Since very few other people are reporting this its probably something to do with your graphics card.
Get latest driver and check GPU temp.
See if you can find more about it in ARMA2
Since very few other people are reporting this its probably something to do with your graphics card.
Get latest driver and check GPU temp.
See if you can find more about it in ARMA2
This is something to ask in the forum NOT bug tracker
Use the forum for wishes.
This site is for BUG tracking...
"...hard fixation of guns to camera..."
'Aiming Deadzone' would fix this IF IT WORKED PROPERLY.
I agree turning should be a bit slower as each stance gets lower.
and also:
Regarding turning speed:
Don't want to slow down reaction speed of mouse. (ie no damping on rotation)
The way it should work is that you can move the mouse quickly left and right but this moves your head and weapon (arms) and your body follows.
So your view would change quickly as it does now but your direction change would be a bit longer as in reality. So in MP players would not be seen to make instant direction changes.
A bit like an auto-centering aiming deadzone.
I'd vote to drop the launcher and draw pistol.
Would be good to have small jump while running.
There was a mod to allow this and it worked very well.
(Doesn't work with the latest DEV build tho)
Please reduce weapon sway.
Its VERY frustrating having to fight against a drunk avatar all the time.
At least reduce it with lower stances like crouched.
Or intrease the time you can run before getting so tired. You get exhausted just walking in tactical pace!
I have this when playing on a dedicated server.
I get kicked instantly to server browser with message 'Session Lost'
In game just says 'myname disconnected'
Ping and bandwidth are good and not factors.
Only happens with the last couple of Stable updates. (Campaign one and one before)
It might be related to mmc_sandbox running on the server.
This is not the place to discuss this.
Please go to the forum.
It will never be removed.
Hopefully difficulty settings will be visible in server list.
This is NOT the place to ask about this.
Go to the forum
Its called 'innertia' and it should apply to divers a bit.
I also think you should not be able to turn so fast underwater.
There are pleny of videos showing huge muzzle flashes bigger than in ARMA3. The illumination from the flashes may be exagerated a bit but remember it is a game and though based in simulation and realism, gameplay must be top priority without going over the top (*cough* B3F3)
So a compromise must be reached. Currently the muzzle flash is not visible more than a few meters away.
The only gripe I have with'em is they are too spikey.
57.105125 Still not fixed
Please adjust HDR sensitivity when using HDR Quality:LOW
Whats the point of having the option if its unusable?!?!?!
...and I want to use it because fps is smoother.
I tried editing the ARMA3Profile directly and changed the brightness to 0.1 then made it protected.
It did NOT seem to help so its a problem with the HDR level which brightness cannot compensate for.
Attached img file.
Shows brightness setting at lowest and resulting overbright buildings.
What you describe is basically 'Aiming Deadzone' that keeps the weapon in the centre of the screen.
Yes, I had a similar idea that you control the weapon with the upper torso and the hips/legs follow after.
Perhaps the speed of turn could determine the speed that the legs follow the torso direction.
I also use HDR 'LOW' but I put brightness to lowest which seems to help the levels. Reducing the bit depth will degrade the image of course and at night is when its most noticeable. Also NVG doesn't look so good.
Aim Deadzone still hasn't been fixed!?!?!?
Yes, I have this too with TrackIR
But Aiming Deadzone doesnt work properly at all.
Mouse is way too sensitive in the zone and too slow outside when you want to turn.
Worked fine in ARMA2
The FACT that it CAN be adjusted means it SHOULD be an OPTION to do so if the player wishes.
You 16.94% don't have to touch it (I bet you will)
DEV 59.105679
Zeroing (elevation) adjustment still not working with RCO and ARCO
(who would be stupid enough to vote this down!?!?!?)
The mill markings on a reticule are for quick compensation RELATIVE TO ZERO
If you bother to look at ACOG manufacturers PDF you will see that it has been pre-sighted BUT YOU CAN ADJUST IT. Why do you think it has Windage and Elevation knobs?!?!
Thats a long explanation of the whole adjustment process.
Adjustment is JUST turning the knob a few clicks.
...and don't forget one thing...
ITS A GAME!!!!!!!
Looking at the votes is clear that people want it.
FFS if you don't want it then just don't use it.
I have a GTX580 and never crashed.
Played with drivers 306.23 and 314.22
They were too big before.
Much better now.
Turn off 'Aim Deadzone' in settings.
It does not work properly right now.
Check the date of the mission.
ARMA uses accurate moon phases so when there is no moon it will be very dark.
Another mission may have a full moon which will light quite a lot
They should change to combat when enemy are spotted.
Whats the point of having them not react to enemy?!?!?!
Also the inventory icon of weapons does not show the correct sight type.
ie. icon shows scope but only has red dot sight.
Oops just seen this is same as:
I did search but the title is not so clear.
Can't reproduce in DEV 57.105.007
A video would help
Deadzone doesn't work properly as the mouse sensitivity is too high inside and not high enough outside.
Should be same for both
It worked fine in ARMA2 so why is it so screwed in ARMA3!?!?!
Sprinting time is OK but jogging time is too short.
What about reduced recoil with lower stances...?
Still not fixed.
Is this being looked into?
Still not quite working properly with latest DEV build.
Mouse speed inside deadzone still a bit too fast
Its better but still not quite right.
Mouse speed is still a bit too fast inside the deadzone.
Refer to usage in ARMA2 as it worked well.
Make mouse sensitivity the same in the zone and outside.
(Like in ARMA2...)
Its just that the mouse sensitivity is too high inside the float zone and too low outside.
Would be interesting to have separate mouse sensitivity settings for inside and out.
Use mouse acceleration.
I think AI spot you too fast/accurately when you fire from a concealed location even prone.
They should scan the direction first and if you keep firing then they would spot you.
Your head does not sway side to side in real life.
Movement should be more up-down as in ARMA2
Currently looks like you are waddling side-to side :(
When you take a weapon you have to take the pouch vest too.
Right click to take or drop items.
Far too long especially if swimming which uses oxygen much faster.
I would say it should be about 40secs while swimming. (Thats more than most people can do)
I get better fps using optics.
Since its rendering a smaller scene with fewer objects that sense.
For me when I change to another playable unit after death there is NO SOUND except for radio.
(Single player mode)
You need to run profiler software to use all buttons for X52 and X65
Its VERY important to gameplay because you can accidentally throw a grenade when typing. (which happened to me)
AlphaMike: Your report seems to be about a different problem. This is about float-zone not zoom difference.
This is an effect to simulate being partially hidden by grass etc.
Currently affects all ground types so will do the same even lying on concrete.
For me all sound lost except radio reports after death and switch unit.
Use the search option as there is already a report on this and the devs have enough to go through already.
Recoil needs to be reduced for crouched position and stances lower from there.
It seems impossible to get in a boat from the water at the moment.
Agreed. Sensitivity should not change when zoomed in.
Also I think mouse sensitivity should be exactly the same in float-zone and out (when turning character)
Ideal would be to have separate mouse sensitivity for float-zone and turning so that we can all find our own preference.
A hard one to fix I think
Yes, font is very bad for numerals. Especially at low resolutions.
I think recoil should be reduced a bit in crouch position.
Just tested and recoil is the SAME as standing all the way down to the sitting position.
As subtle as possible. (ladder indicator)
NOT a picture of soldier in various poses.
All vehicles need faster acceleration.
It would be great if max speed "e" from stand still would do a wheel spin & skid more.
That would make speed more important to control the vehicle.
Still not fixed:
More examples which should be easy to reproduce.
Windows 7 with TrackIR-5 about 1/4 AimDeadzone
Still not fixed in 1.02.110424
There are TWO problems with Aim Deadzone
It happens when looking SLIGHTLY up or down. (very near horizontal)
scheisskopf: Interesting result with the re-binding. Almost works but mouse movement is still screwed especially when prone aiming through scope.
Still not fixed!!!
Just assign 'Lean left' and 'lean right' to shift (sprint) key.
Works with TrackIR too