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- Mar 11 2013, 9:58 PM (625 w, 4 d)
Jul 28 2017
So, to catch and bundle everything up that has been commented here as a feature:
(more likely a fix but Bohemia didn't seem to have enough time by 4 years of development..)
Jun 28 2017
Thanks and it amazes me what could be possible, especially with many parts ripping off in Arma. But, since it´s nearly impossible to run a such dynamic system without having lag spikes down to -2000 fps in hell.....
We can maybe talk about that in 20 years.
Could a developer please annouce or describe why exactly this is so difficult to comply?
May 10 2016
I have a "Lenovo G770" with 8GB of RAM and an i5 processor and I get horribly bad framerates. With everything on "Very Low - Low" I get 30 FPS on shore, 10-20 FPS in cities and in the woods.
This is very odd, because my PC runs ARMA 3 on HIGH, with sight 1800.
In ARMA 3 I get 35-45 FPS everywhere except over water, there I get 20-25 FPS.
-Will DayZ better it's performance/engine in future?
If you were smart enough, you would know that it is insanely heavy trying to carry a rifle, 30+ mags and a AT launcher, +10 rockets at the same time.
The plate vests alone feel like a pain to carry around, especially in such hot climate as in Altis/Stratis.
Personally I cannot reproduce this, since I manage my loadouts in a more reasonable and lighter way to stay agile.
A few different camo types would be awesome!
Jungle and night camo would even be enough. :)
Sounds great, because all the vehicles we have right now would never make it through a jungle.
Way too bulky and heavy.
Fully agree! Gives the co-op missions some more realism by transporting wounded/corpses back to base.
Maybe even a code built into them that lowers the chance of AI shooting at medevac vehicles?
Frustration is an emotion, trev.
And focus on this issue, not about trying to start a fight.
This just has been an annoying issue for such a long time and hasn't been reseached yet, you just have to get emotional about it.
Especially when you encounter this with your passengers almost every day.
This has been an game-breaking issue since the alpha version of Arma 3 and hasn't been assigned since then.
This happens in the standard flight model, as in the advanced flight model settings and is also an inevitable death to all occupants.
At least the co-pilot/pilot should be able to eject if his pilot/co-pilot has control over the helicopter and keeps in stabilized for him to bail.
Obviously you are left on you're own after everyone bails out, like a self sacrifice.
+1 especially for popped tires instead of burned rims.
And helicopters not exploding if they flip would be great...
And helicopters shouldn't explode when they tip over.
As if this wasn't said a thousand times...
Yes please!
Even though I'd already seen a ticket like this *cough* ~duplicate~ *cough*.
Why would you need them over the water?
This bug really needs fixing. Not only in the arsenal.
And even without godmode this shouldn't happen.
It is also missing a wreck model since it has been added.
I have noticed this, too.
The gunners, for example in the ghosthawk, do not wear their recommended full-face protection helmets.
This gives them less protection and makes the full-face helmets pretty much unused by the AI.
The action does block up the action menu from my experience with it. But it would be great to have it as a special key, like 'lower weapon' for an example.
I hope this gets added. :)
I don't even know why they allowed that update to happen, where all kinds of barrels had become the ability to clip through everything. Even tank barrels.
As the barrels still clipped into the walls, I once fought against two players in CQB. I was only armed with a 'ACP C2'and no armor vest, while they each had a 'ABR'+silencer (which makes the weapon nearly a meter long) and vests.
Well, guess who won?
-Obviously me, because they used their rifles in the building and got stuck with them.
Of course if this gets reverted then your player should at least lower his weapon or in another way, and not just get stuck trying to turn around.
But only when you stop a car/heli, would look really weird otherwise.
Some black colors for pistols would be great too.
Great suggestion!
Never thought about it even though we had a sniper in Arma 2 with foliage. :)
But it might be better to have a seperate gun for it or else people will only be walking around with camoflaged guns in MP.
Another very annoying bug that actually didn't exist until the very first patch of the Arma 3 Alpha:
Helicopters exploding if rolled over.
(ticket being ignored: 0012760 )
This is maybe the "worst easy fixable bug" in my opinion. It is extremely annoying and yet such a small glitch.
They didn't even fix it in the Helicopters DLC, which many were hoping for!
Don't forget the annoying bug where helicopters explode when tipped over... *intensly grinds teeth*
But the thing with bad AI drivers has always been a problem in open sandbox games. Even in GTA they aren't really smart.
It would be great to have advanced options for server settings, since I am sure there are alot of people who like to use vehicles with 3rd-person.
-Maybe a limited 3rd-person for infantry as option? Like a camera over the shoulder or so.
I do even catch myself using this exploit, what I think is kind of unfair for my enemies.
Shields is right. It is impossible to hit a single thing with a remote gun on the speedboat riding the waves.
It would be simple nonsense not having this in the future if it is already available now.
But maybe it should only be for the speedboat, since it is esecially difficult due to the waves. Because, you know, CoD kids would say it would be too "OP" on a Hunter/Ifrit/Strider.
I actually even tried it with a direct hit of a mini-nuke. Only broken windows.
Confirmed. You can only get those things down by shooting with rockets/missles or if you shoot out the pilot.
- sniper effect besides HULL damage.
- machine gun...not very useful either.
- HMG MRAP turret...only HULL damage again.
- Minigun from Ghosthawk...only shooting the pilot is useful.
- GMG MRAP turret...even less useful.
- Titan missle launcher...very effective!
(As if anybody would ever shoot down a civilian helicopter with AA.)
Yeah, might want to be fixed.
"One of the most noted issues - helicopters' tendency to explode when rolled over to a side - is still a valid problem. It's not a deliberate design decision. Just like you, we despair when a skillful autorotation turns into a mass murder just by a tiny mistake. Different concurrent simulations have posed a limitation in collision detections. We are trying to tackle it and our programmers have already gone a couple of extra (air) miles. We don't yet know quite how far there is to go."
What happened to this...? There haven't been any helping improvements on this since Alpha...
Thank you very much for the information, strangere.
You haven't flown one yourself then. Sure they can take alot of hits, but if they touch any object they explode immediately...
Sure, it can land hard, but crashing... no way. There is no "crashing" a helicopter in Arma 3, it is either you explode or you not explode.
(Cars lose wheels and windows in crashes, which is still better than just exploding.)
Take a helicopter and try to crash in any way. Either it is flip to the side or simply scraping a tree, you will explode.
Even "PC GAMER" says in an article that the "flip 'n' explode"-thing is frustrating and ridiculous.
This is probably the most annoying thing in Arma 3 for me. Helicopters are really made out of explosives which go off at any little too hard crash/flip/contact with everything.
It is wierd that they are ignoring this. This bug is horrible.
Would be very helpful, since putting in and commanding every civilian is a huge amount of work.
It's the tipping over to the side which makes you blow up, not the rotors themselves. Helicopters are way to explosive right now.
I totally forgot about the AAF!
They do not seem to have much money, which makes your idea pretty useful afterall.
Would you have any ofter ideas for a vehicle though? Because also in the campaign the NATO said they'd rather junk their equipment before they would leave it into the hands of the AAF. ;)
+1 Vote up
I really like the idea and your points are good and all...
...but Arma 3 is in the future and I would doubt that they would use those older expendable vehicles. Also in the campaign they said that the "Hunter" was quite out of duty, since it is even used moderately in our real life time.
If you have "unexpensive" technology (compared to these days), then why sit a more valuable human soldier out in the open on a machinegun mounted to the vehicle?
Ok, well I cannot test it, as I do not have the RC branch code.
Only someone who has it could test your issue.
I cannot reproduce this.
My ATRQ does not even break into a damaged model like yours. It just spins slower and the main rotor is still intact.
Although I think it is very wierd that you spin if you lose your tail rotor. Normally your tail falls like a brick and pulls your down to the ground.
Alot of the BI-milsims had atleast one civilian aircraft and since Altis is pretty big, it would be good to have a plane.
A few examples:
Operation Flashpoint -
Arma 2 (Well, a helicopter) -
Arma 2 OA -
A twin engine prop plane would be pretty,
like this:
or this:
I hope they make better civilian helicopter pilots though, because now we only have some with those "Worker" clothes.
I don't understand why they are not doing it.
It is total nonsense about the "limitation of the engine" or "too complicated to overcome". They probably just don't feel like working on it. *cough* lazy *cough cough*
I have a nice video here that proves how good it works with the engine and that the pod is even perfectly attached to the Taru. It doesn't even look clumsy.
You are probably slamming your collective up and down. Watch the bar that fills up and look at which point your helicopter takes off.
But it seems you should just use the standard flight model since you are confused with the more realistic, advanced flight model.
Menu -> Options -> Game -> *right side* = 'advanced'- set it to 'standard'
Try slamming your collective up in a real helicopter and call me if you survive it. It will either boost uncontrolable into the air, or/and would rip your blades and maybe even engine apart.
So that means, if you are shot in the arm pit(not armored), it kills you as fast as if you would not be wearing armor?
That would be great. Then it would not give your entire torso more health. Also it would only be realistic.
That is a good point.
Even though I am american, I do not like the imperial measurement system.
Meter is in my opinion better, but you should be able to switch between them. Especially when you are used to it.
I like both of your points. Helicopters need better collision physics with, well... everything.
Helicopter + water = kaboom
Helicopter + stone = kaboom
Helicopter + bush = kaboom
Oh, and my "favorite":
Helicopter tips over = michael bay movie
I wish they would at least make them more tough against crashes/flipping over/water. Landing with a Huron in the water and recovering divers/boats would be pretty epic.
More useful content is always good.
Since there are selectable colors for the Ghosthawk and the Huron this would be great. A "color-selector" in the create object window would be ideal for this, so that it doesn't block up the vehicle list.
A nice thing would be if the Blackfoot had a black skin too, like every other NATO helicopter has.
I can see my computer already burning when thinking about that.
Maybe for some Arma in the future...but now it seems a little too much, or?^^
I like the idea though, should be kept by side.
Yeah, sure. This is actually not a forum, but I will put it in and later the devs should delete this. This ticket is actually already closed and is just using up space.
I hope you can understand what I have written down. Just try them out. Some descriptions are missing since I have not tested them yet.
Have you written it into the init-field of the helicopter you have placed?
Normally that command should work fine if you only have that script in the init-field.
Tip: always put a ; behind every script if you write another one after it.
@Denis P
When they get the pods attachable that would be great. Although I dought that they would change the menu layout. (it would be nice though)
Oh, and here is your script for a black MH9/AH9:
this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"A3\Air_F\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_ion_co.paa"];
Btw: You should write them all down into a text editor and save them. (I have a huge collection of scripts saved^^)
On the one side, yes.
On another side, no.
The MH-9/AH-9 should have doors, it just looks better and you can see alot through the doors too. It does not look very futuristic flying around with an open aircraft. The modern attack-Littlebirds almost always have doors on them. (Maybe even for protection?)
On the other hand, people would put them on a Hummingbird, remove benches and put a civilian skin on it with scripts. It then looks almost the same as the M900 in the DLC, which makes the M900 not so unique. (Besides of the shiny paint, marked rotors and civilian interior)
But I support more content and that's why I say yes.
Helicopters all together in Arma 3 are way too explosive. You cannot even tip over without nuking yourself. I cannot even do a safe autorotation without tipping over in the Taru once I slide over the ground.
Helicopters are actually very fragile in real life, but they just do not explode like in a michael bay movie. <- and this is just one huge issue.
Also the blades cannot be shot out that easily like mentioned in this issue.
Same here.
Although you can set one of the helicopters as "Player", then you can fly around until you get out. I hope this gets fixed soon though.
Btw I own the DLC Bundle, so normally it should work.
The 3D scope sounds great and i have seen it in other games, but it would be great if you could disable it too. It really takes up alot of performance.
But bipods are really, really, really needed and hopefully will come with the marksman DLC.
Sounds like a pretty bad*ss UAV to me.
Does not bother too much though if it can open doors, but dissasembling stuff sounds odd. It is not a gamebreaking bug though.^^
This glitch is extremely annoying. It should be assigned as major problem.
Also have noticed this, it just turns into a wreckage. Some trigger behind this which should not be too hard for Bohemia to remove...
They really should actually not explode if tipped over even without "this allowDamage False".
In Armed Assault everthing just turned black if it was destroyed, with hardly any missing parts. Something like that just does not belong in Arma 3.
What would be cool is when a jet hits the ground hard enough that it's fuselage desinegrates and only the wings + debris parts are lying around.
The wreck model needs some overwork too, looks like from Armed Assault. The wings should rip off like it does with the buzzard.
In my opinion, yes.
In most other opinions from those 'Alits Life' players, probably no.
The starting up a car sounds nice, should really take longer. You cannot just get in a car in real life and drive away in 1 second. Also the jet thing sounds quite interesting, jets need a huge overwork anyways.
But further than this, (like switching the gears and using clutch) would be too much. ^^
You are surely talking about every helicopter except for the MH-9/AH-9 and the Mohawk.
The most obvious ones with this case are the Ghosthawk and the Blackfoot. (Which really need reworking)
I can see the gigantic lag just in front of me.
I have noticed that too, just maybe it is so small it does not recognize it. Although it only appears when you fly rough, so it must be some kind of "damage".
I think they just haven't implemented an indicator for that yet.
I will see in Zeus if it does any damage to the helicopter, even if it is 1%.
Have you enabled "stress damage"?
If you fly very rough then you can damage your helicopter's mechanisms. Repairing fixes it though.
In Arma 2 something like that was actually kinda included.
It burned for a while (counts how much fuel was in it), then thick smoke came out for a little time and then it vanished. Now it just burns for a certain amount of time (no matter how much fuel is in it) and then it just switches off.
Happened to me often while using the Orca.
It is a bug in certain helicopters, that the helicopter and the cargo just pull eachother together and destroy themselves.
Maybe switching off the "flip 'n' explode" thing would fix this bug...
I dought that they will add another heli though. (Besides of the black version of the "Taru".
Although a civilian Orca/Mohawk/Taru would be awesome, even if they only have new textures and interior I wouldn't mind. The Taru or the Mohawk could be a medic helicopter for civilians too maybe.
Well, they made a civilian version of the MH-9, which just has doors and shiny paint. It is found under the name "M-900".
I am quite OK with it, because it has some TKOH interior and color.
A civilian version of the Mohawk or the orca would probably be too much to ask for though.^^
Yes yes yes! "Easy" work, but that does not matter. It gives players content which gives you more options, more freedom. I personally would love seeing more content, no matter if it is taken from TKOH.
Perfect for such a sandbox game.
Them adding the "Huey" medium helicopter would make my day.
Surely would actually make the DLC worth it's money and probably more people would actually buy it.
Instead of "putting" a vehicle into a truck, it would be better to have a "tow vehicle" option.
It would be great to be able to put containers and ATV's into trucks and helicopters, but cars on a truck seem a little funky. (Unless you have a C-130)
Here an example:
I don't want to go off topic now, but in general I like the idea.
It gives you a more steady control over your throttle. The keys are very sensible without that and can make your throttle rise to full at one push.
Why don't you use a joystick instead, if it is "taking forever"?
We just need those TKOH parts back,-which we had before a certain update- then we could have a nice MH-9 with doors and a FLIR camera mounted on the side for scouting.
The AH-9 is not very good in my opinion because it is a easy target and it can only attack at closer ranges.(Not to mention it has no flares)
With a FLIR camera and some Hellfires such a task would be great for the little chopper. You can stay out of reach with a FLIR and still attack at longer ranges with Hellfires/DAGR.
It is actually a good idea. Just with a one-seater I must disagree.
In a one-seater you would have to pilot, navigate, scout for enemies and use a mounted FLIR camera (a must-have for scout helicopters in 2035) on your own.
A two-seater would be a ideal for such a task. A pilot and a "gunner"/Co-pilot, using the camera, just like in the Hellcat. Also it would give civilians a proper little helicopter. Something like a Robinson R22 would be good.
If Bohemia is willing to do this, which I honestly dought, then such a helicopter could save alot of virtual soldier's lives and add a missing civilian air vehicle.
I have noticed that some of the controls are inverted, too.
This kind of lagging does not occur anymore (which I am really thankfull for), but I do get a overall fps loss of 20-30 fps in advanced flight mode.
This ticket here can be resolved.
^Damage model right now^
The most players in Altis Life only sprint around in shorts while having rifles and rpg's on their backs. I certainly don't think anyone of them would be using their turn signals in a car.
Yes, it would be a nice little thing, but it would hardly be used by players and it is just not necessary for such a game like Arma.
AD2001 is right, an example would be the "Hunter" outfit for civilians, which already has a scarf and would make it glitch extremely with another scarf over it.
An option of selecting hats when playing as civilian/FIA/units without helmets would be nice though, but that is a different story.
Same thing happens with every other helicopter that has retractable gear.
This has been a problem since the implementation of "RotorLib".
If you go into the Editor and place a "Van Wreck", which can be found under Empty->Wrecks->Van Wreck.
Here is also a picture:
There are even underslung rails on some of the handguns, perfect for a flashlight.
Very good idea!
They have already been "ready" in TKOH, which has been released 3 years ago.
There was no reason for them to remove all those in Arma 3, they worked fine in SP and MP.
No, the developers just simply have to put it in again, but right now the only thing which still works is removing the benches on the MH-9.
this animate ["addBenches", 0];
And there are some textures they have left for civilians, but, without doors and this military green interior, just doesn't make it feel much like a civilian helo.
I know, but why remove them when it's a nice feature for the community and keeps a window open for those "Altis Life" servers? (which are way too common)
I'm not sure if I am going off topic with this, but besides that the loadout idea is great and would be epic.
Why have they removed the option for adding parts to the hummingbird then?
-It was working fine as it was available... (<-the skin is a addon)
As you can see you were able to change some parts back then, even a IR cam was available and civilian interior.
I wish this could be available again in the Helicopter DLC, as also some civilian versions/skins/parts for helicopters and of course military versions/(skins)/parts.
If you cannot fly, -or spell- then you can just use the simplified flight controls or go back to more simple games like Call of Duty for an example.
There are many people who would want this feature.
I have been using it since it has been released on dev branch and with keyboard. The flight model isn't even ultra realistic, but alot better than what we had before.
Like I said, just switch to the standard flight model if you do not like it.
I have tested this on many other things you can land on. I landed a Hummingbird on the deck of a harbor and the skids sink into it so that i cannot take off anymore.
This mostly happens if you land on objects.
(except of the hospital roof, it works fine in this case)