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Show accurate map position on veterna/elite diffuculty if the player has a GPS.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I find it a bit odd that on vet/elite I have to guess my location with in a 1km diameter circle even though I have a GPS that gives my exact grid reference and a visual of my immediate surroundings.

Having to the line the two up seems a bit redundant to me.


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Traumaau edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 8 2013, 2:17 PM
Traumaau edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Traumaau set Category to Gameplay.
Traumaau set Reproducibility to N/A.
Traumaau set Severity to Feature.
Traumaau set Resolution to Open.
Traumaau set Legacy ID to 816157006.May 7 2016, 11:44 AM

I agree, vet/elite means adding realism, not adding abitrary difficulties to the game.

It's not really an arbitrary difficulty. A GPS won't make you suddenly appear on a paper map in real life. You get the 8 digit grid off the GPS device and then find your position on the map.

@ExploitedYouth Yea I know it wont show you on the paper map, it's a question of realism Vs. gameplay. I think it's a boring step that need not be there. I like the ring idea but it seemed odd that it persists when your soldier knows his exact location via GPS.

In the end I'd rather play the game than match up grids, just one more function that I think should be done by the soldier 'under the hood'. Much like the red ring itself, I view it as a general indicator that the soldier has done himself if you will. You have to then refine it, but why should I if I have a GPS?

GPS devices don't really pinpoint your position with extreme precision.. the red circle thing is the way to go, just should be made dynamic (open terrain hilltop = smaller circle, tree/urnan area = bigger circle)

@Kid18120 The GPS gives a 6 digit grid, that's accurate to 100m, the ring is 1km. A 100m ring if you have a GPS would be fine too.

I agree as well. That's a GPS is for, after all. Up-voted.
I know how a military GPS works and i know also that the 6 digit map grid can be also "fucked up" if you are in a terrain with a lot of trees and/or buildings.

It can happen IRL that you are at 081062 (for example) and your GPS shows 080062 because of the signal "jamming" caused by trees and buildings.

Hanz added a subscriber: Hanz.May 7 2016, 11:44 AM
Hanz added a comment.May 21 2013, 3:01 PM

This suggestion was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.

Downvoted, unless the position is displayed on a digital map.

What do you mean by "digital map"?