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May 10 2016
It's necessary to visualize that you're "inside" of another unit. I don't want any other UI elements like the suggested eye or time stamp, because they can clash with HUD (i.e., weapon info, command bar, etc.).
I'll consider making the black vignette slightly subtler though.
Hi, there's a basic documentation on the community wiki:
Should be fixed in today's dev build
Two now loadouts were added for each faction last week:
- Soldier (unarmed) - lacks weapons and magazines, but otherwise equipped normally (i.e., vest, NVG, map, radio ...)
- Survivor - doesn't have anything except of uniform.
Good point, I'll add empty loadouts for each side.
Should be fix in today's build.
Oh the wise pettka, I seek your counsel.
Should be fixed in today's dev build.
We released a hotfix this afternoon, should be ok now.
My plans to completely redesign the sound engine I know nothing about were indeed ruined by Zeus. I promise I will be more responsible in the future.
Passed to our programmers.
You guys are right, the respawn module was too restricting.
I redesigned it, so Zeus can now give player loadout of any unit he can place (i.e., if he can place a sniper, he can also give players sniper loadout).
Note: This also means that at the beginning of ZGM missions (when only respawn module is available), options are still too limited. That should be fixed together with rules adjustment in the mission I'm planning in the next few days.
Note 2: I currently have no plans for loadout module where you could compose custom loadout from individual weapons and items. I'm afraid it would be too time consuming (both for me as designer and for Zeus during the game) and there are different priorities. I believe that chosing from pretty much every soldier in the game should be enough in majority of cases.
As mentioned in the live-stream, this is high on my to-do list.
Available in the dev version now, just place Respawn > Loadouts module ;)
Virtual entities can no longer be killed.
Should be available in tomorrow's build.
Duplicate of #17351
- Camera is longer locked on the unit after you return back to the interface.
- Controlling another unit after the previous one was killed should give you now full control, not just the view.
- Shooting friendlies no longer affects player's rating.
Should be available in tomorrow's build.
I believe I found the issue and fixed it (ETA Friday), but I'm still not sure about it.
Please try it and if the problem still persist, slap this issue back to my face ;)
I'm unable to reproduce this issue. Tried both in SP, on hosted server and on dedicated server. Ability to switch to the player unit didn't have any effect on it.
Vanilla Arma, or with some mods?
Should be fixed in the next dev build exe update.
Might not be achievable, it's possible the artillery computer is tied to the player specifically. We'll investigate it.
Should be fixed in the next dev build exe update.
Reproduced, fixed, committed. ETA tomorrow.
Cannot reproduce, the camera move to the unit correctly.
Any specific steps I should follow?
I'm afraid the current side system doesn't allow dynamic relation changing, not without undesired side effects. That's why ZGM scenarios at least have ability to set relations in mission parameters in the lobby.
Duplicate of #0017488
Dev version published in Friday morning was accidentally missing one addon which was required for remote control to work. Another update released in the afternoon fixed this.
This is intentional - players are warned about incoming strike when they're less than 100m from the ordnance module, so they at least have some time to react. Without it, Zeus would have too much power. If you want silent strikes, spawn ordnance modules further away.
As for respawn, it's also as designed. Players have right to know when new respawn point is available.
Fixed, should appear in the next dev build.
Fixed, the problem was actually mine. Should appear in the next dev build.
Grandmaster pettka, please check CfgPatches units[]
Duplicate of #0017347
Fixing this took me about 10 minutes. Many heavily upvoted issues require complicated decisions and multi-department cooperation, that's why they often remain unsolved for quite some time
Yes we can! In the next dev build ;)
That's intended behavior. The module lets you to set the global PP effect, which is not tied to any specific module. In fact, you can have unlimited number of PP modules present in your mission.
All modules which are affecting mission settings (weather, daytime, countdown, respawn tickets, ...) works this way.
Air strike modules are already in the game, but I'm afraid I wasn't able to implement bombing run due to technical limitations. Only missile strike, gun strafe and combination of both is available.
However, laser target is now visualized by a special icon, so Zeus can spot it and send any kind of fire support on the location. Is that ok?
I'm planning to add bombing runs together with the release of new jets.
Thanks for the problem explanation, it's very helpful.
I imagine that instead of showing cost preview of just one unit, we could should multiple previews in a row to see how many times you can build the unit with current resources.
The resources are intentionally abstract, visualized by a progress bar rather than by numbers. It allows greater flexibility, as many costs are currently numbers like 0.015625, which wouldn't look very appealing on the screen.
When you look at other games, numerical value is usually used when it represents some specific resources, e.g., money, mana, wood, coal, ... However, the resources in Zeus aren't specific, so it wouldn't make sense to show some numbers. This was design intention from the beginning.
Fixed, should appear in the next dev build.
I like this idea, but it would have to be optional - in many instances you want to role play as an HQ and don't want to sound so ... thunderous :)
I'm afraid there's no priority for this before release, but I'd like to check possibilities afterwards.
Fixed, autonomous vehicles can now be placed in AI in them.
IEDs added, you'll find them in Empty > Explosives.
They can be detonated them by pressing 'End' (destroy) key.
Bounding box is currently not displayed when editing them, which is issue we're working on.
Added, should be available in tomorrow's dev build.
Cool idea, will take a look at it.
Duplicate of 0017351
You can find info about Zeus controls and features in Field Manual, there's a new Zeus category ;)
Channels should now work correctly, check for "BLUFOR / Zeus" or "OPFOR / Zeus" channels.
Should be fixed in today;s dev build.
To make editor objects editable by Zeus, add them either using "Add Editable Objects" module or using addCuratorEditableObjects scripting commands.
See the documentation for more details:
Right, I see it now.
Hint fixed.
Use middle mouse button.
Left click is reserved unit interaction, so you would for example place a waypoint while trying to move the camera.
Waypoint type attribute added, double-click on a wayipont to configure it.
Available waypoint types:
More may be added later.
The lightning is now significantly more expensive in ZGM scenarios now, making it less prone to exploit.
I'm afraid all other solutions are not achievable due to technical limitations.
Category changed to "Particles", because it's not a Zeus related issue.
Should be available in tomorrow's build
I'm unable to reproduce this issue. Pressing OK will play the message, pressing Cancel will close the window without doing anything.
The UI is used by all modules, so if it would be broken, it would affect all of them.
Exec field added to object attributes.
It's visible only when debug console is available (
This should be fairly easy to add, thanks.
Meanwhile, you can use 'curatorSelected' scripting command in the debung console - it will return all selected entities like objects, groups or markers.
Good points, thanks.
Affected all modules with isGlobal=1 and isTriggerActivated=1.
This is intended behavior and it's consistent with those of other objects, like soldiers or vehicles.
createTrigger is analogous to createVehicle, not createVehicleLocal. It makes sense the trigger is created on every computer including server, but remains local to whoever created it. Once that machine disconnects, locality is naturally passed to the server.
As for trigger statements - one must remember that while trigger is created globally, setTriggerStatements and other trigger commands are local.
Fixed, ["Glasses","Glasses"] will now be returned.
Will appear in the next dev build (which, I'm afraid, is next year).
Duplicate of
Duplicate of
I'm afraid I'm unable to reproduce the issue with duplicate respawn points. Could you please attach a simple repro mission?
As for the strings - I adjusted the script so writing the localization key directly (e.g., "STR_GLT_Coastline") will work. Should appear in the next dev build update.
Color was renamed to 'colorCIV', but I forgot to leave there previous 'colorCivilian' for backward compatibility. Fixed, should appear in the next dev build update. Thanks for feedback.
Should be fixed in the upcoming dev build. Sorry for the delay.
This is not a bug. You assume the map center is [0.5,0.5], but it's not, so the script is incorrect.
The correct solution is to calculate map dimensions dynamically:
_mapCtrl = findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51;
_center = _mapCtrl ctrlMapScreenToWorld [
(ctrlPosition _mapCtrl select 0) + (ctrlPosition _mapCtrl select 2) * 0.5,
(ctrlPosition _mapCtrl select 1) + (ctrlPosition _mapCtrl select 3) * 0.5
This solution will work with every map, no matter what its dimensions are.
I'm afraid that marginal benefit of the feature would be overshadowed by decreased performance and huge security hole it would introduce.
Added a few days ago, you can now set the name in BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition.
[west,myRespawn,"HQ"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition;
Can also point to localization key:
[west,myRespawn,"STR_HQ"] call bis_fnc_addRespawnPosition;
This is still not 100% fixed. (Stable build v1.06)
That's why I wrote "should appear in the next dev build update." ;)
Could you please test it there?
Fixed, should appear in the next dev build update.
Will be fixed in the upcoming dev build.
This is intentional. That's why it's called "preInit" - because it's executed before anything else is initialized. I recommend to use "postInit" instead.
Should be fixed now, was caused by markers not being JIP compatible.
'enableSentences false;' works. We're even using it in official missions during conversations.
Category changed to "Eden Editor", it will be solved there now.
I'm afraid there are various engine reasons why init.sqf is executed at different point in SP and MP.
I recommend to use initServer.sqf and initPlayerLocal.sqf instead:
What are reasons why initServer.sqf and initPlayerLocal.sqf are not an option?
When "Position" is set to "Starting position", the wreck will now be always removed in case it block the respawn position.
Koala is right - when the starting position is blocked by a wreck of the old vehicle, the new vehicle is place on the nearest available spot.
Caused by broken 'removeBackpack' command (reported internally).
Fixed in dev version, should appear there tomorrow.
MenuRespawn and MenuPosition templates will still respawn player automatically when he joins the game, but it can be now disabled by adding respawnOnStart = 0; to mission description.ext
Reopened, backward compatibility was missing. Sorry
Since Zeus was relesed to the dev branch, players are now respawned on start automatically when MenuInventory or MenuPosition respawn template are used. respawnOnStart attribute is now obsolete.
(sorry for not closing this earlier, I overlooked it)
Will be fixed in today's dev build.
I don't quite understand what's the issue. Please provide exact repro steps and your view of expected behavior.
I'm afraid it's problem of the mission - situation where no respawn points are available should never occur. In your example, both players who serve as respawn point died.
However, it should definitely not freeze the game. I'll fix it and display an error message in case no positions are found.
Will be fixed in today's dev build.
Should be fixed in today's dev build.
Fixed in the latest dev build.
Should be fixed in today's dev build.
Call compile removed completely, values are now stored as numbers instead of string
Success, private issues are visible only by moderators and devs.
Fixed in release version.
I'm afraid it's just incomplete update message. By disabled, I meant vehicles disabled using enableSimulation scripting command (
Sorry for the confusion.