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Updating an Addon on the Steam Workshop does not change to updated file
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have recently tried changing a few things on an Addon I placed in the Steam Workshop, with the update feature, in the Publisher. Nothing changes in the Addon.... I have before, updated my Addon and added lines of script, but this time when I try to edit or remove, it seems to not change anything.


Legacy ID
Steam Workshop
Steps To Reproduce

Update addon through Steam Workshop. No results

Additional Information

I get the confirmation that the update is successful but it doesn't actually change to the uploaded file. I realize that if I upload a pbo with a different file name, it will fail to update, but that makes sense [unless that is also an issue]. This is a popular Addon on the Steam Workshop and I am also wondering if the amount of subscribers could have anything to do with the file not being able to update.

Event Timeline

Drakeziel edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Drakeziel set Category to Steam Workshop.
Drakeziel set Reproducibility to Always.
Drakeziel set Severity to None.
Drakeziel set Resolution to Suspended.
Drakeziel set Legacy ID to 3072323663.May 7 2016, 7:48 PM
Gekon added a subscriber: Gekon.May 7 2016, 7:48 PM
Gekon added a comment.May 11 2015, 2:32 PM

Does this still happen? Could you please include Publisher logs?