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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 10:04 AM (625 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
I don't really know how hard it would be to add this feature, but it is really needed.
The thing is, a lot of players enjoy playing in pitch black nights. I really hope nothing will change just because some players can't deal with darkness...
Pretty much the same during day time, except by night it's quite hard to shoot someone because we can't see shit
@Vendra: night is the same for everybody
Night is good as it is now
Arguing with a shopped screenshot right?
Go outside
Confirmed, can see the sun from inside a house, and through my backpack when looking backward.
If we could avoid creating duplicate bugs, that would be great...
Just down voting for the way you're asking for it
Picture please!
What do you mean by "easy to get"? Do you refer to a specific mission?
I agree with Arkod, There's always a 300m error on these scopes
You accidently your message
okay then +1 ^^
Maybe we should wait parachutes to be added before talking about wingsuit...
How can you propose about expanding the HALO aspect when you don't even know what it will include?
And boom goes the GPU
Is there any way to tell SixUpdater to use the dev build of ArmA3 Alpha? This is just a clue, I don't use Six
voted up and monitored
This has been already discussed many times. please use the search function!
That's like saying "no need of watch, just look at the position of the sun or the stars"
Most watches provide this kind of information, so why not?
I really don't get these downvotes :)
@L33CHW33D: I suggested displaying AM/PM because it wouldn't need a lot of work to add this feature to the current watch model, but obviously a digital watch display ing 24hr time would be even better.
The point of my feedback is more about having a way to actually know what time it is.
Yeah absolutly. My idea was just to show what can be done with "hacks". If devs work on it, it will be awesome.
just FYI, someone has made ArmA3 work with the oculus rift:
I can't tell how much I want this to happen, please do it!
Yes please, +1 and monitored.
I played OpFlash, ArmA, ArmA2 and now ArmA3. I have no account on this forum.
Why shouldn't I be able to post issues?
Voted down, because setting high priority & impact for this kind of feature request is inappropriate.
Moreover, this has been already discussed here many times, please use the search function before posting.
As Stiffwood said, Steamworks integration is planned, this feature will hopefully be implemented.
Major issue if this does not work as intended
It has been discussed here more than enough, please use the search function.
A soldier with dreadlocks? hum...
I really don't like this "random chance" idea.
Just try to figure a mission where the last task is to disarm a mine. Your reach it, throw dice, bad luck boom you're dead, try again.
It can't work this way.
You tend to forget that current alpha is focused on infantry.
Can't reproduce on alpha 0.51.103078
(and believe me I tried a lot :D)
Some players can't even launch & play the game. That's what i call high priority. Your problem is not.
EDIT: moreover, your issue is a duplicate. please use the search function before posting
this has not a major priority nor a major impact IMO...
Ok to sum up why I voting this down:
- Radial menu has a limited amount of items. With some mods you can go way over 9 items.
- While radial menu doesn't stops you from moving, it prevents you from looking around, as far as the mouse is used to select a menu item.
- I don't think it's more efficient than the current system. Get used to it and it will be efficient => unnecessary workload for the dev team.
@pechar: How many items can the popup menu hold in Battlefield?
Maybe you could explain how to extend a radial menu to display a potentially unbounded list of items?
Would work fine on console...
Down voted
Duplicate, please use the search function.
Down voted
I'd like to see more reports like this one here...
You're new to ArmA, aren't you?
Have you even looked for previous issues about hackers? I counted at least 10.
FFS this is a bug tracker, not a forum.
@Wi7dBill: you are wrong.
Can't reproduce, killed a shit ton of tuna.
Confirmed, but don't know if it's a bug or a temporary feature...
Duplicate of many, many other issues.
Please search before posting.
As far as i'm concerned, using another trigger on the same weapon is more likely to be a separate firing mode than a separate weapon.
As far as underbarrel GL actually IS a firing mode, this makes no sense.
So you are using Ctrl-Alt-Del to switch to desktop?
I like this idea
Same issue :( It started today
Hacker, not a bug.
@sairus002: You have to make it appear left handed to other people, the side you hold your weapon on has a really huge impact on gameplay
A lot of easy things are not included in the alpha :)
@Kid18120: I really don't get your point. Even the vault animation can be mirrored
I heard that the flight model from ToH wasn't fully implemented in A3 yet. That would explain even more the current behaviour
May 9 2016
Duplicate of 0003906 0003383, 0002701, 0001613, 0001516, 0001206, 0000992.
use the search function please.
also, duplicate of many other requests. Please use the search function.
That's funny because you're using the glitch to bump your issue.
maybe Iran army is actually made of sand soldier, don't spoil the plot please.
Downvote because duplicate of many other tickets.
Just down voting for the way you're asking for it
Why would you do that?
Duplicate of a fuckton reports
More or less duplicate of
This is a known issue. Please check before posting.
duplicate, search, please.
Could you at least provide more information on your setup?
1)This is a duplicate
2)Please check your spelling
3)down voted
Awesome, i'm glad it's assigned.
This is not a forum, please do not "bump" your issues.
A bit utopian, but +1 because i'm a dreamer :D
Ok I understand now, up voted
A picture of the whole scene could help us to understand.
duplicate and many others...
Please search before posting
I can barely see any fail here.
please don't ask for content
I would actually like a safe mode for guns, pretty disappointed this is not what we're talking about :D
duplicate of
I agree, vet/elite means adding realism, not adding abitrary difficulties to the game.
Yeah vehicle entry animtation would be great
Really important proposal, please vote up
Upvoted, but as Kid18120 just said, this is already planned
Please check the known issues before posting:
"Weapons looted from enemy corpses don't emit any sound when shooting in multiplayer"
No what I understood is that if the issue is stated as "Fixed", its creator can close it.
However, I can't find any way to close this one.
-1, because i'm really tired of "too many recoil" posts. Damnit