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No option for leftys
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my suggestion is to bring the option to choose if you are a lefty or right shooter since not everybody shoot with the same hand and feels more immersive to the player.

an example is that am a regular right mouse user but i use my left arm to shoot a gun


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Steps To Reproduce

no ingame option in game

Event Timeline

venom edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 11 2013, 7:59 PM
venom edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
venom set Category to Visual-Characters.
venom set Reproducibility to Always.
venom set Severity to Feature.
venom set Resolution to Duplicate.
venom set Legacy ID to 1207872907.May 7 2016, 12:19 PM

no option for lefties in the us marines either. not a bug

Nailz : This web site is not for bugs only.

Also being able to have the choice between left and right would be cool yes as i'm also left handed.

did i say it was for bugs only?

You said it is not a bug. OP never posted it as a bug. He posted it as a feature.

venom added a subscriber: venom.May 7 2016, 12:19 PM
venom added a comment.Mar 12 2013, 6:15 PM

@cs_nailz "there is no option for us marines" but noone said this games is focused as a simmulator on us marines or iranian redfor forces ethicks and training, also civilians can pick up weapons too an option wouldnt hurt the game

Skipping trough the useless discussion that is going here above, the lack of left-handed option is mainly due to the pain that would be the rework of all the animation.
Left handed 1st person view is not just about mirroring the image of hands and the gun, but also all the animations would have to be remade from scratch

You could just mirror it. Many guns these days are configurable to be ambidextrous. Or one could assume it's a left handed variant. Look at some of the left handed AR-15s on the market. They look and function, as if they are mirrored. Doing that in game wouldn't make it unrealistic, and it wouldn't take much work at all.

/upvoted even though I'm right handed.

As i said the problem wouldn't be mirroring the hands or the guns, but all the animation that will have to be made (again) from scratch with left-handed in mind !!

Just think about the vault animation, for example, and you'll get the point

Animations can be mirrored as well. You can do it in the source engine with a simple console command. Any first person view, animations and all, are mirrored.

Ignoring that hand / weapon animations may be separate in arma 3, mirror both if that's the case.

@Kid18120: I really don't get your point. Even the vault animation can be mirrored

If it was really that easy this would have been added from Day1, no ?

A lot of easy things are not included in the alpha :)

It is that easy. Just not seen as necessary by pretty much any game dev. It's also easy to have support for raw mouse input. Almost nobody does that either. Moot point.

Only way devs will bother with features, easy or not, is to see that people want them.

pops added a subscriber: pops.May 7 2016, 12:19 PM
pops added a comment.Mar 13 2013, 4:58 PM

I upvoted, this would be a great feature.

What would be different if you were to mirror all animations? Maybe someone with real animation experience could share his/her thoughts on this.

I don't see how anything would be different. Mirroring only 1st person animations would be necessary. Some third if you want it to appear left handed to other people / in 3rd person. It would be a half-assy way of doing it, but there'd be nothing wrong with the way it appears.

@sairus002: You have to make it appear left handed to other people, the side you hold your weapon on has a really huge impact on gameplay

Yeah. Not hard to do though fortunately. It would be nice if they took it a step further, made a button to switch hands for the sake of more effective leaning etc. As of right now rather than having bullets come out of the center of your screen, muzzle position does actually matter (though I believe that as well, could just be mirrored. negate some mathematical values or some shit) and of course, have a check box in game options for making left hand the default hand.

Actually bullets come out from real muzzle position.. in fact you can lean around a corner, see the center of your screen clear, shoot and notice your bullet hitting the wall because the muzzle was still obstructed

Duplicate of #0002548.