Right now there's no any speed limitation or inertia for turning soldier and weapons. So, for example, a soldier with even heavy MG can instantly (if the mouse sensitivity is high enough) turn in 180 degrees and fire enemy. It looks the most awfully for soldiers in prone position. This situation is bad both in terms of realism and gameplay, because the game begins to depend more on reflexes (like CS/Quake) and less on tactical decisions.
There weren't such problem in ArmA 2, and I liked how it was there. However many (not me) complained about so called negative acceleration of mouse, and now in Alpha BIS removed this feature.
I propose a compromise solution, which would both keep comfort mouse control (without "negative acceleration of mouse") and keep the situation with turning speed of soldiers more realistic (closer to ArmA 2 approach).
So the proposal is to remove hard fixation of weapon direction (or even soldier corpse itself) to the direction of the camera. Then the camera can be controlled 1:1 by mouse withoud any limitation to speed and inertia. However, the turning speed of the soldier itself (or weapons only) should be limited to some realistic values and be affected by inertia.
So when we would turn our camera slowly, there wouldn't be much difference with respect to how it is now -- weapon's aim will follow precisely the movement of our sight. However, when we move camera too fast (for example, 180 degrees in 0.1 seconds), the gun would remain behind the camera and it would take some additional time to be actualy able to fire at enemy.