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dupe saline bags
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While trying to give a friend a saline bag because he passed out he was stuck running forward and would teleport back and every time i was able to start the iv and try to saline him it would start to do the steps then break due to movement and then it would drop a duplicate saline on the ground. i tried this 6 times and got 6 saline bags


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Have player let himself passout while running.

Once player is running forward while passed out give saline bag

After saline bag starts and stops due to movement check the ground and look for the fresh new one that dropped. These will be in pristine condition by my tests i just did

Event Timeline

dragoragoda set Category to category:items.
dragoragoda set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
dragoragoda set Severity to None.
dragoragoda set Resolution to Duplicate.
dragoragoda set Legacy ID to 209653408.May 8 2016, 2:54 PM

This is the earliest listing I've found of this exploit. As of 12/30, this still works. Player does not need to be unconscious though, just giving the bag and then having that player move results in the Prisitine bag on the ground as well as the "medic" player still holding the first bag.

deewd22 added a subscriber: deewd22.May 8 2016, 2:54 PM

Confirm. Happened to some other items(canned Tuna, baked beans) too while force feeding.

Confirmed as well.

R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 2:54 PM
R834 added a comment.Mar 22 2014, 11:26 AM

Duplicate report