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- User Since
- Mar 11 2013, 1:17 PM (622 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
i think its not only releatet to the hold breath button i have removed it -> same issue...
if i have sprint and Hold breath on left shift -> the char is also throwing the item...
all particle Effects are Broken... Smoke from a crash site.. particle effects only visible at close range... :(
the bug is since the alpha release (2013).. not all gunshots are silent.. but some...
thats no "Airstrike Cheats" it was a ESP hacker with an automatic Shotgun (unlimit Ammo).. happend to me yesterday, too :(
i hope they ban all cheater..
because this engine needs more CPU power... clean your heatsink from the dust could help you aswell
the mousefeeling should be like in Arma 3 thats very nice and fluid :D
Troll issue? o.O
not needed in a game...
No, i understand your point but it would be bad for the gameplay. (feeling)
yes, same issue here... and if you pick up another weapon type its not shown to the other player.. from Rifle to LMG as example.
May 9 2016
G36 Versions... K,C,MG... ?
same problem here.. you can stop this by switching to Pistol. - Hope for a fix :)
i love the weapon handling :) - recoil is OK! its not CoD... Deal with It :P