this
can confirm this with 7.62*51
Same here, seems to be a problem if you drink yourself stuffed without eating anything or too much.
can confirm this on experimental branch.
This is a learning process you have to learn! Coordination is one of the most important things on the battlefield. In real life theres a lot of friendly fire too in wars.
Problem at the moment is that other players around you are sometimes not synched and just pop up in front of you. Killed my own mate this way in a stupid situation once
Well, I don´t want what you want:
- items only ruined when shot at or attacked
- saline bag 1 slot/ammo box 2 slots / protetive case 2 slots
- less thirst or hunger (even on respawn after death)
- suppreser's for all guns even snipers
I´m only at bug fixing with you
Sounds more like a "give me all items in pristine at gamestart" thread
You are a troll. Deleted his own post where you asked why people vote down etc. And now you do like our posts come from the nowhere
2014-01-14 18:30 ghosted11 Note Deleted: 0041601
man ghosted11...
I really don´t want to attack you to take you serious?
kevin19, I agreed with him on the bugs, hes 110% right with it. But the rest is a design decission that needs to be discussed by the devs.
And he lied very stupid :D.
|| || \/
Rubberbanding seems to be (almost) fixed since the last update(for me). Now this is the last "big" issue for me that needs to get fixed. Game works smooth at the moment, but other players are still lagging around as hell for me. Makes spotting and fighting very hard to impossible sometimes.
Theres no real endgame at the moment, so why you guys are crying about loosing your char? Its so boring to have everything and the only thing you can do is fooling around. The respawn is the best thing in DayZ for me.
And to Volter: Devs have to play their game, they need to check if immature teenager like you are right with their bug reports.
to guest (0009025): Nice to get some criticism by someone who is not willing to give his name ;). Also it´s crap what you said since you can find an M4 and all this "endgame" stuff at the beginning at DayZ. DayZ is not only about surviving, its about dying in the same way. ITS AN ALPHA!!
It seems like you´ve never been to an Alpha Development....
Dying is important to get some bugs known.
I´ll go play Tetris if you promise me to stay at WoW
It´s annoying like it is. Wouldn´t have a problem with it if every weapon could knock you out with the first hit but the fists? You don´t need any of the melee weapons expect an axe. Why not removing all other melee weapons and give us more zombies instead?
Try to jump from houses or rocks or bridges, if this doesn´t work at the first attempt retry
Smaller villqges between olsha and petrovka? Not really. I mean there could be roadsigns showing the way to those villages. Very easy to accidently walk out of the map.
Sure it's not hard to avoid but having some signs out there wouldn't hurt anyone.
Use mouse button 3 while looking at them, this way you can loot without opening your inventory. And to do that you need atleast some free slots in your inventory.
The same thing happened to me once, only from the other side. I got shot unconscious(I had the black unconscious screen).I could see the screen of my girlfriend, where I saw that my char was able to move normally and fire rounds(I couldn´t hear those shots, heard em on my girlfriends laptop and actually saw myself shooting on it). But that was only 1 time of about 20 deaths
More military camps?? Instead of that everyone could spawn with an M4 and 300 rounds.
I do not agree
Devs are working on it
Confirmed. Don´t know if you can get sick by charcoal tablets in real life but I don´t think so.
Also they would be only useful if you have food poisoning, they would not help you if you have a foodborne infection. Foodborne infections can only be healed by antibiotics(or time :) ) while food poisoning can be stopped(not healed) by charchoals.
Would be awesome if both systems would be implemented since it´s unrealistic like it is at the moment.
Explanation: -Foodborne Infection: The bacteria make you ill
-Food poisoning: (sry for my bad and harsh english :D) The shit of the bacteria make you ill
I think you will have to upload all the files needed like stated in the link below.
Someone told me this happens if your server looses the connection to the master server while you log out. When logging in again you overwrite your char with a fresh one and the old one is lost.
So more often you switch servers, the higher the chance is that you get such an issue... don´t know if completely true but maybe this can help you(only lost 1 char till now and I switched a lot of servers(no loot) with it when this happened).
upload the files the devs need like shown in the link here, maybe this helps you
Idea is good, but we already had this several times.
And you are not even better if you combat log!!! If this story is true, but I doubt it
Same here, its even worse then before and my internet connection is as perfect as it could be.
Very good Idea
:D I thought I was too stupid to set a server to favorites.
I like how it is at the moment, this way you can´t easily snipe other players while laying down in 3rd person. Makes it slightly more complicated and adds some "learnable skill" to the game.
But for the FNX and the Magnum I have to agree, zeroing it to 50m would be awesome. Would add some close quarter advantage to those pistols.
Happened to me 3 times without beeing in any building, just random anywhere on the map. After the latest hotfix on experimental, this didn´t happen anymore
duplication of a few hundred other posts about that
Rubberbanding seems to be (almost) fixed since the last update(for me). Now this is the last "big" issue for me that needs to get fixed. Game works smooth at the moment, but other players are still lagging around as hell for me. Makes spotting and fighting very hard to impossible sometimes.
Saw a guy leaving and joining the server we played on very fast, dozen of times today. We thought he might have connection issues but now I know what he did. This needs to be fixed.
Yes you are right, but i think this feature has time to get implemented, since its not really hard to find 3rd person servers. Personally I need to play on them because I get sick of the motion in 1st person view :/. There are more important things that need to get worked out at the moment. But i completely agree with you that there should be an option in the filters.
Do you mean that you cannot see which servers have 3 person view allowed in the server list or are you just complaining about the filter?
I dont know if I should laugh or cry?
You are right with the filter but nearly every server has 3PP: ON/OFF in its name so you know if third person view is enabled or not.( Look at your own picture(png file one))
So many threads about this. Its an alpha....
Respawn and retry
All your reports have been reported thousand of times, use the search function first please.
Right click him in your Steam friendlist when he is on a server and press "join game" while you alt tabbed out of game fter game start.
Edit: I think I know what you mean now and yes thats bugged.
:D I had some very funny moments with zombies running towards me from ranges over 500m. If you are hiding close to an Airfield it can be ridicioulus, everyone knows where you are if a zombie runs towards you even from 500 metres and even if he stops 200m in front of you.
It is like that at the moment. If someone spawns next to you you will hear a reloading sound(with all weapons even shovels, axes, dont know if the sound appears if they are completely unarmed).
Problem with it is that the ingame sounds are messed up as hell and you never know if its just a bug or theres really someone who spawned next to you.
I like your Idea, this way some of the hoppers might rethink where they are spawning at.
Same at the moment
Learn to play? No food and drinks in towns? Maybe get away of Balota, cherno and elektro. I thought it is impossible to die of starvation or dehydration since ther more food and drinks then ever. But then there are reports like that.
Maybe making a semi-automatic "civilian" Version of the M4 like the civilian US version of the M16, the AR15 f.e. with a low chance of spawning in residental areas.
Completely agree. Way too many weapons on military camps and airfields.
Same on nearly every ladder. I sometimes fell down, teleported back up and survived it, but more often I died to it :(. I avoid all ladders at the moment since you never know if you will survive it.
I died while climbing up also, it teleported me into the wall where the ladder was on and I died stucked in the wall( This happened on Krasnostav school ladder to the rooftop).
Whats the button for switching fire modes? Is it "T" ? Even if it is, it´s buggy as hell and not working properly atleast for me. Maybe it´s a server lag or something else, but sometimes it can take up to a minute until my firemode has been switched.
Well, I dont loose my stuff but I always spawn south of solnichniy now when I respawn.(6th time in a row now)
You can eat and drink more after the yellow bar is away, this way you can survive much longer without eating or drinking too much.
I don´t understand why people are complaining so much about it. Are you to lazy to test those things out or are you scared of your char dying.
Weapon cleaning would be awesome!!. Maybe there could rarely be Weapon cleaning kits in military bases.
@DJ yes we can and we do play on the same server, had no issues yet.
I guess it has something to do that she plays with WIFI and iam online over ethernet(cable with RJ45 connection). Maybe she gets a slightly different IP because of the W-lan router which is not included into the normal router. It´s a second WIFI router which is connected to the normal router. Maybe it gives her a different IP which allow us to play on the same server.
you both need the Standalone, so you have to spent another 25 euro/dollar or whatever. My girlfriend and me play on the same IP and we dont have had any problems yet.
She plays over WIFI with her Laptop and I over Ethernet with my desktop PC.
Same for the M4A1, I sometimes shoot the ground even if I´m on top of a hill and my weapon has the space to shoot a round.
You have to eat much much more until you are healing. This is not a bug, this is a feature.
Same, using TAB helps out
Maybe those are placeholder sounds
Yes, would be awesome to get an answer by the devs if they are working on it. Already spawned there again a few times, nowhere else.
Edit: After spawning countless(more then 15) times in a row in Solnichniy I finally spawned in Kamenka :), hopefully this got fixed.
finally I spawn all over the map
I always head north to Berezino or east to Dolina. Haven´t been to Elektro for a long time. Mostly I get killed while approaching to the NE Airfield. Not a single opened building from Berezino to Krasnostav, but when I come to the NE Airfield it always has been looted. I´m sick of beeing number 1 on the server after 20 minutes
Its up to 15 times south of solnichniy now(2 times south of elektro). Its getting very boring
Turning off clouds is much more effective then brightness and gamma
Try using FXAA (first on low) in your video/rendering/Edge smoothing settings, maybe this helps you if its not related to low health or blurriness.(Helped me to solve this "unsharpness"
Even with the clip you can manually reload single bullets. The clip just holds 5 bullets for faster reloading, after reloading you take away the clip, its no part of the weapon just a helper to load up faster.
Dogmeat is completely right, if you pull back the bolt for reloading the bullet inside the barrel can be put down deeper into the "magazine".
Edit: @ guest: Seems like you would have no idea ;)
Stop this stuff pls, this may lag the server hard and makes it unplayable for the other players on it.
Happened to me very often. Sometimes you die on a ladder( Krasnostav school(ladder that goes on the roof))while climbing up without no reason.
We need subsonic ammo for it also.
Might be server lag. Can confirm this
Confirmed, even if its working somehow it´s still bugged.
Experienced that you cannot shoot through the windows with the damaged glass of the most eastern house at North East Airfield. Tested on 2 Pc´s with a mosin.
Had the same issue with the M4 also. While standing and while beeing prone.
Can confirm the invisible zombies from time to time on different servers. Died only once by it but only because a friend of mine tried to kill the invisible zombie and hit me instead with his axe cause of lag -.-
M4A1 is perfectly like it is! In real life it isn´t as accurate as you guys believe, Its not as accurate as an M16 f.e. because of its longer barrel which gives the bullet time to accelerate much more. We don´t need more overpowered completely accurate weapons that hit every shot. You wouldn´t hit every shot in real life too. I feel its the Mosin thats too accurate on ranges over 300m also.
Don´t know if this is really the solution for all of the performance issues, but it´s a good idea. Maybe the devs will have a look on this if more people vote this up?
Mostly it just takes time till its dropped on the ground, but I already had the problem that even after 5 minutes my dropped equipment did not show up. So theres definetly a problem.
It´s still completely the same problem like before. Even if my weapon is not raised my character stops to switch weapons, only if I sprint it works "most" of the time.
Confirm. Happened to some other items(canned Tuna, baked beans) too while force feeding.
We need more spawnpoints around the map like at Novy Sobor, would help to get Balota Airfield a little bit cleaner :D
We tried it with battery of course but it did not work. Didn´t know that a saline bag works
All items that can be used on other players can be duplicated, we tryed lots of stuff(healing with blood bags, saline bags, force feeding)
In real life you don´t really know how hungry you are, thats just simply not true. Has something to do with lack of glucose in your brain.
confirm, but i never got sick by drinking without purifiying my water. They seem to be useless anyway at the moment
Why not the same FOV for everyone? In most 3rd person console games it´s like that and no one complains.