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- User Since
- Nov 26 2013, 3:33 AM (585 w, 6 d)
Oct 22 2023
The DayZ Launcher has the ability to filter servers with and without Mods. There is currently no such browser feature in DayZ.
Currently the only possible way to search for specific mods is to hope the server admin put the mod name in the server's name...
Hopefully we can get this kind of feature and the ability to filter modded servers in DayZ itself.
Jul 11 2023
Sounds like the crashes I am experiencing T173466
Try to launch DayZ and shut it down again without connecting to any servers
Make sure you try with all mods disabled
You can drag and drop the file to the comment window.
Make sure you re-install the game through Steam's Backup/Restore Game Files function if you don't want to re-download everything.
Then Validate Game Files if Steam didn't do it automatically for you.
Jul 8 2023
I managed to reproduce the crash and this time I also got an MDMP!
C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at B930684F Unknown module bad_module_info
Again Windows event logs are included in the new report.
Jun 23 2023
Where can I find the code file?
Also how come preprocessor directives are necessary since it is a script?
Does it still occur if you disconnect your mouse?
Jun 22 2023
Jun 21 2023
Jun 18 2021
I can reproduce this issue on 1.13 Chernarus while playing on the UK 0-3 server. The door in question can be identified in the attached screenshot below.
After forcing the door open with a pickaxe, then locking it again, appears to have solved the problem and the Locked Door sound can now be heard again when trying to open it.
May 12 2021
eas1ly do you mean it's a Steam issue?
Why would Steam have anything to do with opening the character inventory / killing Zombies?
May 2 2021
Are you saying this issue is about another bug?
May 1 2021
I managed to capture the bug on video in the latest Stable Version 1.12.153891
Apr 30 2021
How did you solve it? Defaulting BIOS settings?
Apr 9 2021
The new video is useless, we need to see a Historigram of your SSD activity.
Preferably test the issue while any Anti-Virus suite is disabled on the system.
Apr 7 2021
Confirmed and only the Motorcycle helmet is affected.
Was this right after a server restart?
Can't think of any other explanation. I even saw both doors open simultaneously. No player or admin could've done that.
Otherwise I would claim lag.
I've looked at your video but I can not see any problems. Your fighting skills are awful, you need to move around more and block the zombies' attacks so you can attack them more easily. You completely miss over half of your strikes and the zombies manage to block nearly every remaining strike...
Does the same happen to guns?
The helo crash sites are regularly moved around the map by the central loot economy system. It helps players find them when they spawn at bad places.
Confirmed on 1.11
Confirmed on 1.11.
How many cuts did you suffer from? Sometimes you may randomly receive 7 cuts and it is an annoying well known bug.
For how long is the useless texture visible?
What are your graphics settings in DayZ?
Hopefully the developers will update BattlEye to get rid of the cheaters, but 1 issue report is enough; duplicate T157605
I have experienced similar issues in 1.11 right after logging in, and when digging for worms.
The issue has been known for a few years T125237
Make a backup of and delete your .\Documents\DayZ\ folder.
Does it work? If not, upload crash logs.
This issue is known T146001 but I have never heard killing zombies has triggered it before.
Are you playing DayZ from a Hard Disk Drive or a Solid State Drive?
How long did you wait after the PC crash before you relogged into DayZ?
When this happens, do you also have problems reloading magazine 2 directly from the quickbar/hotbar?
Are you sure you rejoined the same server? When did this happen and on which server?
Feb 22 2021
Nov 19 2020
Try and validate your game files through Steam>DayZ>Properties>Local Files>Verify Integrity of Game Files, if you still experience crashes once the 1.10 update releases tomorrow.
What does Task Manager say about your performance when this occurs?
Are you running DayZ from a Hard Disk Drive?
Oct 26 2020
- T154586 I was able to catch fish in the sea at the coast. However the UI indicator was broken.
- Yeah, sometimes splitting and moving items from the hands into the inventory is buggy.
- Happens sometimes, however it doesn't appear to cause major problems.
I have never experienced this. Does it happen in other games too?
Try disabling V-Sync in DayZ graphics settings.
Should be taken into consideration when the new splint is implemented.
The Splint displayed on the character's leg is a placeholder
Yep, fractures should provide new information on the stamina indicator!
- I experienced this issue as well today and yesterday on exp 1.10.153507, where I suddenly was unable to place things into my hands. Moving items from the ground<->inventory worked fine at the same time though. Here's a video I recorded ( ), notice how I initially had issues putting my axe onto my back; then the issues began when I couldn't bring it back into my hands. This happened on the server EU UK 0-3 at 14:00 CET today. Here are my game logs:
Oct 25 2020
Reproduced issue successfully with Chicken meat. Made sure to wash my hands first.
It appears opening & closing the inventory will sometimes refresh the Quickbar.
My suggestion is to bypass this issue until it is fixed by setting a non-ultra-wide resolution on DayZ and running it in Windowed-mode.
This issue might also be related to an issue I am having also occurring on 16:9 ratios where moving/dragging items in the inventory also exhibits the same effects.
Oct 23 2020
Are you able to place the helmet into your hands / inventory in the cases you are unable to wear them?
Yup, try out Experimental and see what you think of the changes.
Oct 16 2020
Apr 22 2020
Feb 25 2020
Does it stop if you disable the game modifications?
@CF;@DayZ-Expansion-Chat;@DayZ-Expansion-Notifications;@Airdrop-Upgraded;@Base Furniture Mods 2.0;@MoreFood;@CJ187_Drinks_Food_[NO-Waste];@Cl0ud's Winter Gear;@AmmunitionExpansion;@WeaponExpansion;@Atv_mung;@[CrSk] GAZ-3309;@[Remastered] Arma Weapon Pack;@[WIP] TrailBrozer SUV;@Ammo_Repackaging;@Banking;@Base_Storage;@BetterSuppressors;@BuildAnywhere;@BulletStacksPlusPlus;@CheckPulse;@Cl0ud's Military Gear;@Close Open Anywhere;@Code Lock;@CPBWeapons;@Ear-Plugs;@Easy Signs [by Cl0ud];@Gerphelius Zil-130;@GoreZ;@InventoryPlusPlus;@IRP-Land-Rover-Defender-110;@mass'sManyItemOverhaul;@MyDayZ_Dingo;@Kamaz_Truck;@No Glove Or Shoe Damage;@OP_BaseItems;@Server_Information_Panel;@Trader;@Unlimited Stamina;@VanillaPlusPlusMap;@VPPAdminTools;@VPPNotifications;@WeaponReduxPack;@BaseBuildingPlus;@PartyMe;@PartyLayout;@Docs_Weapon_Pack_Standalone;@Zeroy-FishingZ;@dbo_surfaces;@PsychoDayZ Vehicle Expansion;@Plus200_Home;@FlipTransport;@Disease Injectors;@RaG_Hummer_Refresh_600;@Wolfsblut Expansion Pack;@Portable9vBatteryCharger;@Cheytac M200 from ArmA 2 Port;@Lightsword;@MuchDecos;@MuchDecos_Codelock;@SQUAD MSF-C;@SQUAD MSF-C [Smersh Belt and Plate Carrier Slots];@modern's Drink Pack;@MunghardsItempack;@1966_Ford_Mustang;@Specialist Weapon Pack;@CannabisPlus;@MuchStuffPack;@Hut;@Devils Dandruff;@Repair My Car servermod
Could this be related to T149369 ?
Could it be that another item is in your hands, and your character is in a different server state than your client?
Can you get another person to watch you in-game and confirm that you are actually holding the item you are trying to use?
Feb 11 2020
Did this also happen on Experimental 1.07?
Feb 4 2020
Duplicate T148674
What is the name of and time that you played on the server
Could you upload a video?
Feb 1 2020
You should be able to close down DayZ without rebooting using a second desktop through the WindowsKey + Tab keyboard shortcut if Ctrl + Alt + Del doesn't work.
Jan 14 2020
Dec 26 2019
Dec 16 2019
Dec 8 2019
You can try to launch DayZ with the -nologs parameter, unfortunately the mods are most likely causing the errors and you will have to contact them.
When did this start?
Does it work if you disable all your mods and start parameters?
"Exit code: 0xC0000135 - STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND"
Does it also say which DLL was missing?
I've seen other people have these issues but I am unable to reproduce them.
I have heard this issue happens on console, but have you experienced this more than once on PC?
KNOWN ISSUES The team is currently investigating issues with the inventory that might result in trouble picking up items or sorting them in the inventory
Most likely Router / NAT issue.
Dec 5 2019
I experienced this as well twice today on Version 1.06.152829, once with duct tape and another time with leather sewing kit.
Reproduction steps: Repair an item in your hands twice, so that the amount of duct tape remaining goes from 100% -> 75% -> 50%.
After the second repair, when only 50% remain, the duct tape / leather sewing kit disappears entirely from your inventory. Logs:
Nov 24 2019
I also experience these issues sometimes on 1.06. T146463 T146488
Nov 18 2019
I'm getting the same issue T146488
Nov 15 2019
Fat contains more energy than carbohydrates, about +30% in real life too.
Unable to reproduce this issue on Exp.
Nov 14 2019
While I played on DE 1-4 yesterday, I experienced heavy desync from 20.15 CET onward. If I rejoined it got a little bit better, however it worsened later again. I couldn't pick stuff up, eat or craft items at all.
Nov 13 2019
I get this issue as well sometimes. Try outside the building too.
They have to do something about it later.
Nov 12 2019
When you crash, the game will most of the time generate crash dumps and logs that can be analyzed to find out why it crashed.
.RPT logs + dump files can be found in %localappdata%\DayZ\. Take note of the date your game crashes and compare it with the date stamp of the dump files.
By placing them in a compressed archive and dragging and dropping it here, you can upload them.
Confirmed last week on 1.06 exp
Nov 7 2019
Lights are acting really crazy. Light something behind a wall and stand on the opposite side. If you turn away from the wall, the light will shine through the wall.
Nov 6 2019
Run as administrator ...\steamapps\common\DayZ Exp\BattlEye\Uninstall_BattlEye.bat then
Run as administrator ...\steamapps\common\DayZ Exp\BattlEye\Install_BattlEye.bat
The developers need the exact time including time zone of when you were killed.
Do you also experience this on Experimental 1.06?
Stop code 0xC0000409 - STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN could mean something is wrong with your game installation.
Try and validate your game files through Steam>DayZ>Properties>Local Files>Verify Integrity of Game Files.
If it still doesn't solve it, when did the crashes start?
Nov 5 2019
I also get this lag.
On the first experimental version of 1.06 I am having this issue as well. However instead of seconds, I get freezes of 500 ms maximum when closing/opening the inventory. I have not experienced this before.
Oct 18 2019
Were your crashes fixed with the latest stable patch?
If not, try and validate your game files through Steam>DayZ>Properties>Local Files>Verify Integrity of Game Files.
Sep 27 2019
T137196 also related issue
Looks like we have full reproduction steps now, can someone try contacting the devs about this?
Sep 24 2019
Can you link to this video?
When did you start having these crashes?
Try and validate your game files through Steam>DayZ>Properties>Local Files>Verify Integrity of Game Files.
Sep 6 2019
"lets the hacker take your can" what do you mean?
Was this on an official or community server?
Has it happened more than once except this time?