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[RESOLVED] [Video] Using free look and/or TrackIR while having a weapon deployed causes weapon sights to be off centre
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Using free look or TrackIR while aiming down the sights of a deployed weapon with a long range "fullscreen" (i.e. non-3D) scope such as the LRPS or MOS allows the player to aim the sights independent of the direction the weapon is pointing.

Short video to demonstrate:

TrackIR demonstration:


Legacy ID
Weapon Stabilization
Steps To Reproduce

Enter the Virtual Arsenal.

Equip yourself with a rifle and a DMS scope.

Deploy the weapon and enter free look.

Look away from the direction your rifle is pointing.

Look down the sights and notice that the sights are no longer aligned with the rifle.

While still aiming down the sights un-deploy your rifle and notice sights are now realigned.

Additional Information

This issue occurs for all weapon scopes and iron sights however it is only really a major issue for the "fullscreen" weapon sights that overlay a cross-hair and do not render a 3d model of the scope as the cross-hair is locked to the centre of the screen and it is not immediately obvious that the players view is not aligned with the weapon. 3d rendered scopes and iron sights do not suffer from this problem so much as it is more obvious that the players view is not correctly aligned with the weapon sights.

Event Timeline

Cenwulf edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 1 2015, 8:12 PM
Cenwulf edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Cenwulf set Category to Weapon Stabilization.
Cenwulf set Reproducibility to Always.
Cenwulf set Severity to None.
Cenwulf set Resolution to Open.
Cenwulf set Legacy ID to 1171606502.May 8 2016, 11:48 AM
Vitdom added a subscriber: Vitdom.May 8 2016, 11:48 AM
Vitdom added a comment.Apr 1 2015, 9:12 PM

I confirm this by using Free Look, moving the sights left will still fire at the original position (restored by releasing Alt).

This is pretty severe!

Updated description with another video demonstrating TrackIR issue. This should probably have been the main focus of the ticket as it is by far the most troublesome. When using free look it is easy to manage the issue (simply don't use free look), however when using TrackIR it is necessary to disable (pause) TrackIR functionality to be able to reliably align the sights. This is the more serious issue although admittedly it impacts fewer users.

Adam added a comment.Apr 2 2015, 9:48 AM

Hello and thank you for your feedback.

This issue has already been scheduled for a fix.