Please make crash of planes normal.
When combat aircraft сrash on the ground, or when exploded in the sky, this this plane is not falling apart. Today, the body of aircraft and wings is not able to be destroyed.
It looks is very bad:
Please make the breakage of the wings and other pieces.
When combat aircraft accelerates along and above the ground and falls, durring this moment, there is no inertia for dead fuselage. It looks also bad and not realistic:
Please make more real physic, at falling on the hight speed.
Initially crash on the water of falling interceptor has no any splash of water and explosion. But after DLC-Helicopters this effect was added.
However, now it doesn't work perfectly. You can still see the wreck without a splash of water.
Even if a surge happens for airplane it is very small. Please increase water splash and make it stable.
When the dead aircraft falls to the ground, then the plane starts twitch. Or is it twitches camera, I am not assured.
This twitches lasts a long time, until the moment of collision with the ground. Please remove this stupid twitch.