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- Mar 7 2013, 3:45 AM (628 w, 4 d)
Jun 15 2016
Jun 13 2016
May 10 2016
what mission and server? Your report is very vague.
Are you using public variables or local variables? do you have showscripterrors turned on?
I wouldn't want my game screen to be tied up in a script editor when I am developing missions. It would make more sense to develop an official standalone IDE similar to existing ones like poseidon. (
There are other ways to get object ids. It's just a matter if BI add it or worst case, a modder does.
Who said the 2D editor is being depreciated? The 2D editor is still useful. Also, description.ext is only loaded on mission load, not before during editor stage.
Ah like the classic CTD.
This command exists:
Seems like this will exist eventually.
"the only source we have about the return type of some command is the wiki"
Not true. It is available in game using the F1 hint window.
I addition to your request, I would love to see supportInfo return the correct case instead of all uppercase.
Sure, not "needed", but would be much better than what it is now.
There have been multiple occasions where the killer has switched their weapon before the projectile kills the victim. For example, getting killed by binos.
Also, many new or tweaked EHs and commands were for the sole purpose of making things easier and most importantly faster. It's much better to have the engine handle things rather that scripting.
Also, fired EH returns this info, why not this too.
Function, not command.
Why not?
Why? You can ban people.
Arma 3 already has head tracking in the form of TrackIR. This would also currently be an issue for those users too. Headtracking would be handled the exact same. If it is not giving TrackIR users issues, then it won't affect VR goggle users either.
Could we have a parameter somewhere that allows you to choose between workshop description and description.ext? A good looking workshop description looks horrible in game when using BB code.
You are not providing a solution here.
Details on how to make an end game scenario have already been released
The revive system is not final and is only guaranteed on end-game. It also helps to include the mission in question for repro.
I have confirmed the same result.
Here is the config for it if it helps in any way
class ModuleHvtObjectiveRandomiser_F : Logic {
author = "Bohemia Interactive"; _generalMacro = "ModuleHvtObjectiveRandomiser_F"; displayName = "EndGame Objective Randomizer"; scope = 2; icon = "\a3\Modules_F\Data\iconRespawn_ca.paa"; vehicleClass = "Misc"; };
here is the config for unlock(MiscUnlock_F)
class MiscUnlock_F : Logic {
author = "Bohemia Interactive"; _generalMacro = "MiscUnlock_F"; displayName = "Unlock"; vehicleClass = "SystemMisc"; icon = "\a3\Modules_f\data\iconUnlock_ca.paa"; };
As you can see, unlock is displayed correctly because it has the proper vehicleClass(CLASS) "SystemMisc". EndGame Objective Randomizer has the wrong vehicleClass(CLASS) "Misc". It looks like what ever dev wanted to move ModuleHvtObjectiveRandomiser_F to Misc from Objects used the class display name and not the class classname as they should have done.
This is how the config should be:
class ModuleHvtObjectiveRandomiser_F : Logic {
author = "Bohemia Interactive"; _generalMacro = "ModuleHvtObjectiveRandomiser_F"; displayName = "EndGame Objective Randomizer"; scope = 2; icon = "\a3\Modules_F\Data\iconRespawn_ca.paa"; vehicleClass = "SystemMisc"; };
With the magic of google
Don't use periods then.
triple post!
You can clearly see by the screenshot he is running mods. In the bottom right corner there is a puzzle piece. next to the helicopter is a different mod logo, which means its config properties were modified by a mod.
The image shows you are running mods. try again without mods enabled. There are even icons next to them indicating the helicopters have been modified by one of your mods. It sounds like your mod isn't inheriting classes properly. This probably explains their invisibility, name and generic icons to the left.
BIS doesn't fix mods. It's up to modders to fix their own mods.
What do you mean by disappear? Is it only the chat log that disappears or the players own chat entry? when you have the chat entry up, does pressing Page Up or Page Down show the chat log?
Hidden selections refers to texture selection, not removable parts.
I thought sounds were already in 3D? I can tell the direction of explosions, vehicle engines, gun shots, etc...
So what your saying is you want a HMD (helmet mounted display)? Otherwise I can perfectly lock on to targets to the helicopter 3 and 9 o'clock with the gunner optics.
This is in the wrong category! "Firing from Vehicles" refers to infantry firing their rifles from passenger positions of vehicles. This is a "Feature Request"
The nose of the helicopter is based of the physical working prototypes of the Comanche. I don't think it was ever given a working sensor before the project was cancelled. You're video is how the sensor should be IMO.
Well, ammo boxes are considered objects and all objects must have a side. This issue is so minor. The fix would be a complete redo on how this game handles side relations, not a small task, and for what, so you can parse ammo box configs faster?
Also when you set an object captive, it becomes civilian. You're back at square one.
Faction on the other hand, I don't think it would effect AI behavior.
I have to ask, how many ammo boxes are even in arma 3. Last I call, it was around 20. 20 instances of a script that searches strings shouldn't take that long.
Are empty vehicles also configured as civilian? Otherwise, if you mark an object as a hostile side, units will attack the inanimate object.
You can also make a sample addon yourself. Try to modify an ammo box's side and see how AI behaves.
This also goes for the balconies on Ghost Hotel
Zeus really needs a precision placement mode!
I think that allVariables profileNamespace should definitely be possible in single player. Dont take that away. As for multiplayer, sure, make it disabled by default. It is a super useful command for debugging in non security concerning situations.
Where did you want your complaint to show up? The devs would still get it and have nothing to go on.
Sure, add the original functionality but keep the new functionality too. I like being able to bind adjust to something other than ctrl+movement keys.
See, there it is. When you actually make they effort to explain the problem, then we have a better chance of getting it fixed. Yelling "this thing sucks. It's broken. Fix it", gets you nowhere. I can confirm that stance adjust works poorly with double tap keys if at all. This is a legitimate issue. The title should be changed to reflect it better.
Works for me.
To be fair, before 3rd party programs came around, there was no way to talk to players from the admin computer anyway.
On the other hand, even Minecraft has this functionality.
Are you using Battle Eye on your server?
So youre saying if you chat in group, there needs to be another player in your group? If you're in side chat, there needs to be a player on your side?
Yes, its ridiculous that we have to mod a work around for idle animations. only AI should use idle animation. Or maybe only players use idle animations when they are in the pause menu or tabbed out.
At no point did I say subsonic ammunition didnt effect weapon performance. Also, for a game that doesn't simulate weapon jams and overheating, I dont think sub sonic ammo is a big issue. All issues IRL dont need to be simulated.
"bullet velocity"... really? did you need to point that out.
I would imagine in 2035 they would have a better grasp on switching between super and subsonic ammo. Also, it's not meant for range. It could be used in CQB scenarios.
Tracked is the term you're looking for, not Caterpillar
I only use my controller for driving, which I must say makes driving much better.
I have my Xbox 360 wired controller connected 24/7 and have had no such issue
I agree, But i feel like the current way should be optional too. maybe choose rotation style based on whether you press alt, shift or ctrl.
try going to Preferences/settings (ini file)/P Drive/Path to your P Drive.
For me it works just fine, I am using the tools Dev branch though.
It could be antivirus too. I had a conflict before where game updater didnt work with my antivirus.
its the exact same thing as dev branch arma 3, but for tools. it's like a beta version. anyone can opt in via steam.
It isnt stable dev, it's just dev. there are no conflicts.
Dude really? you made 3 exact reports!
This is pretty severe!
Again, I have no issue with the new method. The only problem is that there is no known way to use mouse buttons in conjunction with keys.
The game still behaves EXACTLY the way it did for me before, since I used the default ctrl as the modifier. now each key is ctrl+WASD still.
If they made binding mouse as a modifier easier as any binding, not just adjust, your problem would be averted.
Ok, but this offers more freedom than before. no longer are we forced to use WASD for adjust.
Try using your gaming mouse software to assign mouse 4 to a keyboard key.
Also, you can assign multiple keys to your PTT, Arma 3 or Teamspeak.
I disagree. I like the fact that adjust isn't hardwired to [Adjust Key] +(W,A,S,D)
The only thing I agree with is letting you use mouse button - key combos.
As of right now you can only combine 2 keys, not a mouse button and a key.
For me of course, this is not an issue as I have a gaming mouse. I can set it so that I can press anyone of my 10 mouse buttons + W,A,S,D.
I have a Logitech G700s
If this only happens on a modded map, BIS cant do much.
Tested in stable 1.42, still broken.
VAS isnt made by BIS. It's a community made script. Community scrips and mods have no place here, it is up to their creator to fix.
Virtual arsenal can be accessed from Main menu --> Learn --> Virtual Arsenal.
Can I at least get an answer on whether this is intended behavior?
Clicking right mouse button does nothing, left does.
Removing vest, bag and uniform removes vest, bag and uniform...
Although I agree with you, I have solved this issue easily. All you have to do is clear all your gear normally, and then save it as a preset. Then whenever you want to clear your character, just load that preset.
This is so wrong. I have debunked this before. Try actually naming the vehicle and see the results. Here is the conversation I had last time someone brought this up.
Just because two things look the same doesn't mean they are. It's not returning the player object, its returning whatever the hell it wants to until you actually label that vehicle.
Launcher works fine for me. Maybe it only works for competent people. If you are using PW6 there is an option to fix this.
those bullet impacts on the ground are from the turret?
It almost seems that unmanned ai is too human like. robots shouldn't have any fear, especially when they can't move.
Just tested with your reproduction instructions. No issue. Are you running any mods? If so try again without mods.
As the pilot?
Sorry, my mistake, it's an issue with the publisher, not the launcher. I have no issues getting CfgMods working with non-Steam mods.
Could you possibly post an example on how to use the PBOPREFIX to avert this issue? I have little experience with prefixing. So far I have been making my addons without a pbo prefix.
I have no idea what you mean by overwriting the class with an empty value. What will that even acheive?
Just to be clear, @ is not in the pbo name. This would be the file path:
(Arma 3 exe directory)/@My_Mod/addons/My_Mod.pbo
Thank you for assigning this. It would make steam integration so much better. either add optional @ prefixing or make CfgMods less fussy. :)
...According to battlefield
The fact that holding your breath has no effect is bad. Whatever weapon sway there is while standing or crouching, deployed should be significantly less, except for maybe when you are getting suppressed.
P.S. Title should be "decrease weapon sway, for sniper rifles, while using bipods"
Because its old news. BIS is well aware.
"There is no profound difference between deployment with / without bipods (WIP)"
Is the game in Fullscreen, Window or Fullscreen Window?
Screenshots or video would be very helpful
BIS has acknowledged this. It is planned by release that there will be a noticeable difference.
You don't specifically play as US in arma 3. It's NATO and in the future. You cannot say it's 100% wrong whatever the case.
Yes! I see no reason why Bohemia cant do better than sound mods. It should be on par or better. Look what they've done with bipods, Its blown any other mods attempt out of the water.
Oh, Thats weird. In the dev branch it's called MOS (Marsmen Optical Sights) not SOS.
The crosshair is totally different (no mil dots) and magnification is now "2,5x-5x".
I guess the new sight make up for it. That and the LRPS and the SOS were identical in performance.
Which sight is the SOS? Are you calling it by its in game name or its real life counterpart name. Is it a modded sight?
Well, I am very pleased with the interior sounds now. They sound great now.
Yeah, they already blew everyones attempt at bipods out of the water, why not this?
"In the current dev branch and in near future, the stance adjust will be abolished."
Last I heard is they are un-hardcoding some controls. I dont think it will be gone, only customizable through mods.
I think the only change they are making it so that the movement keys are not the only options for adjust, which I like.
I would agree with everybody else, But AI is terrible and unreliable in SP campaign. They are actually a liability when trying to use guerrilla tactics. I have been spotted so many times because of them.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with an easy mode. Arma 3 is all about options. Who cares if people don't play it the way you do. Nobody is forcing you to play with them. Adding this option to the game under recruit or regular has no effect on your experience whatsoever.
Let people have an easy ride and get hooked. Then show them what Arma is really about. This isn't life, it's a game.
Notice OP's title "Singleplayer Campaign". This is nothing more than a script that BIS needs to add on easy just for the campaign. It wouldn't be an engine changing feature.
Yeah, I was shooting VR guys in the face with .45 acp. Took 2 shoots to kill them
Sorry i'm 1.40 stable and it worked for me. Sorry for any assumptions, just wanted to cover all the bases.
Try this instead. Put this in the players Init field in the editor:
null = 0 spawn {while {true} do {hintSilent str (isWalking player); sleep 0.1;}}
Make sure that your charachter is WALKING and not SPRINTING or JOGGING. If you do not know how go to:
configure > controls > Infantry movement > Walk or run toggle
Even when using the debug method I still got a True return when WALKING, not jogging.
This command is also not reliable for what you want to do. It doesn't necessarily say the unit is walking. It says that walking is toggled and not jogging. If the unit is sprinting it could still return true. I just means that the units current default pace is walking. So its whether the unit will return to walking or jogging after it is done sprinting.
It even says here "Returns true if walk is TOGGLED.":
Also "(!isWalking player > player setCaptive false)" Is improper syntax
I don't think weapon factory is the right term. It's just another way of filtering weapons, which I agree with. It would be nice to have more filter settings like weapon type (smg, lmg, rifle) and by addon to de-clutter the list a bit.
The vehicles don't let you re texture anything you want to, only preset ones set in their configs. It's up to the mod maker to make that possible.
Feedback 101. Always disable all mods before submitting a bug report.