When HDR setting 'LOW' the scene becomes too bright.
Reducing the brightness to minimum (0.5) helps but its not low enough so bright surfaces appear white.
Also when in vehicles and choppers the outside view becomes over bright. {F17919}
When HDR setting 'LOW' the scene becomes too bright.
Reducing the brightness to minimum (0.5) helps but its not low enough so bright surfaces appear white.
Also when in vehicles and choppers the outside view becomes over bright. {F17919}
Set HDR to 'LOW' and look at a light wall in full sun. It will burn out.
Also in vehicle or chopper looking out on bright scenery will look overbright.
Its a problem with the HDR light detection. When any dark area is in view even very small the HDR will brighten the image.
Making the minimum brightness value go down to 0.1 might help.
DEV 57.105.125
Attached img file.
Shows brightness setting at lowest and resulting overbright buildings.
I tried editing the ARMA3Profile directly and changed the brightness to 0.1 then made it protected.
It did NOT seem to help so its a problem with the HDR level which brightness cannot compensate for.
Please adjust HDR sensitivity when using HDR Quality:LOW
Whats the point of having the option if its unusable?!?!?!
...and I want to use it because fps is smoother.
Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.
If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.