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- Mar 13 2013, 8:41 PM (625 w, 3 d)
Jun 13 2016
This bug is back in dev branch.
May 10 2016
Dev version 133493 claimed this was fixed, but it's not.
It's been happening since October 9th at the latest.
doStop doesn't prevent units from engaging. If you want a group or single unit to stay put with doStop, you must use groupName enableAttack false. Or unitName disableAI "MOVE", but then the unit will be stuck on the spot, unable to turn.
You never seen an integrated knee pad? GIS it.
The NATO and CSAT uniform textures are crying out for improvement, since they were probably among the first things made for the game. They're probably close to 6 years old at this point, and they look terrible next to the AAF. But BIS isn't going to start remodelling stuff now, particularly with an expansion on the way.
I try never to look at any DayZ screenshots, because frankly the difference in asset quality between the two games is embarrassing.
Thanks for linking that fix. I was like >:|
I think this problem may somehow be related to this:
I was testing a Slammer UP, just driving around. I was consistently able to produce the bug - the tank was suddenly propelled forward at an angle which sometimes causes it to flip. This is just from driving around and turning the vehicle.
I decided to see if changing its mass would help. A Slammer UP has a mass of 70000. I set it to 90000 using setMass. After doing that, it seems to prevent the jumping from happening so regularly.
Then I thought of the issue linked above. AI-driven Hunter MRAPs sometimes won't move (I have a repro mission on that ticket, try it out). So I tried the same thing: when a Hunter wouldn't move to its waypoint, I set its mass to 2000 (default 8000). After doing that, it went on its way.
I don't know what any of that means, but its as if the hunter is too heavy for its wheels or something.
At the very least, this could fix the silly bug where the charging handle and magazine are animated when reloading the UGL.
Could this be related to mass somehow? Whenever a hunter is stuck, setting its mass to 2000 lets it move. You can see the suspension ease off as if there was another MRAP sitting on top of it. I guess decreasing the vehicle's mass would do that anyway, and maybe this is just a coincidental solution rather than proof of the root problem, but I'm throwing it out there.
Yes, the hunter stops on the slope in front of the player despite having a scripted move command to a location about 2km away. It still doesn't move if given a new destination via the debug console.
Also, just pointing out again that the behaviour of the hunter in my original repro is still consistent with my report and also the behaviour shown in the linked video. In that particular scenario, the hunter does not move to its waypoint, but does slowly slide along the ground with its wheels turned sharply to one side as if the vehicle is trying to go one way and the driver another. After a few seconds, the driver wins and the hunter goes on its way.
In other scenarios the hunter just sits motionless for minutes at a time, then may or may not move. I've seen it happen on dirt roads and paved roads, but dirt roads seem to be the main culprit. I can consistently reproduce the issue by simply moving a hunter to any dirt road. Sometimes it follows the waypoint, but if you shift the hunter's position slightly on the road, this can cause it to get stuck.
I'd appreciate it if someone could have another try at reproducing this, because I played my test mission recently and like Adam, I couldn't repro the problem even after restarting the mission several times. But then I loaded another mission and then back to my test, and the Hunter would not move.
(Not to mention that others have confirmed the issue).
Video added (by someone else who was able to repro it)
No mods. I can consistently reproduce the issue using that mission. Latest Dev version 130759. Vanilla + all DLCs. I'll see if anyone else can repro it.
Adam - restart the mission a few times and the Hunter will sometimes not move.
If you place an animal module, only two animals will have animations. For example if you set it up for five sheep, two of the sheep will be moving around but the rest will be frozen. However, if you put down two modules with two sheep each, they will all move around.
I could be wrong but I think this might be because the actual 3d geometry of these walls is kind of a sloped mound, to allow walking over them.
Perhaps this is the reason why AI don't look where you tell them when using the watch/cover command, or whatever it is, in the commanding menu.
I know, but they're not very useful. There is scarcely any difference between them. The only noticable differences are that "safe" allows smiling and yawning, and "hurt" favours grimacing over anything else. So far so good. But actual emotions like we had in OFP would be more useful.
Your screenshots of "combat" and "danger" just show the guy doing one of the random mouth animations. Does the "combat" one really look like the guy is in combat? Why would there be any difference between danger and combat anyway? Why would there be any difference between "aware" and "neutral"?
At the very least I think they should bring back some states from Flashpoint, namely "smile", "sad", "angry" and "aggressive", to actually control when a character shows one of those particular expressions rather than simply allowing them to happen randomly. I just fired up OFP for the first time in years to check out setMimic in the editor. You can make a unit look happy, angry, aggressive, surprised, even cynical. Of course the graphics are horrendous and the expressions can be quite comical, but they actually work.
As above, setMimic hasnt worked properly since at least Arma 1 (I didnt play Arma 1 so I don't know). As in the Flashpoint functionality where you could set individual expressions like "sad", "happy", "angry", etc.
I don't know what you mean about Arma 2. It didn't work at all in A2 either, and the units had no facial expressions whatsoever.
setMimic hasn't worked properly since, what, Arma 1? In Arma 2 I guess the facial animations didn't exist, so everybody looked liked a dead-eyed emotionless android. Now the units have dynamic facial expressions but we can't apply them with setMimic.
In the back of the unarmed Ifrit, if the back seats were facing the other way, back-to-back with the next row of seats, there would be room for two more passengers. Just sayin.
Agreed, the slide/bolt sound is quite unpleasant on the ACP, Sting and PDW. It used to be pretty loud on all weapons but I think they reduced the volume on the rifles.
Still there - hosted MP has been unplayable in dev branch for three weeks.
This bug is back. Since at least Friday 9th October.
I can also confirm that unsubscribing from steam workshop missions gets rid of the issue.
My friend who hosts our co-op games has been getting this bug for over a month on Dev branch. It is only ever the two of us in the server. He gets the loading screen, and when that happens I experience massive desync for a few seconds. He recently went from Dev to stable and back again, which got rid of the loading screen but we both still get lag skipping every few seconds.
This appears to have been fixed in version 127690:
Fixed: Get in command when units are already in a vehicle (it will default itself to get out)
By the way BIS, this bug totally messes up the convoy behaviour in "Moral Fiber" from the WIN episode.
I thought this was just happening to me on particular bit of road. I've got some APCs driving up a steep hill, and they keep swerving off course and rolling off the edge. I had to put down concrete barriers to stop them doing it, but then it got worse after the recent change relating to AI walking through editor-placed objects. After that, the APCs started trying to avoid the barriers and ended up going up the hill on the other side of the road.
Yes, this isn't a bug at all.
Use doStop in combination with enableAttack false.
The flickering issue was fixed, but there is a more subtle problem now. Typically you will be able to view the information in an ORBAT icon a couple of times, but after that it stops working; nothing pops up. Sometimes the text box will be cut off and you'll only be able to see half of the information.
This also seems to cause an issue whereby you can't scroll in or out of the map. It's as if scrolling is locked for a few seconds, then resumes.
Confirmed, noticed this recently in 'Resurgent West' where the 111th ID icon is located at the AAC airfield and the CSAT regiment icon is just across the water in Pyrgos.
Certainly large terrains seem to exacerbate the problem, but I've noticed weapons and accessories moving on stock terrains too.
Yeah they're supposed to be there, but they sound awful. The MX sound hurts my ears and I find it really dissatisfying. It sounded alot better in the Alpha before they added those closure sounds.
I think all the closure sounds should have their volume reduced by quite alot.
This is really annoying in MP because if you're in the gunner position of an MRAP or something, you can't hear what anybody is saying because the noise is so loud.
This is still a thing. You can't put backpacks where you want them in the editor. Can't setpos them, can't attachTo them. Is there some reason for this?
Were the backpacks' model geometries increased for some technical reason? Because back in the alpha or beta, you could definitely place a backpack where you wanted, for example sitting on a table in a building.
Huh. I guess if you're coming from COD or something, you're used to explosives detonating by themselves after 15 seconds or so.
This happened to me, too. After some reverts, I see the pilot is supposed to come out of the ruins building and talk to you. Sometimes this doesn't happen.
They use caseless ammo, dude. There's nothing to eject.
"door_1_rot" isn't the correct name in this instance. That door is actually a set of sliding doors, 'a' and 'b', and each can be manipulated individually.
building animate ["door_1a_move",1];
building animate ["door_1b_move",1];
But yeah, the open/close door module doesn't affect that door. I guess maybe the module script just searches for "door_x_rot" entries. For future reference, you can look up a building's classname in the editor's config viewer, and check the 'UserActions' section to find the code for interactive elements.
It's not exactly a typo, because the information is displayed by a function that automatically gets the time, date and location information. So it's a bug in the function script.
There is actually another bug in it that makes it incorrectly display location information in the southern parts of Stratis. For example, LZ Connor's location is displayed as 'North-West'.
This is actually because the paratroopers are scripted to be setCaptive until they hit the ground.
I guess it's so your AI team doesn't shoot at them as they descend, but I don't really see the problem with them doing that. The only thing I can think of is that your squad would stop moving and that would delay the sort of frantic pace the missions all seem to encourage.
Maybe a developer could explain why they're captive, it seems a pretty poor design decision, or some kind of workaround. There is a note in the paradrop script saying something about the parachutes bursting into flames, but I don' think that's the reason because the parachutes have allowDamage false for that reason.
You have to expand the 'Survive' list first by clicking the triangle at the side. But yeah, the menu should be expanded by default.
This isn't fixed. Grenades just bounce less frequently. I don't get why this was even implemented in the first place. Even if it's realistic, This is the sort of thing that should maybe be ignored in favour of gameplay.
I took out the reinforcments without difficulty. It's only eight guys.
I do agree though that your team leader's plan of running straight toward the incoming enemy is idiotic. At Mike-26 you're in an elevated position with a pretty good view of that road, but your leader decides to go down and meet them.
No, you can script a unit to use one of the three stances. But he'll use that stance ONLY. You may wish to allow an AI to use two stances but disable one of them.
Prime example: I hate it when the AI goes prone in close quarters, like in a town. I'd like to restrict them to crouching and standing in that kind of situation.
The AI doesn't use those.
Steps to reproduce: Fly with a jet, be Spanish.
FYI, the Sochor in the Armed Assault Showcase is running a special damage handler to make it blow up with one charge, for gameplay purposes.
Are the voices real persian speakers?
Yeah this is weird. Perhaps compensating for lack of larger civilian boats. But am I imagining it or did there used to be larger speedboat type craft in the game? Maybe just in one of those early E3 videos.
Why don't they just replace them with the sounds they used in that mission in Survive?
There's one mission where there is a scripted thunder storm, and clearly the mission designers thought the stock thunder sound wasn't good enough, because they used a couple of pretty good custom sounds for the thunderclaps. Someone should have recognised the opportunity to improve the stock sound.
Confirmed, with many rocks of that type you can shoot and be shot through the edge of the model.
Even a generic, linear 'rain on windshield' effect would be awesome. But then I suppose people would start asking for functioning wipers.
And certainly the sound of rain on objects would increase immersion.
This used to be the way it worked in A2, but then I believe it was changed in an update. I think the reasoning was that most of the time if you're separated from your squad, they're most likely all together and so only one AI giving a position is sufficent. And if you want an individual report you can always just select individual squad members.
Before the change, every unit would spam the radio channel with the same information and it would be annoying. However I agree that the other team members should give a quick response, even if it's just "moving" or "ready".
Probably an environment artist.
Yeah, it is cargo index 3. It wouldn't be so bad except the next cargo position places a unit far too close to the guy sitting in the middle. In first person you're basically sitting in his lap.
Also, units sit too far back in the front passenger seat (index 0). They sink into the backrest.
Since the latest stable update, and in dev branch, this issue has been corrected.
This issue may have been fixed in the latest stable update. Can anyone confirm?
While that is also an annoying issue, I'm talking specifically about not being able to access the gear sub-menus (uniform, vest, backpack) AFTER opening the inventory menu. You have to click about 20 times before they open.
Yeah, a new magazine appears instantaneously in the user's hand after removing the old one. It skips the step of taking a new mag from the vest.
You're saying if one group walks by another group of the same side, then walks out of earshot/sight, they will know when that group they passed gets killed? If that's what you're saying then you're mistaken. I think possibly you're over-estimating the effectiveness of suppressors.
Yes, this should absolutely be in in. I would actually be happy using this for troops. I hate seeing an enemy group running over a hill in a perfect wedge.
No, there are many UI elements at the moment that are hard to read or see, this is just one of them. If BIS wanted to make it harder they'd just remove it. If you don't want to use it, that's great, don't use it. But others do.
Since we're talking about visual issues with the snipers, I would also argue that the ghillie headpiece should be a separate item in the headgear slot. To allow for more variety.
But in what situation? A user-made mission? If you're playing a user-made mission and the AI are carrying TRGs with the old ammo, that's something that needs to be fixed by the mission maker.
Yeah I had to write an overly complicated script just to get random patrols in a town. Should have been as easy as putting down a few waypoints with large random radius, which is what BIS likes doing in their own missions.
Still a problem in recent dev build. Weirdly the only building I have found that allows random waypoints near it is the Fuel Station (Shed) object - if you place a random waypoint on that building then the in-game waypoint will always show up somewhere randomly within that object's model area, nowhere outside it.
Still an issue in release version.
Upon further testing, random placement will rarely work in towns if the radius is less than 75m. Even if the waypoint does change from its initial centre location, it seems to favour certain points as if it is selecting from a pool of 'allowed' areas, rather than being truly random.
Cool. Also, a related problem - The large communication tower (Land_TTowerBig_1_F) is treated by AI as an object they have to crawl under. They start crawling when passing underneath it even though there is ample head room. If they have a waypoint that passes through the object, they will avoid it altogether if they can, but if you place an AI under the tower with a waypoint or just in your group, they will start crawling until they are clear of it.
Same goes for Land_TTowerBig_2_F
Looks the same to me.
Yeah the #1 most annoying inventory issue for me is getting the weapon instead of the body. In some cases it has taken more than 5 tries from multiple angles to get the correct interface.
Also, you should be able to access the 'weapon' slot like you can do with the clothing, vest and backpack, in order to easily switch optics.
Additionally, clicking on a magazine in your own inventory should cycle to that item in the inventory you're accessing, if it is present. That would make it easier to replenish your ammo.
You can use the existing BIS_Fnc_unitCapture / unitPlay to 'record' a path and play it back on a unit. The function is useful for single player (and, with conservative use, multiplayer) scenarios where perhaps you want to have a helicopter or other vehicle perform extremely precise movements, such as those described by the OP. I haven't used this in the Alpha yet, though I'm presuming it's still there from OA. However, the function does cause FPS drop and in MP there is usually horrendous desync and/or a violent shuddering of the target unit.
If technically possible, a facility to set waypoints that the AI would follow in an 'on rails' fashion would certainly be useful for very basic AI paths and allow unitCapture/unitPlay to be saved for things like aerobatics that couldn't be reliably recreated otherwise.
BIS has been known to get round this in official missions by using tricks such as looping a walking/running animation on a unit, combined with functions that tell the unit which way to turn, but a simple waypoint-like system would eliminate the need for such complicated measures. Although I'd be surprised if they hadn't already tried to implement something like this in the past.
Reproducible after loading a save. Plankton particle effect remains when on land.
You should also be able to access the gun as a separate sub-menu, like with vests and backpacks, so you can easily take optics and attachments.
Using kbTell, .lip files only work correctly when using the "DIRECT" channel. With any other channel, the lips do not move at all if there is a corresponding .lip file in the sound folder. If there is NOT a .lip file, the character's lips will move in the default, fragmented manner.
I often think that the engine does not produce, for lack of a better description, 'enough' lighting in overcast conditions. In fact, it's as if the lighting is just turned off, which makes everything look very ugly. This is one area where Arma 2 looks alot better, in my opinion.
May 9 2016
Yes, the Rahim has a good sound, but it's the sound of a pistol, not a 7.62 rifle. Handguns should sound more like the Rahim. Currently all pistols except the Zubr and maybe the Four-Five are pathetically weak.
Although the sound samples themselves have improved since A2, there is no consistency in the sounds of the different weapon types or calibres. The Zubr, Four-Five and ACPC2 are all .45 calibre but each has a drastically different sound. Yes, they're different guns and shouldn't sound identical, but the Zubr sounds like a cannon while the ACPC2 sounds like a baby coughing.
Where is the sound design? I don't think this even exists as a concept in this game's development, considering the drastic variation in the quality of some sounds over others. One of the worst sounds in the game is the Anti-Aircraft cannons, which sounds weaker than a handgun.
It ruins immersion for me, not just because many sounds are lacking, but because the sound in general just seems broken. Gunshots or 30mm cannons simply drop off after a few hundred metres, while other sounds, like reloading and placing explosives or healing at a medic (the latter two inexplicably having the same sound), can be heard as if they are happening right next to you.
I don't mean to rant, but I feel that sound design is an extremely important consideration, not just for a realistic war game, but for ANY game, and I am constantly disappointed and underwhelmed by the soundscape of Arma 3.
The detonation should also be mapped to a different key, or perhaps the detonator item could be cycled to in the weapons menu and 'fired' to set off the explosive. A separate key would be preferable though to limit 'clutter' in the weapons menu.
Also, it would be handy to be able to detonate individual bombs placed, or at least different types of explosive. For example, a claymore should not be detonated at the same time as a satchel charge when both have been placed by the same player at the same time.
Explosives detonation should be mapped to its own key. The action menu is cluttered enough already. A detonator item would work (cycle to it in the weapons menu and 'fire'), however a keypress would be cleaner.
Others have suggested that a detonator item be required to set off the charges (like having a repair kit enables you to fix things); this way, other players could retrieve the detonator from your body if you died, allowing them to detonate charges you placed earlier. This would remedy occasions when a player sets a charge but is then killed, leaving his team mates no way to continue with the demolition.
I don't find remembering keys half as annoying as cycling through a bunch of different actions in the middle of a fight, or even in normal circumstances, in a menu that suddenly adds more actions when you get near another object, altering your selection and possibly causing unwanted results. You never had any First Aid/Drag/Weapon M9 issues in Arma 2?
A keypress is cleaner. A detonator in the weapon menu that you cycle to and click to detonate a charge would be acceptable but that too adds clutter to another menu that doesn't need it.