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- Mar 6 2013, 1:07 PM (628 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
To date this hasn't been changed and the ticket has been assigned. Is anyone working on a different implementation?
Yeah the current issue is that it's a static overlay like NVG's... not changeable.
Probably removeable with a mod of some sort (none has been made AFAIK)
I can confirm that AI are able to call out "scratch one" with no visual line of sight - and funnily enough, if human players zoom in through a crest or similar, they can do the same, with no line of sight on the unit.
This is a clipping issue - also dependant on whether you're using a custom field of view or not.
Needs clarification.
What difficulty are you playing on? Try veteran or higher.
Exactly my point bootsy. The new setup is more time consuming.
It's no wonder there's already a virtual ammo box that has a lot more features, but it's still not got the ease of use of ARMA 2.
I had no idea you had to be an engineer for this to work.
But in any case, shouldn't all soldiers be trained in basic explosives handling?
Probably because it's all copy/pasted from one faction to another!!!
Single flare / semi automatic is essewtial. As a pilot in A2/OA with trackir and all, being able to pop a single set of flares is absolutely critical to all aspects of air combat.
Without being able to precisely control the amount of flares I use, my performance as a pilot is liimited to how quickly the flares run out. With a single flare (2 flares in reality), I have more control over when and how I release them.
That's where you are wrong. VBS 2 2.0 is a simulator. This is a game based on a simulator. Furthermore you could do this in ARMA 1 and ARMA 2 which are more like a sim than ARMA 3 at present.
Try it in real life
I dare you
Nice attempted troll. It's arguably easier to load a launcher compared to a rifle while moving, because the rocket is larger and easier to maneuver into the launcher.
See guys, I can play the trolling game too.
If you don't have anything constructive to add, don't bother commenting or voting.
You can reload rifles, pistols, smg's while moving, why not transition from primary to secondary and vice-versa.
The exception here should be switching to launchers. I think that would be too much mobility.
A couple of things to note:
You are shooting at friendlies. Not normal behaviour. Test with enemy units or civilians.
Also looks as if you are playing on recruit/regular difficulty. Try on veteran or disable "extended armour" setting in game difficulty and retest.
The magic map marking is very arcade style. Though this is a futuristic setting, I do not agree with this personally.
Video reproduction please.
I can also confirm with myself testing with clanmates that being near buildings/walls makes it worse for you if you are near an explosion. More likely to die/take damage.
Please test, try standing out in the open, then near or inside buildings at the same distance from the explosive.
Addendum: Your stance doesn't matter to the AI. They always seem to catch you out when you cannot physically see them.
Consider this scenario:
AI are at the top of a relatively steep hill looking down. You are moving up or at the bottom looking up. In this scenario the AI are able to see and shoot you when you cannot physically see them (from first person mode)
I have experienced this in both A2 and A3
Weapons should have set maximum lock on distance, maybe relying on if anyone in your group/squad has spotted the target or not. In the case of laser guidance it shouldn't matter, just lock on to the laser.
To date this hasn't been changed and the ticket has been assigned. Is anyone working on a different implementation?
Yeah the current issue is that it's a static overlay like NVG's... not changeable.
Probably removeable with a mod of some sort (none has been made AFAIK)
I can add to this issue: The other 3 or 4 tanks in my tank team got stuck at the first objective, and sat there refusing to move. I moved in and cleaned everything else up, moved into town, and the objective refused to complete.
The scope of ARMA is combined operations... a medical system is part of this but blood transfusions in the field are ludicrous... in the field includes field hospitals.
There are other areas of the medical system that could use improvement. Bone fractures or breaks affecting limb movement/functionality for example.
Most firearms can fire after being submerged and cleared of most of the water. A standard AR15/M16/M4 carbine will rupture if fired underwater. Piston weapons like the G36 series of rifles can fire after being submerged without an issue (youtube G36 over the beach)
Upvoted. Completely unacceptable.
I agree that this needs to be rectified as it makes the launcher too powerful.
Please note I am talking about stance adjustments and not changing stance the normal (read: ARMA2) way.
Video link:
Make it like ARMA 2.
When the missile is away you get the big red M on the radar and an audible beeping noise.
This is also an issue in A2 and OA where all bolt action rifles would move the action by itself, no animations at all.
@GepardenK I'd prefer it not to be "random" as such, just based upon the type of weapon... for example
Sidearms should rarely knock you down
Rifles should knock you down pretty reliably (50%-75% of the time)
Heavy weapons, vehicle mounted weapons, and anti-tank weapons should always knock you down if it doesn't kill you outright
Honestly I liked the function of not being able to stand in A2/OA as it generally forced you to find a medic, ambulance, or some sort of safe place until your squad's medic or backup arrives.
Tapping like in the video? Not a chance, and it is in no way simple.
Holding a key or pressing a key to toggle are the simplest ways of performing actions.
I do agree that ARMA 3's controls are an absolute hodge-podge right now, and ARMA 2 is simpler/more polished, if more restrictive.
Just give it time and think of better ways to make controls work better. Simplicity and not being overly complex is probably priority one.
I agree with the OP.
The following is a video of a man shooting himself in the leg by accident (not graphic, but still probably not something you want to watch at work!)
Note: It's a .45 ACP calibre handgun.
What's wrong with it? The first 5-10 seconds show someone being shot and their immediate reaction. That should be enough to change game mechanics based on reality.
Yes - Because US Marine Snipers do it at least. They have their precision M24, M110 or 50 cal alongside a standard M4/Carbine to blend in. Carrying a big rifle around makes you a target
You can't carry heavy rifles and a smaller rifle, but you can carry some heavy rifles and a launcher, or a rifle and a launcher.
Sidearms don't always have the range you want, your rifle slot and launcher will be taken by your sniper.
There's a mod for A2/CO that allows you to store a weapon on your back/in backpack and switch between the one in your main slot, as well as carry a launcher.
+1 to riise,
This feature would require weapon resting system / deployable bipods / resting on objects or teammates
However you should not rule out having to use a heavy weapon from the shoulder in an emergency situation (flanked, enemy danger close, etc)
Downvoted because most people already play on regular or recruit difficulties where it takes 2-4 7.62mm shots to down a man, whereas in ARMA 2 it takes one or two shots maximum.
Not talking about the blue water but the fog. It's too blue and becomes thick too fast for it to be the blue haze you do see over long distance.
I agree with the fog. Too much blue like the ACR dlc for A2.
Less coloured fog please. It might look nice in screenshots but it doesn't work well for gameplay.
The use of binaural recording in game would enhance the effect of positioning that is already present in ARMA2/ARMA3 (see JSRS soundmnod, or ACEX_SM) - but using two microphones instead of one will increase the positional accuracy of sounds. This is still dependant on the sound engine of the game, and how it works is unknown to me (I am not a coder or programmer, but I know a thing or two about audio)
The best working example of this already-present positioning is to have a constant sound playing close (for example sustained MG fire), then free look with ALT and move the mouse slowly to rotate the camera. As your head moves with the camera, your "ears" will also move and the position of the sound will change.
As for your soundcards that you still have, what model is it, what headphones/speakers are you using, and what's the quality of your source material? (CD's? MP3's? Lossless?) It all matters!
A good soundcard is not a scam. Even if everything is done in software, some DA conversion must take place (digital to analogue, as far as I know, my ears cannot listen to 0's and 1's), and quality of the conversion and analogue output is absolutely paramount to perceived quality.
For one, if you have a low signal to noise ratio, turning up the volume will result in audible distortion. If a source of noise is present, you may hear a low audible hum (just like you can get the 50hz mains electricity hum through speakers)
For binaural recording, see the virtual barbershop on youtube (best listened to with headphones):
@ daddaflex, any 5.1 or 7.1 headset, whether it uses software effects with 2 drivers (stereo) or has the right amount of drivers is a scam. None of them are any good when you have a dedicated sound card, some of them use USB. They are underdeveloped and focused on marketing, not function. If you have a real 5.1 speaker system, it works, which is a valid reason as to why A3 needs 5.1 support.
Just trying to spread some knowledge and stop people from buying expensive crappy headsets.
CMSS-3D works well, but it's buggy and prone to crash games.
As said by someone else, JSRS for A2/CO works wonders even with just stereo speakers/headphones and a good soundcard.
I stand by what I said before though; binaural recording for stereo would absolutely stellar!
If any of you guys have used JSRS in A2, it works wonders, it really is a great sound pack. Very high quality.
True 3D sound is hard to do these days (thanks to microsoft effectively killing hardware acceleration for audio in vista and 7) and back in the day it required some CPU overhead, even with a dedicated sound card doing the processing.
5.1 and 7.1 headsets are also a scam, unless they have 6 or 8 drivers (respectively) then all they will do at best is a software simulation of surround sound, which may or may not work effectively.
I'd like to see binaural recording in ARMA 3 but that might just be a pipe dream.
Are you team leader? If so, order your units to stop or go low. If not, don't deviate from your formation.
Hmm, that's not good. Even in ARMA2 if you were hit with one so close that it wouldn't explode, it would hurt you and throw your aim up into the air.
According to wikipedia:
Minimum arming distance appears to be about 40 metres.
However A3 uses some new fancy launcher, unsure as to if it uses the same ammunition as the m230 and m320 in A2. One would think so.
40mm grenades have a minimum arming distance, inside 50m would be considered danger close. 40mm frags simply won't go off if they are too close.
From what I have played it seems they have the same arming distance as ARMA 2 and expansions.
This is by design and is not a bug.
At the very least this ability should fall under the engineer class (wire cutters or something)
I am glad to see this feature in the latest dev build (0.71 beta)
However it has some bugs:
When selecting all characters in the field and deleting them, typing a new number will put additional numbers at the end (in experience, commonly 500. So a value of 1000 inputted will result in 1000500, which is far too much and probably over the maximum)
Highlighting all characters and typing over them should wipe the field and then take the user's input.
Clicking into the field and backspacing manually works fine though.
Nonsense, this is supposed to be a simulator, it should be authentic or at least realistic in most areas.
May 9 2016
This is a feature, not a bug. You also haven't included a description of what "should" happen.
Nothing wrong here.
It affects realism however. Just one of the many things that needs to be fixed.
Down vote.
There is no need for this, it's completely unrealistic. People do not flip backwards arse over tit if shot. They fall down.
Watch less movies.
Knives and melee combat should be for stealth only.
Ie you need to take a guard or sentry out "silently" - or at least quieter than shooting a suppressed weapon. Cover mouth and knife attack, or cover mouth and strangle, with assistance of a teammember.
Stealth options are sorely lacking.
If the community can do it in ACE2, I'm sure BIS can do it.
Big fat +1 from me. Please add the ability for us to FORCE the AI to follow orders, ignoring everything else. If they get killed, that's the fault of whoever's giving the orders, but more often than not your orders make more sense than what the AI tries to do.
The ability to greatly reduce the amount of motion blur present and without disabling all post processing effects is a must.
The amount of blur makes all holographic sights useless because they blur too fast and you lose your target.
"Agree with Kid18120 ( [^])
- Press G, grenades is taken out (around 1 second, in this time you should be able to move). At this point you have your 'nade in hands instead of the rifle/handgun
- Right mouse button, remove safety pin
- Left mouse button, throw the nade. The longer you press, the more powerfull the throw will be "
^^^^ This guy has the right idea!!!
Has anyone hear bothered to take note of their GPU memory utilisation? The game maxes out my GPU memory all the time. This could be causing performance issues.
Can anyone with mid-range GPU that has lots of memory (3-4GB video memory) please share their video memory usage while playing? Use 3000 view distance as a benchmark please.
Weapons need to come somewhat back to the original position after firing, with your stance affecting how "accurate" that return is. As someone pointed out above, soldiers are trained in this. ARMA2/OA has the weapon returning to position almost perfect (note I did not say muzzle climb or the recoil, just how it returns and how it is affected by your stance) - please mimic this in A3.
This NEEDS to be assigned, built, and completed.
It's 2013. Mainstream shooters like battlefield have bipods and resting. Games built off of this very engine have bipod functionality.
Is it simply too hard to ask for a way to increase accuracy and reduce sway? Using Shift+B/H/Space to deploy a bipod is surely very simple.
Sure the ACE guys could make it, but why should they have to? How many more ARMA games will there be without bipods or rested shooting?
It's pathetic that this is still an issue.