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- User Since
- Mar 12 2013, 2:32 PM (623 w, 18 h)
May 10 2016
Hi, we have this on the list. Thanks!
There is no such option to disable updates. Please, try contacting the mod author.
Hi there, we advise not to use the contributor feature.
It's not implemented in the SDK, we have no way to control it, and using it can result in a weird behavior or even the whole workshop item getting corrupted.
Sadly, there is no reasonable way how to make this possible.
The Launcher is creating @folders on its own to establish and maintain naming consistency.
Obviously, it could create the folder with any name, but before the item is downloaded, there is no other information available to get the custom name from, just the Steam name. Renaming this after download would create additional error point we'd like to avoid having. Moreover, this way, it might be slightly awkward with longer names, but provides a clear connection between the workshop item and the local files.
Hi Vlad,
sadly, there is nothing we can do in this matter. We are only able to update the game data using Steam, doing a whole new data pipeline would take months for a team of people, which is beyond our capabilities.
I hope your matter will get resolved soon. Best of luck.
as a first step, I'd suggest that you verify integrity of game cache: [^] If you use McAfee antivirus software, I'd suggest you to turn it temporarily off, because it is known to cause problems with Arma.
- unless you use -noLauncher, this will not apply: -mods enabled in the Arma 3 Launcher are disabled except the mod/mods thats in the param thats passed on to it
This is intended, otherwise the user would not be informed why his mods and presets ENABLED in Launcher are not loaded, which is not desired.
- we will provide a parameter to start Arma 3 with battlEye enabled when -noLauncher is present. Expect -useBE to be out soon. User will need to agree to BattlEye license to be able to continue. Relevant only for Arma 3 Launcher. Example: -nolauncher -useBE will result in Arma 3 starting with BE enabled.
Launcher is Arma 3 from the Steam's perspective. Otherwise it would be unable to process workshop mods. That is not going to change.
In the future, we will add an option what to do with Launcher after starting the game: do nothing, minimize, close.
Feature added to backlog
The prefix is set in Addon Builder (Options > Prefix), but according to your example, it's not necessary.
Having /@My_Mod/addons/My_Mod.pbo should be fine and
dir = "@My_Mod" should work (See Epoch mod for example )
If you have multiple mods, each with cfgMods main menu icon defined. You can overwrite their classes in the last mod loaded to show only the ones you want to (and define other empty). Hiding of some loaded mods in main menu (or sub menu as you've called it) is something we want to do, but no ETA.
There are two separate things here,
- One is @ in the directory path, which should work. But you would have to include @ in the PBO header (prefix) as well, because directory paths are resolved using a virtual file system defined in the PBO header. Also, this is not related to Launcher, because the virtual file system and windows file system do not overlap.
- Other one is @ in the class name. This will not work.
Adding the parameter won't likely happen. Why don't you just overwrite the specific class with a new empty value?
This is something we've been talking about and will probably happen this year. But compared to other upcoming features, it doesn't have priority.
I like this guy.
Thanks for the suggestion. The behavior is intended, but we could add option checkbox to ignore the provided parameters. Added to the backlog.
This is something we are considering, we'll probably including parameters presets and merge them with mods presets to provide even more value to presets sharing.
In the backlog already, waiting for a feasibility study.
Also check how other admins handle that
Hi, currently the dedicated server is unable to interact with Workshop. You need to add the mission as a local file.
There are promising changes coming with the new SteamWorks SDK that might finally enable dedicated servers working with Workshop content. We'll be hopefully be looking into that more in the future.
From a technical perspective, mod (depreciated: addon) is something you need to load using the mod parameter or a launcher, while scenario is something that could be loaded by the game on the fly. So everything is either a mod or a scenario.
What we want to do is make workshop items tagged with campaign to be displayed in the campaign screen.
- I agree with that. Not easy to do though, we'll try. More info in the future.
- Scenario and Mod (addon is depreciated) are now exclusive. It's a technical perspective: scenarios can be loaded on the fly, mods cannot.
- We are thinking about 3rd party support, but nothing solid yet.
- Working hard on this one. Soon (tm).
- There are lot of things that can go wrong with mod creation and no deterministic steps to test or even fix such issues. Optimization will likely stay in the hands of creators in the future.
- We are looking into Expansion menu redesign, currently counting with both official and community mods, but with slightly expanded filtering and functionality.
- addon - single file, needed to be loaded when the game starts
mod - single or more files, needed to be loaded when the game starts
scenarios - loaded on the fly by the game, available in scenarios menu
we will be removing addon tag from workshop soon and only mod will stay
8+9) This is outside of our direct control. Valve is the owner of the Workshop platform and only they can adjust the functionality. But thanks for the feedback, I'll pass it on.
- Logs are our primary source of info to support such cases. Optimization will likely stay in the hands of creators.
- Dependencies are on the list. For workshop mods, we plan to include easy subscribe all.
- Will look into that, thanks!
Thanks for the feedback. I'll push where I can. As you can see, some of the things are already being worked on, but it often turns out being more difficult than expected.
Does this still happen? Could you please include Publisher logs?
Hi Benargee,
this is not a bug, this is a design issue:
The disable update feature is meant to give you control over updates for critical addons. We don't consider a non-existing file to be a state worth preserving - this misses a point of an update breaking anything because when the file is not there, there is nothing to break.
What are you trying to accomplish?
(If you want to just postpone all downloads, you can pause the download manually in the Steam Client.)
It seems you are either running a smaller resolution than the minimum launcher size (891x690px) or you have your DPI set above the recommended 96dpi, making the launcher bigger (and all other elements as well).
Temporary fix: move your taskbar to a side.
Future fix: we have redesigned the launcher, making it a bit more flat, resizeable and also removed those buttons. These should solve your issue. Check the dev-branch.
We did some work on making the items appear more reliably on subscribe from within our applications, but in the end, this is up to Steam to provide the list to launcher.
Duplicate of 20506
I'm unable to reproduce this. Is it still hapenning?
Dedicated servers were not able to download workshop content (technology limitation). The new SDK could potentially solve this. We'll hopefully look into it.
This should be fixed, please check.
@amooei : All seems to work here as it should. Here are some tips:
- Make sure you have installed all three redistributables and .Net package: both 32 and 64 bit
or perhaps check other possibilities in here:
- Does it says something like Steam offline?
Try restarting the steam client and/or the computer. Might be something wrong with the Steam Client.
- If it does not help, please, upload logs from Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Launcher\Logs\
Hi, could you please tell me which addon have you subscribed oon the Workshop?
Sadly, we are not able to influence the rating. All on the Valve's side. Can you ask on Steam support?
This should be fixed. Could you please check?
Custom folders to store your addons is are planned.
You can now add your local addons and mods into launcher manually using a +folder button in the mods tab.
There is also a feature to monitor your selected folders and auto-include any mods found. You can setup your folders in Launcher options (upper right, clog button).
This is planned, but not implemented yet. Focus was on Workshop implemntation.
New changes with SteamWorks SDK will also stir things up (and we cannot test them because of no backward compatibility right now).
In conclusion: yes, the Launcher will support non-WS addons. And we are looking into a custom folder for addons, but need to make it consistent with SDK.
Assigning myself until it is implemented to be aware.
Thanks for a great help, @kichilron!
Resolved - fixed, please check and confirm
Please, if you provide me the better translations, I can plug them in
Hi SaOk, sorry for the late reply. Is this still relevant?
Localization will be fixed in the next patch.
Fixed, will be there in the next update
can you please provide links to your missions?
Fixed, will be in the next update
Duplicate of
Please, check, fix or send for translation.
I can verify the tags work strangely now. Will push it to the programmers. Thanks for reporting!
Copper: news:[email protected]
I have added strings in question into LanguageCore. It is only distributed with new .exe on Steam so it might take a while. Note: currently only English before they get translated.
- When resuming old (before-update) save, the game should load the save with the proper version of the mission.
- When starting a new replay, the game should use the updated /current/ version.
This is handled by the new manager that also enables offline play. We will check this, thanks for the info, if anything else appears, please, post it here.
We have been able to replicate the issue. Thanks for the info.
The tags not being updated is a known issue ( that will be fixed in the next few updates (I'm not sure about exe version atm, so perhaps even the very next update). This is something else, will try to replicate that.
So far I have been unable to replicate this :-/ Is there some other way you are able to trigger this "Action finished succesfully" message?
Ok, any more info for the saves games?
Should be fixed with the next exe for all provided strings. Thank you for reporting this.
Should be fixed with a new exe in the next update. Please, check.
I am closing this as this is actualy a feature suggest and with not one, but three features. I hope the following explanation will clear things out:
- Folder:
Missions need to be downloaded into Steam folder because their linking with workshop would otherwise disappear (Steam functionality requirements). They are then internally (using our own handler) saved into cache so you can revert to older saves when the mission got updated and so.
- Offline mode:
Currently, the offline play for workshops mission is supported. Be aware that the mission is now only downloaded when you first start playing it (not when you subscribe). This might get iterated upon, as we feel it's not being intuitive enough.
- Unsubscribe/deletion:
Unsubscribe feature in the menu is currently under consideration. It makes sense, but we are looking into technical and UI feasibility. (So no promises :)
I am unable to reproduce this. Is this still valid?
Roger, I have replaced the Assault boat translation with "Embarcation légère". The term is also used in the following sentences. Could you, please, provide a proper translation?
- Pour info également, une barge d'assaut vient de quitter la base et fait route vers l'ouest. Vous me recevez ?
- La barge d'assaut est un bateau gonflable rapide et léger qui se prête à divers rôles.
Will be fixed in the next update
I am sorry, but from the description I am rather confused on what is the proper term. If you provide me with the specific term, I will gladly change it.
Is it possible that you have the Steam Overlay turned off in the Steam settings?
Should be resolved with the next exe
Will be fixed with a new exe
Will be fixed with a new exe
Hello, can you please write a short instructions how to reproduce the issue?
Hi! Spanish translations are being done by an external company, we don't use Google Translator (most of the time :)
Anyway, I have changed both this and "Curarse". Should be distributed with a new exe automatically.
Also, thanks for the repro @JoeOBrien :)
@MiB: The offline mode seems to be working on random missions - I have tried in on several missions from workshop (ie: Ground Attack) and it worked. Perhaps I am missing something specific in certain missions. Please, provide steps to reproduce including
- missions that do not work (Workshop URL)
- game version
The offline support for workshop missions is in the game since December.
Currently, the mission DOES NOT get downloaded when you click subscribe. It only gets downloaded when you start playing it for the first time. Once it's dowloaded, you can go offline and continue playing/restart it.
Please, fix the texture on the ammo. Thank you! *bow*
We grew to like the name :)
bah, wrong issue. Sorry for the confusion.
Technicians were able to trace the error and fix it.
Will be resolved in the next update, thanks for reporting!
Can I mark as resovled?
Hey guys. We didn't place any limitations and didn't change anything on 12/9. Will investigate further.
Did you try changing the game language in the game options?
Main Menu>Configure>Game
Don't forget to switch game language settings in Configure:Game
Should be fixed. Please, log off/log on and verify integrity of the game cache to apply fix.
Arma 3 servers require Steam authentication that can be only generated and validated online. Having Steam in offline mode tells the client that no network is available and therfore cannot generate/authenticate multiplayer tickets.
Assigning to George to clairfy further, if necessary, and close otherwise.
Dedicated servers don't have access to Workshop at the moment. Right now, the dedicated server is only using the low SteamWorks layer to authenticate players without being logged in. To access workshop and show/download missions, an user account with a copy of the game for the server would be required.
Since Steam does not allow multiple-point login, it would mean that to play on your dedicated server with Workshop, you would need another account with the game. Which means buying it again. This didn't feel right, therefore no Workshop for dedicated server right now. But we are aware of this feature and looking for a more elegant solution. Please, be patient :)
Is this still valid? I cannot see such sentence in the curret field manual.
While the Valve documentation allows almost anything, I will change it to Workshop License.
Will be fixed in the new version.
Thank you for alerting the Time Police.
The word "recucle" was eliminated from the space-time continuum. All beings from the 2035 timeline affected by the word will have had their memory wiped.
Guys, thanks for the feedback. When naming the vehicle, we wanted it to capture its dual role of both IFV and a transport vehicle. In the end, we sticked with BTR-K, as a name that describes both aspects. The vehicle name also relates a bit to our inspiration (not the BMP) and stays close to the imagined development line we did for the vehicle.
In recent update, Titan Missiles on Kamysh should properly show "AT" in displayNameShort.
This only happened because of the recent Sun eruptions.
Fixed, scheduled for publishing
Hi Demongornot,
I have read through your description. Let me first thank you for the ideas. It is clear that you have put a lot of work and thoughts into this. Kudos.
Now, the hard part. The things you are describing are reasonable, but might be beyond our reach as a whole-package. Especially the categorization and evaluating the impact of each mod, but even without it, it would take a long long time (years?).
Right now, we have started looking into publishing addons on Steam Workshop. The Workshop does not (at this time) offer the depth of other systems, but what it can do, it does reliably. This might not look like much, but it is a huge thing.
If (!not when!) we succeed, some of the problems you described might disappear. It might not be as complex and control-boosting solution as you envisioned, but it will be something. And we could build on that.
Thank you and see you on Altis
I believe this was fixed some weeks ago.
I have verified the magazine names and had to make some changes, hopefully it will remain comprehensible (Long-range-> LRange).
The editor combo-box width is an another issue discussed in NG.
Thanks for the updated list.
- Some of the strings (roughly 50%) are in the game and displayed properly. Check your search tool. Example: str_a3_cfgweapons_hgun_smg_01_library0. The quotation marks in the output are suspicious (your output, line 30: libTextDesc = "$str_a3_cfgweapons_hgun_smg_01_library0";
- Some of the strings were placed in the container for the full game. I have moved them to the Beta container
- Some strings were placed in the container for the full game and I left them there :)
- Some missing strings are being handled by Protocol gurus. Hopefully, their investigation will bear some fruit soon.
Will be fixed in 0.7.something, when the data lock after Beta is raised.
I dont think this relates to Localization
I believe this was fixed some time ago. Please, check
Can be closed?
I dont think this relates to Localization
String will be present in the next build.
Yep, thanks for this, guys.