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1.21.156300 - STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION APPCRASH and C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION when Respawning after death
Closed, ResolvedPublic


0xC0000374 STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION at 0x00007ffcb23b9139 bad_module_info
Windows event logs are included in the above report.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Version 1909/10.0.18363.1593
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

After being killed by another player and then waiting a moment,
click Respawn and DayZ crashed.

Additional Information

I was playing on a first-person community server without mods.
All game files validated successfully.

Event Timeline

Vitdom created this task.Jun 21 2023, 11:43 PM
Vitdom edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jun 22 2023, 12:11 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jun 26 2023, 10:00 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Vitdom.
Can you please check your C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\DayZ folder for a .mdmp file from the occurrence? As there is not any in the archive you have uploaded. Without it we cannot analyse the possible cause.

Vitdom renamed this task from 1.21.156300 - STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION APPCRASH when Respawning after death to 1.21.156300 - STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION APPCRASH and C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION when Respawning after death.Jul 8 2023, 1:10 AM
Vitdom changed Reproducibility from Have Not Tried to Sometimes.
Vitdom added a comment.EditedJul 8 2023, 1:43 AM

I managed to reproduce the crash and this time I also got an MDMP!

C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at B930684F Unknown module bad_module_info
Again Windows event logs are included in the new report.

The same reproduction steps were followed, but this time I died while DayZ was minimized to desktop.

I also noticed these possibly related issues: T171352 + T173316

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Confirmed Internally.Jul 11 2023, 12:54 PM

Thank you. This appears to be an issue on our end. Looking into it!

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 10 2025, 2:36 PM
Geez claimed this task.