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Aiming Deadzone and IRtracker
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When aiming deadzone is set to anything above 0 (off) used in conjuction with IRtracker5, my guy will slowly lean forward until I am looking at my shoes. If I move the mouse to try and correct this, it is slow to respond but then will over correct until I am looking up into the sky. He then proceeds his slow lean back to looking at his shoes and I am never able to steady my aim - he always keeps slumping over.

With aiming deadzone set to 0 (off), this does not happen.


Legacy ID
Game Settings
Steps To Reproduce

With IRtracker 5 inabled on your system, move the Aiming Deadzone slider to the right to enable the aiming deadzone feature. The amount of aiming deadzone applied does not matter as long as it is more than off.

Event Timeline

Dingo-J edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 10 2013, 6:16 AM
Dingo-J edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Dingo-J set Category to Game Settings.
Dingo-J set Reproducibility to Always.
Dingo-J set Severity to Minor.
Dingo-J set Resolution to Duplicate.
Dingo-J set Legacy ID to 2515261213.May 7 2016, 12:06 PM
EDcase added a subscriber: EDcase.May 7 2016, 12:06 PM

Yes, I have this too with TrackIR

But Aiming Deadzone doesnt work properly at all.
Mouse is way too sensitive in the zone and too slow outside when you want to turn.

Worked fine in ARMA2

Aim Deadzone still hasn't been fixed!?!?!?

Duplicate of #116.